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Enchantment glint


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If you have enough time, then you can make an animation like the glitter, with a texture and it's mcmeta, but it needs to have the shape of your item(the item must be an original flat one, can't be custom)", and then you make the item to use the minecraft:item/generated model, where you set the layer0 texture to your item's texture, and you set the layer1 texture to the shaped colored glitter effect (Or in the opposite order).

procedure WakeMeUp(Integer plusTime);
  I: Integer;
  for I := 0 to plusTime do begin
    println('One more minute!');
  println('Okay, nothing to worry, I''m alive!');
  println('So... somebody can give me a coffee?');
  println('I know it''s Pascal, and not Java, but I love it :D.');
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It's not that hard with a bit of reflection. I just got home from work and figured it out pretty quickly. Basically, you use reflection to put your own extended of RenderItem into the Minecraft class, with control over the color. There is a little bit of trickiness because the RenderItem instance actually gets passed to other renderers as well and so you have to reflect into all the copies.


Here's example of green: https://imgur.com/a/Sg1wxBL and blue: https://imgur.com/a/kOubNyx


I'll write up a tutorial on this over next few days.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Sorry haven't had time to write it up yet. I should say that it turned out to be a bigger effort than I thought because Minecraft code is kinda messy and it copies some of the renderers to other classes before you get an opportunity to replace it with reflection. So, for example, you have to then modify every biped renderer for entities that can wear armor (EntityZombie, EntityWitherSkeleton, EntityGiantZombie, and so forth).


But I finally got it all working I think (could use more testing). Actually I think the Elytra effect is also separate so I better check if that is working.


Overall it is fairly simple approach but sort of difficult to get the details right. 

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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