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[Solved] Custom Bucket Model Incorrect


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Hi, I maked a custom bucket. The texture is the everytime the same.




public class ClayBucket extends UniversalBucket implements IHasModel{
		private final ItemStack empty = new ItemStack(this);

		public ClayBucket(final String str_001) {
			this(str_001, Fluid.BUCKET_VOLUME);

		public ClayBucket(final String name, final int capacity) {
			super(capacity, ItemStack.EMPTY, true);

		public void getSubItems(@Nullable final CreativeTabs tab, final NonNullList<ItemStack> subItems) {
			if (!this.isInCreativeTab(tab)) return;


			for (final Fluid fluid : FluidRegistry.getRegisteredFluids().values()) {
				final FluidStack fs = new FluidStack(fluid, getCapacity());
				final ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(this);
				final IFluidHandlerItem fluidHandler = stack.getCapability(CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_ITEM_CAPABILITY, null);
				if (fluidHandler != null && fluidHandler.fill(fs, true) == fs.amount) {
					final ItemStack filled = fluidHandler.getContainer();

		public String getItemStackDisplayName(final ItemStack stack) {
			final FluidStack fluidStack = getFluid(stack);
			final String unlocalisedName = this.getUnlocalizedNameInefficiently(stack);

			if (fluidStack == null) {
				return I18n.translateToLocal(unlocalisedName + ".name").trim();

			final String fluidUnlocalisedName = unlocalisedName + ".filled." + fluidStack.getFluid().getName() + ".name";
			if (I18n.canTranslate(fluidUnlocalisedName)) {
				return I18n.translateToLocal(fluidUnlocalisedName);

			return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(unlocalisedName + ".filled.name", fluidStack.getLocalizedName());

		public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(final World world, final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand) {
			final ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItem(hand);
			final FluidStack fluidStack = getFluid(heldItem);

			if (fluidStack != null) return super.onItemRightClick(world, player, hand);

			final RayTraceResult target = this.rayTrace(world, player, true);

			if (target == null || target.typeOfHit != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
				return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.PASS, heldItem);

			final BlockPos pos = target.getBlockPos();

			final ItemStack singleBucket = heldItem.copy();

			final FluidActionResult filledResult = FluidUtil.tryPickUpFluid(singleBucket, player, world, pos, target.sideHit);
			if (filledResult.isSuccess()) {
				final ItemStack filledBucket = filledResult.result;

				if (player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
					return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, heldItem);

				if (heldItem.isEmpty())
					return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, filledBucket);

				ItemHandlerHelper.giveItemToPlayer(player, filledBucket);

				return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, heldItem);

			return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.PASS, heldItem);

		public ItemStack getEmpty() {
			return empty;

		public FluidStack getFluid(final ItemStack container) {
			return FluidUtil.getFluidContained(container);

		public ICapabilityProvider initCapabilities(final ItemStack stack, final NBTTagCompound nbt) {
			return new HUniversalBucket(stack, getCapacity());

		@Override public void registerModels() {
			Dreams.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0, "inventory");




public class HUniversalBucket extends FluidHandlerItemStackSimple {

	public HUniversalBucket(final ItemStack container, final int capacity) {
		super(container, capacity);

	public boolean canFillFluidType(final FluidStack fluid) {
		return fluid.getFluid() == FluidRegistry.WATER ||
				fluid.getFluid() == FluidRegistry.LAVA ||
				fluid.getFluid().getName().equals("milk") ||





   "parent": "item/generated",
   "textures": {
       "layer0": "nex:items/clay_bucket"


What is the problem?



buckets not need a model but they need a blockstate:

  "forge_marker": 1,
  "defaults": {
    "model": "forge:item-layer",
    "textures": {
      "layer0": "nex:items/clay_bucket_base",
      "layer2": "nex:items/clay_bucket_cover"
    "transform": "forge:default-item"
  "variants": {
    "inventory": {
      "model": "forge:forgebucket",
      "textures": {
        "base": "nex:items/clay_bucket_base",
        "fluid": "forge:items/bucket_fluid",
        "cover": "nex:items/clay_bucket_cover"
      "custom": {
        "fluid": "water",
        "flipGas": true
    "milk": [{
      "textures": {
        "layer1": "forge:items/bucket_fluid"


Edited by nov4e
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Post your code as a GitHub repository please, you don’t need IHasModel, it’s a useless class that makes you write repetitive code. Why are all your variables named so horribly?

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8 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Post your code as a GitHub repository please, you don’t need IHasModel, it’s a useless class that makes you write repetitive code. Why are all your variables named so horribly?

I can't post it. But buckets need a special model?


12 minutes ago, nov4e said:

final ItemStack container, final int capacity


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28 minutes ago, nov4e said:


Sorry, I saw that and jumped to conclusions, still that’s a bad variable name. 

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On 11/5/2018 at 9:56 PM, nov4e said:


I changed my code. Now I'm trying to use metadata but the model registry try to find the model with a random name example: 



public void registerItemRenderer(Item str_001, int str_002, String str_003) {
		for (int i = 0; i < ItemList.NAMES.length + 1; i++) {
            String model = "nex" + ":" + ItemList.clayBucket;
            if (i != 0) {
            	model += "_" + ItemList.NAMES[i - 1];

            ModelResourceLocation loc = new ModelResourceLocation(model);
            ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(ItemList.clayBucket, i, loc);

ItemList.NAMES =  public static final String[] NAMES = {"water", "lava"};

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1 hour ago, nov4e said:



1 hour ago, nov4e said:

String model = "nex" + ":" + ItemList.clayBucket;


Object#toString will return a fully qualified class name appended by @ and the object's hashcode in hex. Item doesn't override that method so you get this.


