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Hey, it's me again :P



I've got 2 questions:


1st -> im holding a stack of 5 items (new item), it's a soup. When I eat one, all others just disappear and left is only 1 bowl :/

i jsut don't get it, i set it's stack size to 5 >.<

here's the Item:

public class Soup extends ItemSoup

        public Soup(int id)
                super(id, 6);
        public void func_94581_a(IconRegister iconRegister)
            iconIndex = iconRegister.func_94245_a("east_crips:x-4ns");



and 2nd -> I want translations for my item's names. So i went out, looking wor a solution and found a forum post.

I did it like this, but it's not working. it's not changing when i set the lang. to german. Is it correct like this? ...

LanguageRegistry.addName(Soup, "Soup");
LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("Soup.name", "de_DE", "Suppe");


I just can't find a solution for all this, trying to do as much as i can alone to get more into it.. but hey, everyone needs some help at the beginning of something.. i guess.. ^^






you have extended itemsoup with your food class and that can only have a stack of one and is programmed when eaten to replace the soup stack(1) with a bowl stack(1) so you just have to make your food item a single stack or just extend itemfood instead but then you might have to change some of your classes code.

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.


i think now you want to setUnlocalizedName("itemName");

then LanguageRegistry.addStringLocalization(key, lang, value);

where key is "item.itemName"


not sure as i've never used it but it sounds like its how it should work


//EDIT: just figured it out myself :) ".name" was missing in key.

For all the people who might have the same problem and search for an answer,

it should look like this:

(Unlocalized name is "Soup")
LanguageRegistry.addName(Soup, "Soup");
LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("item.Soup.name", "de_DE", "Suppe");




right now, it's like this:


(Unlocalized name is "Soup")
LanguageRegistry.addName(Soup, "Soup");
LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("item.Soup", "de_DE", "Suppe");

but when i run minecraft, there's no name when im hovering over it. why? i dont know :D

this is weird.. someone help me please :)

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