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Posted (edited)


Hello eweryone!
The loading of the mtl library. More precisely, it works, but the texture of it is not loaded.

The model is loaded, but the texture is not. Forge does not throw an error. Only the notification that the texture I use for my model is not supported and is skipping.

My MC version - 1.12.2

Loading the model like this:

   public static void registerRenderObj(Block block) {
         ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block),0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain(), block.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().concat(".obj")),"inventory"));

#this is mtl-lib. appletop.png - basic 16px texture
# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 12.08.2018 19:45:17

newmtl 01___Default
    Ns 10.0000
    Ni 1.5000
    d 1.0000
    Tr 0.0000
    Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 
    illum 2
    Ka 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
    Kd 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
    Ks 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
    Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
    map_Ka realism:textures\blocks\appletop.png
    map_Kd realism:textures\blocks\appletop.png

I export the model like this:



Edited by Xumuk

1) Your block isn't at the correct origin. Minecraft block origins are the bottom, north, west corner.

2) Its scale is likely wrong. It needs to fit within a 1x1x1 unit volume within your modeling program.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

1) Your block isn't at the correct origin. Minecraft block origins are the bottom, north, west corner.

2) Its scale is likely wrong. It needs to fit within a 1x1x1 unit volume within your modeling program.

Your advice didn't help.

The model is now less than one block size, located inside the coordinates 1x1x1, but still has no texture.


Edited by Xumuk

There's also a problem with the texture, but yes, those two things are also problems.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 20.08.2018 18:34:47

newmtl 01___Default
	Ns 10.0000
	Ni 1.5000
	d 1.0000
	Tr 0.0000
	Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 
	illum 2
	Ka 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
	Kd 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
	Ks 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
	Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
	map_Ka realism:textures\blocks\appletop.png
	map_Kd realism:textures\blocks\appletop.png

Maybe the wrong way to textures?


I don't know how the textures work for OBJ models.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

8 hours ago, DouYanC said:

You try it out setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 5.0F, 5.0F, 5.0F);

No. This won't work. This will never work, I don't even know how you think this would even solve the problem at hand.

Block bounds are not allowed to exceed 1 block wide and 1.5 blocks tall.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

Posted (edited)

Your texture is in the wrong place. Here's an example of one of my mtl files


# Blender MTL File: 'engine.blend'
# Material Count: 14

newmtl Material
Ns 96.078431
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd explosivesplus:items/engine_tank

newmtl Material.001
Ns 96.078431
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd explosivesplus:items/engine_nozzle


You'll note I don't specify the "textures" folder at all; that's automatic. My textures are in assets/explosivesplus/textures/items. But the "texture" line is just implied


Also, you can just load the model in your blockstates file. 

				"model": "explosivesplus:silo.obj",


You'll also want to put 

	public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) {


somewhere in your ClientProxy file. 

Edited by Pheenixm
On 8/20/2018 at 11:18 AM, Draco18s said:

1) Your block isn't at the correct origin. Minecraft block origins are the bottom, north, west corner.

 2) Its scale is likely wrong. It needs to fit within a 1x1x1 unit volume within your modeling program.

Think you're wrong on 2. Obj files can be as large as you want them to be; you'll run into some errors with frustrum though. 

13 minutes ago, Pheenixm said:

Think you're wrong on 2. Obj files can be as large as you want them to be; you'll run into some errors with frustrum though. 

Oh, it can be larger, but you'll run into all kinds of issues...like frustum culling, being able to place blocks inside it, being unable to collide with it, unable to prevent mobs moving through it, and so on.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

Just now, Draco18s said:

Oh, it can be larger, but you'll run into all kinds of issues...like frustum culling, being able to place blocks inside it, being unable to collide with it, unable to prevent mobs moving through it, and so on.

Oh, definitely. I've been using invisible blocks with large .obj models in my multiblock setup, and it has been a pain to get the frustrum culling to stop. I'm having to use 


    public boolean isGlobalRenderer(TileEntitySilo tile)
        return true;


in my TESR just to ward off the frustrum culling issues. Fortunately, I don't expect a lot of my multiblocks to ever be built (350 block composition), so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

Posted (edited)


I did everything you said, but the white color just got a little darker. And texture my still there is no?

My mtl file now:

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 20.08.2018 18:34:47

newmtl mymtl
	Ns 96.078431
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
	Tr 0.0000
	Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 
	illum 2
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	map_Ka realism:blocks\appletop
	map_Kd realism:blocks\appletop

What's that ? There are no such values in your mtl file.

