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I found the following in GuiRender


int var24 = MathHelper.floor_double((double)(p.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3;


and this gives an direction of 0/1/2/3


I was wondering how I could make this give me diagonal facing directions as well 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7


All I know from this is that p.rotationYaw can be bigger than one rotation of a circle (more than 360) so we get it down to between 0 and 360

but after this function completes it only gives 4 possible values




note: I am not good when it comes to floating point math


int var24 = MathHelper.floor_double((double)(p.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3;


Isn't the 4.0F what is giving you 4 output numbers..  So in theory if you changed it to 36.0F it would give you 36 possible outputs, each one representing a 10 degree facing..


Therefore 8.0F would give you your diagonals I think..


0 = North

1 = North East

2 = East

3 = South East

4 = South

5 = South West

6 = West

7 = North West


(Or whatever direction starts at 0 :P)


Or you can use the built in feature "look"


do you a) mean the F3 information showing the F: variable if so

this only shows SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST and does not show diagonal directions

or do you mean get player.getLook(int par1) which returns float x,y,z which in no way at all helps me.


So basically you want something like?



        int yaw = (int)ePlayer.rotationYaw;


        if (yaw<0)              //due to the yaw running a -360 to positive 360

        yaw+=360;    //not sure why it's that way


        yaw+=22;    //centers coordinates you may want to drop this line

        yaw%=360;  //and this one if you want a strict interpretation of the zones


        int facing = yaw/45;  //  360degrees divided by 45 == 8 zones

        System.out.println("Yaw is " + yaw + "facing is " + facing);


*note this was validated with 1.45 code base your mileage may vary ;)


So basically you want something like?



        int yaw = (int)ePlayer.rotationYaw;


        if (yaw<0)              //due to the yaw running a -360 to positive 360

        yaw+=360;    //not sure why it's that way


        yaw+=22;    //centers coordinates you may want to drop this line

        yaw%=360;  //and this one if you want a strict interpretation of the zones


        int facing = yaw/45;  //  360degrees divided by 45 == 8 zones

        System.out.println("Yaw is " + yaw + "facing is " + facing);


*note this was validated with 1.45 code base your mileage may vary ;)

Thanks this worked absolutely perfectly.

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