In any case don't use metadata for buckets, use capabilities to store the fluid. As for the model - forge uses a custom model for it's buckets - ModelDynBucket. It is needed because any mod can add any fluid it wants and the forge bucket must be able to contain it and display the propper fluid textures. You can utilize forge's bucket model in json - the parent model becomes forge:forgebucket, and the textures it expects are:

base: The bucket's empty texture

fluid: The dummy fluid texture. I think this is basically the mask for the fluid's actual texture to apply to, and anything outside of the mask is discarded. You can use the dummy fluid texture provided by forge - forge:items/bucket_fluid if your bucket is of the same shape as vanilla's, otherwise you need to create it yourself.

cover: The bucket's texture that has fluid in it, but the fluid's pixels are transparent.


If you are using forge's blockstates you can also pass some custom data:

fluid: the name of the fluid to put in the bucket when baking. If this is not specified water is used as a default fluid.

flipGas: whether or not to flip your texture upside-down when the fluid is a gas.

applyTint: whether to tint the fluid's textures based on the fluid's colour.

Actually you can read the javadoc yourself - ModelDynBucket#process.


If you need an example of using the dynamic bucket model with custom buckets - here is one. Note that the example uses forge's blockstates to define the bucket's model, not a model json.


And yeah, these parameter names make no sense.

1 hour ago, nov4e said:

Item str_001, int str_002, String str_003

I can kinda see naming strings as str_something, although that is actually what's called a Hungarian notation(kinda, but close enough for me to classify this as one) and has absolutely no place in modern programming whatsoever(and I think you are the first person I've ever seen to apply it to java code, congratulations), but why is Item also named like that? Or an int? This makes zero sense.

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On 11/5/2018 at 9:43 PM, nov4e said:

Hi, I maked a custom bucket. The texture is the everytime the same.



  Reveal hidden contents

public class ClayBucket extends UniversalBucket implements IHasModel{
		private final ItemStack empty = new ItemStack(this);

		public ClayBucket(final String str_001) {
			this(str_001, Fluid.BUCKET_VOLUME);

		public ClayBucket(final String name, final int capacity) {
			super(capacity, ItemStack.EMPTY, true);

		public void getSubItems(@Nullable final CreativeTabs tab, final NonNullList<ItemStack> subItems) {
			if (!this.isInCreativeTab(tab)) return;


			for (final Fluid fluid : FluidRegistry.getRegisteredFluids().values()) {
				final FluidStack fs = new FluidStack(fluid, getCapacity());
				final ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(this);
				final IFluidHandlerItem fluidHandler = stack.getCapability(CapabilityFluidHandler.FLUID_HANDLER_ITEM_CAPABILITY, null);
				if (fluidHandler != null && fluidHandler.fill(fs, true) == fs.amount) {
					final ItemStack filled = fluidHandler.getContainer();

		public String getItemStackDisplayName(final ItemStack stack) {
			final FluidStack fluidStack = getFluid(stack);
			final String unlocalisedName = this.getUnlocalizedNameInefficiently(stack);

			if (fluidStack == null) {
				return I18n.translateToLocal(unlocalisedName + ".name").trim();

			final String fluidUnlocalisedName = unlocalisedName + ".filled." + fluidStack.getFluid().getName() + ".name";
			if (I18n.canTranslate(fluidUnlocalisedName)) {
				return I18n.translateToLocal(fluidUnlocalisedName);

			return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(unlocalisedName + ".filled.name", fluidStack.getLocalizedName());

		public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(final World world, final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand) {
			final ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItem(hand);
			final FluidStack fluidStack = getFluid(heldItem);

			if (fluidStack != null) return super.onItemRightClick(world, player, hand);

			final RayTraceResult target = this.rayTrace(world, player, true);

			if (target == null || target.typeOfHit != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
				return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.PASS, heldItem);

			final BlockPos pos = target.getBlockPos();

			final ItemStack singleBucket = heldItem.copy();

			final FluidActionResult filledResult = FluidUtil.tryPickUpFluid(singleBucket, player, world, pos, target.sideHit);
			if (filledResult.isSuccess()) {
				final ItemStack filledBucket = filledResult.result;

				if (player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
					return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, heldItem);

				if (heldItem.isEmpty())
					return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, filledBucket);

				ItemHandlerHelper.giveItemToPlayer(player, filledBucket);

				return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, heldItem);

			return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.PASS, heldItem);

		public ItemStack getEmpty() {
			return empty;

		public FluidStack getFluid(final ItemStack container) {
			return FluidUtil.getFluidContained(container);

		public ICapabilityProvider initCapabilities(final ItemStack stack, final NBTTagCompound nbt) {
			return new HUniversalBucket(stack, getCapacity());

		@Override public void registerModels() {
			Dreams.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0, "inventory");



  Reveal hidden contents

public class HUniversalBucket extends FluidHandlerItemStackSimple {

	public HUniversalBucket(final ItemStack container, final int capacity) {
		super(container, capacity);

	public boolean canFillFluidType(final FluidStack fluid) {
		return fluid.getFluid() == FluidRegistry.WATER ||
				fluid.getFluid() == FluidRegistry.LAVA ||
				fluid.getFluid().getName().equals("milk") ||




  Reveal hidden contents

   "parent": "item/generated",
   "textures": {
       "layer0": "nex:items/clay_bucket"


What is the problem?

@V0idWa1k3r that code was correct? 

The model file is going to be:


   "parent": "forge:items/bucket_fluid",
   "textures": {
       "layer0": "nex:items/clay_bucket"




   "parent": "forge:items/bucket_fluid",
   "textures": {
       "layer0": "nex:items/clay_bucket_base"
       "layer1": "nex:items/clay_bucket_fluid"


Thanks for you reply :D

Edited by nov4e
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Post your working code for people in the future please

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*doesn’t do it*

  • Haha 1

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