	Tr 0.0000
	Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 


Edited by Xumuk
3 minutes ago, Xumuk said:


I did everything you said, but the white color just got a little darker. And texture my still there is no))

 My mtl file now:

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 20.08.2018 18:34:47

newmtl mymtl
	Ns 96.078431
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
	Tr 0.0000
	Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 
	illum 2
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	map_Ka realism:blocks\appletop
	map_Kd realism:blocks\appletop

 What's that ? There are no such values in your mtl file.

	Tr 0.0000
	Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 


Show me your blockstate.json for the block. I don't know what those values are, most of the values in mtl's are essentially unnecessary, beyond the most basic map_Kd or map_Ka calls. For instance, look at Immersive Engineering. Also, a picture of your folder structure would be ideal.


What rendering software are you using? 

Posted (edited)

You don't need this


 ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block),0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain(), block.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().concat(".obj")),"inventory"))


Use a blockstate.json file, like I do here



Edited by Pheenixm

If you do as you said, in the end it will simply be loaded default model specified in the blockstate. OBJ model is not loaded at all...  :(

	"forge_marker": 1,
	"defaults": {
		"model": "realism:beton"
	"variants": {
		"normal": [
		"inventory": [
		"multi": {
			"invalid": {
				"model": "realism:beton"
			"render": {
				"custom": {
					"flip-v": true
				"model": "realism:testobj.obj",
				"transform": {
					"scale": [
					"translation": [
			"structure": {


10 hours ago, Xumuk said:

If you do as you said, in the end it will simply be loaded default model specified in the blockstate. OBJ model is not loaded at all...  :(

	"forge_marker": 1,
	"defaults": {
		"model": "realism:beton"
	"variants": {
		"normal": [
		"inventory": [
		"multi": {
			"invalid": {
				"model": "realism:beton"
			"render": {
				"custom": {
					"flip-v": true
				"model": "realism:testobj.obj",
				"transform": {
					"scale": [
					"translation": [
			"structure": {


I didn't mean copy my code exactly. That code is specific to my block, not yours. If you don't understand the fields in blockstate.json files, I suggest you go learn them independently. What you need to know is that you have to have the custom tag, because flip-v has to be specified as true, and ALL of your model references need to end in .obj when you're referring to .obj files. 

Posted (edited)

I understood. If I do this:

    "forge_marker": 1,
    "variants": {
        "normal": { "model": "realism:testobj.obj","flip-v": true}

But the texture is still missing, only gray. Gray, but not white default, because to the loader writed , that it takes the color from the material. But the texture is still present. If mtl insert row "map_Ke realism:blocks\appletop", nothing will change :(
Console writed:

[13:36:16] [main/INFO] [FML]: OBJLoader.MaterialLibrary: key '' (model: 'realism:models/block/testobj.mtl') is not currently supported, skipping
[13:36:16] [main/INFO] [FML]: OBJLoader.MaterialLibrary: key 'Ni' (model: 'realism:models/block/testobj.mtl') is not currently supported, skipping
[13:36:16] [main/INFO] [FML]: OBJModel: A color has already been defined for material 'mylib' in 'realism:models/block/testobj.mtl'. The color defined by key 'Ks' will not be applied!
[13:36:16] [main/INFO] [FML]: OBJLoader.MaterialLibrary: key 'Ke' (model: 'realism:models/block/testobj.mtl') is not currently supported, skipping
[13:36:16] [main/INFO] [FML]: OBJLoader.Parser: command 's' (model: 'realism:models/block/testobj.obj') is not currently supported, skipping. Line: 37 's 2'


File testobj with "s 2" line

mtllib testobj.mtl

# object Box001

v  0.1500 -0.0000 0.8500
v  0.1500 -0.0000 0.1500
v  0.8500 -0.0000 0.1500
v  0.8500 -0.0000 0.8500
v  0.1500 0.7000 0.8500
v  0.8500 0.7000 0.8500
v  0.8500 0.7000 0.1500
v  0.1500 0.7000 0.1500
# 8 vertices

vn 0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000
vn 0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
vn 1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
vn 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
vn -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
# 6 vertex normals

vt 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vt 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000
vt 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
vt 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
# 4 texture coords

o Box001
g Box001
usemtl mylib
s 2
f 1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1 
f 3/3/1 4/4/1 1/1/1 
s 4
f 5/4/2 6/1/2 7/2/2 
f 7/2/2 8/3/2 5/4/2 
s 8
f 1/4/3 4/1/3 6/2/3 
f 6/2/3 5/3/3 1/4/3 
s 16
f 4/4/4 3/1/4 7/2/4 
f 7/2/4 6/3/4 4/4/4 
s 32
f 3/4/5 2/1/5 8/2/5 
f 8/2/5 7/3/5 3/4/5 
s 64
f 2/4/6 1/1/6 5/2/6 
f 5/2/6 8/3/6 2/4/6 
# 12 faces


Edited by Xumuk
Posted (edited)




Looks like you're the not the first person to have trouble with 3DSMax. I'd switch to blender while I was still early on, it actually works. 


