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Looking for a modder to update/recreate a mod

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Hello modders and readers,

a Long while ago, it was 1.7.10 ?, I used a mod called "All U Want" (https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1288788-all-u-want-create-and-edit-items-entities-spawners) which got, obviously, discontinued.

I really liked the mod for making cool items on my Friends Server and also for making Maps. Unforunately there is no mod like this one, which is able to create blocks (like Custom Spawners, Hoppers, Chests, Beacons etc.) so quickly.


Of cause there are mods which can create custom items like this mod too, but not with this high Level of the mod. everything was just perfect and much easier.


So my Question is, is here anybody who wanna recreate/update this mod? I am also willing to pay for it, if somebody can do if for me.

Best regards,


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10 minutes ago, DeividasX said:

There is mod called

Advanced Extended Creative Mode

Its quite similar and has most of the all u want features

Sure,  I found many mods like the all-u-want-mod, but often they are not really "clean", try the mod and you will see how easy the all-u-want-mod is build and you were even able to create custom spawners (not as an item, as a block (of course you would need OP/only singleplayer)

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So you don't want something that's similar, you want someone to update the actual mod? Unfortunately, that's illegal, unless you get the original author's permission (that is, permission from mister_person). By default, the code is his and only he has the rights to it, unless he gives permission for others to modify or distribute it. But even more, he explicitly put a copyright notice on his post about the mod, saying that any derivative mod can only be distributed with his explicit permission.

So without his permission, it's just illegal for anyone to update it for you. (He did, however, give permission for people to modify it for their own personal use. When "private use" becomes "public" is not a legal line I'm sure of, but having someone distribute it to you is a gray area I don't think it's worth the risk to take.)

Whatever Minecraft needs, it is most likely not yet another tool tier.

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1 hour ago, IceMetalPunk said:

So you don't want something that's similar, you want someone to update the actual mod? Unfortunately, that's illegal, unless you get the original author's permission (that is, permission from mister_person). By default, the code is his and only he has the rights to it, unless he gives permission for others to modify or distribute it. But even more, he explicitly put a copyright notice on his post about the mod, saying that any derivative mod can only be distributed with his explicit permission.

So without his permission, it's just illegal for anyone to update it for you. (He did, however, give permission for people to modify it for their own personal use. When "private use" becomes "public" is not a legal line I'm sure of, but having someone distribute it to you is a gray area I don't think it's worth the risk to take.)

That's why i always try to stick only with open-source mods (pref with source code on Github or similar). In those cases there's always someone forking the repo to keep them updated (Timberjack for example).

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