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How to get my item to be dropped from leaves as well as apples? - 1.12.2

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Posted (edited)

Hello fellow modders, I have recently worked out how to do custom item drops for grass and I wondered if I could do the same for leaves, I have been looking through the code for a while now and I can't find anything which I would be able to utilize/subscribe to. Can anyone tell me/lead me in the right direction to either where I should be looking/if it's even possible/ how to do it if it is possible. Thanks in advance!


Edit: I just realised that this does not make too much sense. What I mean is: Can anyone help me with making Oak Leaves drop an item from my mod with the same rarity/chances that apples drop with. I do NOT want to override the default apples dropping, I just want to add to the apples dropping!

Edited by UM3 F0R TH3 W1N
Posted (edited)
  On 12/26/2018 at 10:51 PM, diesieben07 said:
  • Event handler methods must have exactly one parameter: The event you are subscribing to. Adding more parameters makes no sense.
  • getBlockFromName is a static method, calling it on an instance of Block makes no sense and your IDE should warn you about that.
  • There is no block named minecraft:oak_leaves, so even if any of what you are doing there made sense, that would return null and the condition would never be true.
  • To check specifically for oak leaves you need to first check that the block is Blocks.LEAVES and secondly you need to check that the property BlockOldLeaf.VARIANT is set to OAK.
  • Then add your drops, like I already explained in your other topic.

ok, well what you shown me last time didn't actually work, so...
I needed it to work for grass however it worked for any harvestable block, how am I meant to check for the block if I cant put 2 params in, theres no way for me to check what block has been broken if I cant put `Block block` in the parameters

Edited by UM3 F0R TH3 W1N

so for the grass it would be like this: 

    public void getSeedsFromGrass(HarvestDropsEvent event)
        if(event.getState() == Blocks.GRASS)
            event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.TOMATO_SEEDS));
            event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.LEMON_SEEDS));
        else if(event.getState() == Blocks.TALLGRASS)
            event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.TOMATO_SEEDS));
            event.getDrops().add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.LEMON_SEEDS));



but im still confused on the leaf part


Posted (edited)
  On 12/26/2018 at 11:22 PM, diesieben07 said:

The drop chance in the event is used for explosions. It is applied on top of normal chances. If you want things to work properly, you should completely ignore this parameter and do your own chance generation.


is it a bad idea to use this: event.getDrops().clear();
like, will it mess up anything to do with like other mod compatability

Edited by UM3 F0R TH3 W1N

It will remove all the current drops, which isn’t great for compatibility

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