That said, try removing all 's' references you can find; it probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot. Finally, I'd try reimporting your model, because I've thought about it further; your texture is DEFINITELY loading, otherwise, you'd have the purple and black checkers that Forge applies by default to missing texture objects. Try changing your texture files (appletop) to neon yellow, then see if the render of the block in-game changes at all. If it does, you're likely dealing with UV errors, and again, I'd recommend you just go learn blender. 

Edited by Pheenixm

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ImmediateWindowHandler/]: ImmediateWindowProvider not loading because launch target is arclightserver 16[30Jan2025 13:41:58. 804] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0. 8. 5 Source=union:/server/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0. 8. 5/mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/ Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER 17[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 305] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/fmlcore/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/fmlcore-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 18[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 308] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/javafmllanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/javafmllanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 19[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 309] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/lowcodelanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/lowcodelanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 20[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 311] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/mclanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/mclanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 21[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 572] [main/INFO] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 15 dependencies adding them to mods collection 22[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 300] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 23[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 507] [main/ERROR] [mixin/]: Mixin config mixins. megamons-common. json does not specify "minVersion" property 24[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 621] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [de. maxhenkel. tradecycling. MixinConnector] 25[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 625] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [io. izzel. arclight. common. mod. ArclightConnector] 26[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 696] [main/INFO] [Arclight/]: Arclight core mixin added. 27[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 708] [main/INFO] [Arclight/]: Arclight optimization mixin added. 28[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 712] [main/INFO] [cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'arclightserver' with arguments [nogui] 29[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 982] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'handcrafted-forge-1. 20. 1-forge-refmap. json' for handcrafted. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 30[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 003] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'megamons-forge-refmap. json' for mixins. megamons-forge. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 31[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 021] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'CreateLiquidFuel. refmap. json' for createliquidfuel. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 32[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 029] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'chiselsandbits. refmap. json' for chisels-and-bits. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 33[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 109] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/slab/CopycatSlabBlock (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. slab. CopycatSlabBlock) 34[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 109] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. slab. CopycatSlabBlock was not found create_connected. mixins. json:compat. CopycatBlockMixin 35[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 112] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/board/CopycatBoardBlock (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. board. CopycatBoardBlock) 36[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 112] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. board. CopycatBoardBlock was not found create_connected. mixins. json:compat. CopycatBlockMixin 37[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 154] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: me/jellysquid/mods/lithium/common/ai/pathing/PathNodeDefaults (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: me. jellysquid. mods. lithium. common. ai. pathing. PathNodeDefaults) 38[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 212] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER 39[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 213] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen (java. lang. RuntimeException: Attempted to load class com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER) 40[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 213] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. simibubi. create. foundation. gui. AbstractSimiScreen was not found create_connected. mixins. json:sequencedgearshift. AbstractSimiScreenAccessor 41[30Jan2025 13:42:07. 237] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: juuxel/adorn/block/variant/BlockVariantSets (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: juuxel. adorn. block. variant. BlockVariantSets) 42[30Jan2025 13:42:07. 237] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target juuxel. adorn. block. variant. BlockVariantSets was not found mixins. cobblemon-common. json:invoker. AdornRegisterInvoker 43[30Jan2025 13:42:11. 158] [main/INFO] [MixinExtras|Service/]: Initializing MixinExtras via com. llamalad7. mixinextras. service. MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0. 3. 5). 44[30Jan2025 13:42:20. 266] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method m_147092_ in mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. ExperienceOrbMixin cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded. 45[30Jan2025 13:42:21. 288] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer/COREMOD]: Error occurred applying transform of coremod coremods/field_to_method. js function biome 46java. lang. IllegalStateException: Field f_47437_ is not private and an instance field 47at net. minecraftforge. coremod. api. ASMAPI. redirectFieldToMethod(ASMAPI. java:1069) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 48at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. scripts. Script$Recompilation$22$292A$\^eval\_. initializeCoreMod#transformer(:11) ~[?:?] {} 49at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunctionData. invoke(ScriptFunctionData. java:648) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 50at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunction. invoke(ScriptFunction. java:513) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 51at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptRuntime. apply(ScriptRuntime. java:520) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 52at org. openjdk. nashorn. api. scripting. ScriptObjectMirror. call(ScriptObjectMirror. java:111) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 53at net. minecraftforge. coremod. NashornFactory. lambda$getFunction$0(NashornFactory. java:37) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:5. 2. 