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I'm updating a mod from 1.10.2 to 1.12.2, and am somewhat confused about the registry changes. I can generate files, but i don't think the generated files are being loaded correctly.

here's the original code


        // Generate or load each mob file.
        String fileName;
        File directory, propFile;
        JsonObject props;
        for (Entry<String, Class<? extends Entity>> mobEntry : EntityList.getClassFromName().entrySet()) {
            if (MobProperties.getProperties(mobEntry.getKey()) == null && EntityLivingBase.class.isAssignableFrom(mobEntry.getValue()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(mobEntry.getValue().getModifiers())) {
                directory = FileHelper.PROPS_DIRECTORY;
                fileName = mobEntry.getKey();
                String[] split = fileName.split("\\.", 2);
                if (mobEntry.getValue().getName().startsWith("net.minecraft.")) {
                    if (split.length > 1) split[0] = split[0] + "." + split[1]; // Just in case a vanilla id has a "."
                    split = new String[] { "minecraft", split[0] };
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    fileName = split[1];
                    char[] dirNameArray = split[0].toCharArray();
                    split[0] = "";
                    for (char letter : dirNameArray) {
                        split[0] += Character.isLetterOrDigit(letter) ? Character.toString(letter) : "_";
                    directory = new File(directory, split[0]);
                char[] fileNameArray = fileName.toCharArray();
                fileName = "";
                for (char letter : fileNameArray) {
                    fileName += Character.isLetterOrDigit(letter) ? Character.toString(letter) : "_";
                try {
                    propFile = new File(directory, fileName + FileHelper.FILE_EXT);
                    if (propFile.exists()) {
                        int attempt = 0;
                        for (; attempt < 100; attempt++)
                            if (! (propFile = new File(directory, fileName + attempt + FileHelper.FILE_EXT)).exists()) {
                        if (attempt > 99) {
                            ModMobProperties.logWarning("Failed to generate default properties file for \"" + mobEntry.getKey() + "\"!");
                        fileName += attempt;
                    props = new JsonObject();
                    props.addProperty("_name", mobEntry.getKey());
                    for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : defaultProps.entrySet()) {
                        if (entry.getKey() != null && !entry.getKey().equals("_name") && !entry.getKey().equals("_comment")) {
                            props.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(propFile);
                    FileHelper.GSON_PRETTY.toJson(props, out);
                    MobProperties.load(propFile.getPath(), props);
                catch (MobPropertyException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    ModMobProperties.logWarning("Failed to generate default properties file for \"" + mobEntry.getKey() + "\"!");
        return filesGenerated;

and here's my changes


        // Generate or load each mob file.
        String fileName;
        File directory, propFile;
        JsonObject props;
        for(Entry<ResourceLocation, EntityEntry> mobEntry : ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES.getEntries()) {                                                    
            if (MobProperties.getProperties(mobEntry.getKey().toString()) == null && EntityLivingBase.class.isAssignableFrom(mobEntry.getValue().getEntityClass()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(mobEntry.getValue().getEntityClass().getModifiers())) {
                directory = FileHelper.PROPS_DIRECTORY;
                fileName = mobEntry.getKey().toString();
                String[] split = fileName.split("\\.", 2);
                if (mobEntry.getValue().getName().startsWith("net.minecraft.")) {
                    if (split.length > 1) split[0] = split[0] + "." + split[1]; // Just in case a vanilla id has a "."
                    split = new String[] { "minecraft", split[0] };
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    fileName = split[1];
                    char[] dirNameArray = split[0].toCharArray();
                    split[0] = "";
                    for (char letter : dirNameArray) {
                        split[0] += Character.isLetterOrDigit(letter) ? Character.toString(letter) : "_";
                    directory = new File(directory, split[0]);
                char[] fileNameArray = fileName.toCharArray();
                fileName = "";
                for (char letter : fileNameArray) {
                    fileName += Character.isLetterOrDigit(letter) ? Character.toString(letter) : "_";
                try {
                    propFile = new File(directory, fileName + FileHelper.FILE_EXT);
                    if (propFile.exists()) {
                        int attempt = 0;
                        for (; attempt < 100; attempt++)
                            if (! (propFile = new File(directory, fileName + attempt + FileHelper.FILE_EXT)).exists()) {
                        if (attempt > 99) {
                            ModMobProperties.logWarning("Failed to generate default properties file for \"" + mobEntry.getKey() + "\"!");
                        fileName += attempt;
                    props = new JsonObject();
                    props.addProperty("_name", mobEntry.getKey().toString());
   ///pretty sure this is wrong XD   ^
                    for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : defaultProps.entrySet()) {
                        if (entry.getKey() != null && !entry.getKey().equals("_name") && !entry.getKey().equals("_comment")) {
                            props.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(propFile);
                    FileHelper.GSON_PRETTY.toJson(props, out);
                    MobProperties.load(propFile.getPath(), props);
                catch (MobPropertyException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    ModMobProperties.logWarning("Failed to generate default properties file for \"" + mobEntry.getKey() + "\"!");
        return filesGenerated;

I know i have at least one line wrong, not sure what i should be using instead. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.


This code loads, or generates if not found, a file for each entity in a folder in configs, named and containing the entity's id by default. additional information added to these files is used by the mod to alter some in game behaviors, but at the moment those files are not loading correctly.

2 hours ago, HarroldSaxon said:

This code loads, or generates if not found, a file for each entity in a folder in configs, named and containing the entity's id by default. additional information added to these files is used by the mod to alter some in game behaviors, but at the moment those files are not loading correctly.

Step through the code in the debugger.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

  • 6 months later...

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