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Explosion spawning based on the rotation?


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Well i try to spawn a explosion on the coardinates of the player.. that works pretty well with this:

player.world.createExplosion(player, player.getPosition().getX(), player.getPosition().getY() + 1, player.getPosition().getZ(), (float) (level * 0.1), true);

*i am spawning it with a keybind*
but that wont change if the player rotates ... what i want it to do .. i want it to be always spawned at the right side of the player inside of his right hand ..

Edited by Oscarita25
taking out useless stuff
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i got the packets working.. now everything or the explosions is server sided what is great.. but the explosion does not do damage...

serverPlayer.getServerWorld().createExplosion(serverPlayer, serverPlayer.lastTickPosX + serverPlayer.getLookVec().x , serverPlayer.lastTickPosY + 1, serverPlayer.lastTickPosZ + serverPlayer.getLookVec().z , (float) (amount), true);

is this the right way to do it? (this is in my packet handler class... the packet will send the amount of power that is being used)

Edited by Oscarita25
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9 hours ago, Oscarita25 said:

is this the right way to do it? (this is in my packet handler class... the packet will send the amount of power that is being used)

still not sure about that .. also my explosion still does no damage .... (it should do damage to the entities not the player)

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21 hours ago, Oscarita25 said:


Why are you using lastTickPos insread of pos?

21 hours ago, Oscarita25 said:

is this the right way to do it? (this is in my packet handler class... the packet will send the amount of power that is being used)

As long as you pass your actions to a server thread this is the correct way to do this.

Show more of your code preferrably as a git repository so I can debug it myself.

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1 hour ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

Why are you using lastTickPos insread of pos?

oh  that was just me trying .. i should change that.. :P

1 hour ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

As long as you pass your actions to a server thread this is the correct way to do this.

Show more of your code preferrably as a git repository so I can debug it myself.

i think i am doing that ... :/
and i don't run a git on it right now :I .. but i can give you some more code :)

Here some more code:
Message Handler:

public class MyMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler<MessageExplosion, IMessage> {

	  public IMessage onMessage(MessageExplosion message, MessageContext ctx) {

		EntityPlayerMP serverPlayer = ctx.getServerHandler().player;
	    float amount = message.power;
	    serverPlayer.getServerWorld().addScheduledTask(() -> {
	      serverPlayer.getServerWorld().createExplosion(serverPlayer, serverPlayer.lastTickPosX + serverPlayer.getLookVec().x , serverPlayer.lastTickPosY + 1, serverPlayer.lastTickPosZ + serverPlayer.getLookVec().z , (float) (amount), true);
	    return null;


public class MessageExplosion implements IMessage {
	  public MessageExplosion() {}

	  public MessageExplosion(float power) {
	    this.power = power;

	  float power;
	  EntityPlayer player;
	  @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) {

	  @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) {
	    power = buf.readFloat();
	  public float getamount() {
		  return power;

Here is what class i am using to spawn the explosion

public class QuirkExplosive extends Quirk {
	private static EntityPlayer p;
	public QuirkExplosive() {
		setLevelUp(new LevelUp(0, 0.99));

	public void onPlayerUse(EntityPlayer player) {
		p = player;
		if(aviable) {
			BnHA.proxy.simpleNetworkWrapper.sendToServer(new MessageExplosion(level * 0.1F));
			aviable = false;
			xp += level * 2.75;

	public static void tick(ServerTickEvent event) {
		if(!aviable) {
			if(cooldown >= maxCooldown) {
				aviable = true;
				cooldown = 0;
		if(xp >= nextXp) {
			nextXp = xp * levelFactor;
			if(p != null) {
				p.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(TextFormatting.AQUA + "Level Up"));
				p.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(TextFormatting.AQUA + "Your now level " + level));
			maxCooldown *= levelUp.getCooldownMultiplier();


@V0idWa1k3r if the superclass is relevant i can send it too


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6 minutes ago, Oscarita25 said:

(float) (amount)

You do not need to cast a float to a float.

6 minutes ago, Oscarita25 said:


Why is your networkwrapper in your proxy? And this looks like a Code-style Issue #1 to me.

9 minutes ago, Oscarita25 said:

level * 0.1F

I think that your issue is here. Explosions with a very low power value will not damage entities.

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@V0idWa1k3r ... well i have overtaken the mod i am working on but i knew such thing as a "common" proxy should not exist aka. that what i were doing is wrong.. but just ignored that because it worked fine for now (right now i just want something running good XD) i will fix that in a second ..

3 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

I think that your issue is here. Explosions with a very low power value will not damage entities. 

i wasn't sure about that .. but this actually could it be XD.. i will now debug my code and write another reply .. if changing the power worked

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16 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

I think that your issue is here. Explosions with a very low power value will not damage entities.

yup .. that was it .. now just out of curiousity ... is there a way to turn off explosion damage and just do damage to entities?

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