4] {} 54at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:22) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 55at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:14) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 56at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer. transform(CoreModBaseTransformer. java:60) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 57at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformerHolder. transform(TransformerHolder. java:41) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 58at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. performVote(ClassTransformer. java:179) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 59at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:117) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 60at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 61at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. getMaybeTransformedClassBytes(ModuleClassLoader. java:250) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 62at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. buildTransformedClassNodeFor(TransformingClassLoader. java:58) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 63at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchPluginHandler. lambda$announceLaunch$10(LaunchPluginHandler. java:100) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 64at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. getClassNode(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:222) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 65at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. getClassNode(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:207) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 66at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forName(ClassInfo. java:2005) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 67at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forType(ClassInfo. java:2059) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 68at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forDescriptor(ClassInfo. java:2038) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 69at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. transformMethod(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:752) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 70at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. transform(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:739) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 71at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. attach(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:310) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 72at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. createContextFor(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:280) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 73at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinInfo. createContextFor(MixinInfo. java:1288) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 74at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinApplicatorStandard. apply(MixinApplicatorStandard. java:292) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 75at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. TargetClassContext. apply(TargetClassContext. java:383) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 76at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. TargetClassContext. applyMixins(TargetClassContext. java:365) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 77at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinProcessor. applyMixins(MixinProcessor. java:363) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 78at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinTransformer. transformClass(MixinTransformer. java:250) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 79at org. spongepowered. asm. service. modlauncher. MixinTransformationHandler. processClass(MixinTransformationHandler. java:131) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 80at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. processClass(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:131) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 81at cpw. mods. modlauncher. serviceapi. ILaunchPluginService. processClassWithFlags(ILaunchPluginService. java:156) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:10. 0. 9+10. 0. 9+main. dcd20f30] {} 82at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchPluginHandler. offerClassNodeToPlugins(LaunchPluginHandler. java:88) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 83at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:120) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 84at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 85at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. readerToClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:113) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 86at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. lambda$findClass$15(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 87at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadFromModule(ModuleClassLoader. java:229) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 88at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. findClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 89at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:135) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 90at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(ClassLoader. java:525) ~[?:?] {} 91at net. minecraft. core. GlobalPos. m_122641_(GlobalPos. java:11) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading} 92at com. mojang. serialization. codecs. RecordCodecBuilder. create(RecordCodecBuilder. java:72) ~[datafixerupper-6. 0. 8. jar%23111!/:?] {} 93at net. minecraft. core. GlobalPos. (GlobalPos. java:11) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading} 94at net. minecraft. world. entity. ai. memory. MemoryModuleType. (MemoryModuleType. java:32) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B} 95at net. minecraft. world. entity. animal. frog. Tadpole. (TadpoleMixin. java:53) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. animal. frog. TadpoleMixin, pl:mixin:A} 96at net. minecraft. world. entity. EntityType. (EntityTypeMixin. java:267) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, re:classloading, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. EntityTypeMixin, pl:mixin:A} 97at net. minecraft. world. item. Items. (Items. java:754) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:object_holder_definalize:A, re:classloading, pl:object_holder_definalize:A} 98at net. minecraft. world. level. block. ComposterBlock. m_51988_(ComposterBlockMixin. java:60) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. level. block. ComposterBlockMixin, pl:mixin:A} 99at net. minecraft. server. Bootstrap. m_135870_(BootstrapMixin. java:47) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:server. BootstrapMixin, pl:mixin:A} 100at net. minecraft. server. Main. main(Main. java:121) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:A} 101at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 102at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 103at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 104at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 105at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. runTarget(CommonLaunchHandler. java:111) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 106at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. serverService(CommonLaunchHandler. java:103) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 107at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonServerLaunchHandler. lambda$makeService$0(CommonServerLaunchHandler. java:27) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 108at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. java:30) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 109at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:53) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 110at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:71) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 111at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. run(Launcher. java:108) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 112at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:78) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 113at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:26) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 114at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:23) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 115at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. ApplicationBootstrap. accept(ApplicationBootstrap. java:46) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 116at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 117at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 118at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 119at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 120at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. BootstrapTransformer. onInvoke$BootstrapLauncher(BootstrapTransformer. java:26) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 121at cpw. mods. bootstraplauncher. BootstrapLauncher. main(BootstrapLauncher. java:141) ~[bootstraplauncher-1. 