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[1.12.2] Minimap-like floating text that enlarges


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I'd like to create some floating text like this(see attachment) minimap mod JourneyMap, though I have no idea where to start.

Would be appreciated if someone could guide me to some steps I'd need to do


I know how to make floating text the armorstand client side way but that doesn't increase size




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6 hours ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

You could try to use the same logic EntityRenderer.drawNameplate has(or maybe even straight up use that method) but scale the drawn textbox with distance to the player.

How does EntityRenderer.drawNameplate work? Do I just input coordinates and text displays there? Can't get it working.

Like, do I put it in a Tick Event? or

Edited by San3001
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5 hours ago, San3001 said:

How does EntityRenderer.drawNameplate work? Do I just input coordinates and text displays there? Can't get it working.

Like, do I put it in a Tick Event? or

Well you obviously need to call it from some kind of event that gets called every frame. RenderWorldLast or RenderTickEvent for example.


As for the arguments passed see what Render#renderLivingLabel does.

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11 hours ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well you obviously need to call it from some kind of event that gets called every frame. RenderWorldLast or RenderTickEvent for example.


As for the arguments passed see what Render#renderLivingLabel does.


This doesn't seem to work


public RenderManager renderManager = mc.getRenderManager();
	public void renderTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {
		EntityPlayerSP player = mc.player;
		EntityRenderer.drawNameplate(renderManager.getFontRenderer(), "text", 0f, 64f, 0f, 0, player.cameraYaw, player.cameraPitch, renderManager.options.thirdPersonView == 2, player.isSneaking());


Did I mess something up?

Thanks for your help

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How are you registering your event subscriber?

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8 minutes ago, San3001 said:

public RenderManager renderManager = mc.getRenderManager();

when is this initialized? It could be null.


10 minutes ago, San3001 said:


This has two phases - you need to check the phase first before doing anything.


11 minutes ago, San3001 said:

EntityPlayerSP player = mc.player;

This could be null when RenderTickEvent fires.


12 minutes ago, San3001 said:

0f, 64f, 0f

These are your x,y,z coordinates. Are you sure you want it to be drawn at 0, 64, 0?


If you are not crashing then your event handler isn't registered. Otherwise fix what I told you to fix.

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1 hour ago, Cadiboo said:

How are you registering your event subscriber?

Doing it in postInit


1 hour ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

when is this initialized? It could be null.


This has two phases - you need to check the phase first before doing anything.


This could be null when RenderTickEvent fires.


These are your x,y,z coordinates. Are you sure you want it to be drawn at 0, 64, 0?


If you are not crashing then your event handler isn't registered. Otherwise fix what I told you to fix.

Yeah, it was crashing before but I just made a command to change a run boolean I had.

I just wanted it to work to start somewhere.

Right now I just want it to spawn in a static position(0, 64, 0) . I'll change it later


I don't know where else to get player or render manager so.. would this work?

renderManager never returns null for some reason, but renderManager.getFontRenderer() does


public RenderManager renderManager = mc.getRenderManager();
	public void renderTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {
		if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START || renderManager.getFontRenderer() == null || mc.player == null) {
		EntityPlayerSP player = mc.player;
		EntityRenderer.drawNameplate(renderManager.getFontRenderer(), "text", 0f, 64f, 0f, 0, player.cameraYaw, player.cameraPitch, renderManager.options.thirdPersonView == 2, player.isSneaking());

It doesn't crash anymore but it also still doesn't work.

I feel this is a really lazy way to do this.

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Don’t get the player, get the current view entity

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1 hour ago, Cadiboo said:

Don’t get the player, get the current view entity

private Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
	public  RenderManager renderManager = mc.getRenderManager();
	public void renderTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {
		if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START || renderManager.getFontRenderer() == null) {
		Entity viewEntity = mc.getRenderViewEntity();
		EntityRenderer.drawNameplate(renderManager.getFontRenderer(), "text", 0f, 64f, 0f, 0, viewEntity.rotationYaw, viewEntity.rotationPitch, renderManager.options.thirdPersonView == 2, viewEntity.isSneaking());

Like this? Still can't see but it looks like better code

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I did some debugging with your code and here are the results:

11 hours ago, San3001 said:


Turns out this is not the right event to render things in the world because the GL matrices aren't correct. RenderWorldLast works just fine though.


11 hours ago, San3001 said:

0f, 64f, 0f

These 3 parameters are the x,y,z relative to the camera's position, not relative to 0,0,0 in the world. So kept like this they will make the text render 64 blocks directly above the camera. So to render at 0, 64, 0 you would need to translate against the camera first by subtracting the camera's position from these coordinates.


11 hours ago, San3001 said:

viewEntity.rotationYaw, viewEntity.rotationPitch

These parameters don't want the yaw and pitch, they want the RenderManager.playerViewY and RenderManager.playerViewX instead.


11 hours ago, San3001 said:


Use Minecraft.fontRenderer instead.


After I've applied all these fixes the nameplate did indeed render in the world.

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10 hours ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

I did some debugging with your code and here are the results:

Turns out this is not the right event to render things in the world because the GL matrices aren't correct. RenderWorldLast works just fine though.


These 3 parameters are the x,y,z relative to the camera's position, not relative to 0,0,0 in the world. So kept like this they will make the text render 64 blocks directly above the camera. So to render at 0, 64, 0 you would need to translate against the camera first by subtracting the camera's position from these coordinates.


These parameters don't want the yaw and pitch, they want the RenderManager.playerViewY and RenderManager.playerViewX instead.


Use Minecraft.fontRenderer instead.


After I've applied all these fixes the nameplate did indeed render in the world.

private Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
private  RenderManager renderManager = mc.getRenderManager();
private FontRenderer fontRenderer = mc.fontRenderer;
public void renderTick(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
	if (fontRenderer == null || mc.player == null || renderManager == null || renderManager.options == null) {

	EntityPlayerSP player = mc.player;
	EntityRenderer.drawNameplate(fontRenderer, "text", 2f, 0f, 0f, 0, renderManager.playerViewY, renderManager.playerViewX, renderManager.options.thirdPersonView == 2, player.isSneaking());

This works perfectly, thank you so much! Subtracting player position should be easy enough.

Edited by San3001
Adding some text
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