1. 2. jar:?] {} 122at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 123at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 124at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 125at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 126at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. Main_Forge. main(Main_Forge. java:33) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 127at io. izzel. arclight. server. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:18) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 128[30Jan2025 13:42:21. 327] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE_ASSIGN")) Shift. BY=2 on refurbished_furniture. common. mixins. json:LevelChunkMixin::handler$zjk000$refurbishedFurniture$AfterRemoveBlockEntity exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. 129[30Jan2025 13:42:22. 457] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Mixin alexscaves. mixins. json:SwampHutPieceMixin has multiple constructors, (Lnet/minecraft/world/level/levelgen/structure/pieces/StructurePieceType; IIIIIILnet/minecraft/core/Direction; )V was selected 130 131[30Jan2025 13:42:22. 601] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer/COREMOD]: Error occurred applying transform of coremod coremods/field_to_method. js function biome 132java. lang. IllegalStateException: Field f_47437_ is not private and an instance field 133at net. minecraftforge. coremod. api. ASMAPI. redirectFieldToMethod(ASMAPI. java:1069) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 134at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. scripts. Script$Recompilation$22$292A$\^eval\_. initializeCoreMod#transformer(:11) ~[?:?] {} 135at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunctionData. invoke(ScriptFunctionData. java:648) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 136at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunction. invoke(ScriptFunction. java:513) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 137at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptRuntime. apply(ScriptRuntime. java:520) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 138at org. openjdk. nashorn. api. scripting. ScriptObjectMirror. call(ScriptObjectMirror. java:111) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 139at net. minecraftforge. coremod. NashornFactory. lambda$getFunction$0(NashornFactory. java:37) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:5. 2. 4] {} 140at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:22) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 141at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:14) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 142at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer. transform(CoreModBaseTransformer. java:60) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 143at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformerHolder. transform(TransformerHolder. java:41) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 144at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. performVote(ClassTransformer. java:179) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 145at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:117) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 146at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 147at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. readerToClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:113) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 148at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. lambda$findClass$15(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 149at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadFromModule(ModuleClassLoader. java:229) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 150at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. findClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 151at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:135) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 152at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(ClassLoader. java:525) ~[?:?] {} 153at net. minecraft. world. level. biome. FixedBiomeSource. (FixedBiomeSource. java:17) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading} 154at net. minecraft. world. level. biome. BiomeSources. m_220586_(BiomeSources. java:8) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading} 155at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_258029_(BuiltInRegistries. java:448) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 156at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_258037_(BuiltInRegistries. java:462) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 157at java. util. LinkedHashMap. forEach(LinkedHashMap. java:721) ~[?:?] {} 158at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_257453_(BuiltInRegistries. java:461) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 159at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_257498_(BuiltInRegistries. java:455) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 160at net. minecraft. server. Bootstrap. m_135870_(BootstrapMixin. java:55) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:server. BootstrapMixin, pl:mixin:A} 161at net. minecraft. server. Main. main(Main. java:121) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:A} 162at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 163at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 164at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 165at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 166at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. runTarget(CommonLaunchHandler. java:111) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 167at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. serverService(CommonLaunchHandler. java:103) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 168at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonServerLaunchHandler. lambda$makeService$0(CommonServerLaunchHandler. java:27) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 169at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. java:30) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 170at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:53) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 171at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:71) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 172at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. run(Launcher. java:108) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 173at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:78) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 174at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:26) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 175at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:23) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 176at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. ApplicationBootstrap. accept(ApplicationBootstrap. java:46) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 177at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 178at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 179at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 180at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 181at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. BootstrapTransformer. onInvoke$BootstrapLauncher(BootstrapTransformer. java:26) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 182at cpw. mods. bootstraplauncher. BootstrapLauncher. main(BootstrapLauncher. java:141) ~[bootstraplauncher-1. 1. 2. jar:?] {} 183at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 184at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 185at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 186at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 187at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. Main_Forge. main(Main_Forge. java:33) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 188at io. izzel. arclight. server. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:18) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {}
    • Welp, It doesn't crash but for some reason I broke pickaxes. They just wont work. The game behaves as if my hand was empty. Wtf is going on
    • Oh yeah, dammit. There's the duplicate mod. It works now
    • Making a modpack and crashing but can't find the mod thats the issue. I don't really want to have to try checking them one by one again.    This is the error: https://imgur.com/a/AB1LeBK And this the mod list: https://imgur.com/a/xBPhGdO  
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