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Hello, i'm currently developing a Fallout mod for Minecraft, and i'm having an issue with one particular feature when it comes to the custom inventory that i've added (Fallout Pip-Boy), i can't figure out how to drop items.


Since i want to replicate the fallout inventory as closely as possible, i want custom key binds for dropping items and such, the issue i'm having is actually spawning the EntityItem in the world, i know that you're only supposed to spawn entities on the server side world, but since i'm doing it from the gui class, i don't really have a way to retrive the server world instance.


Here's the code:


protected void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) throws IOException
   if (keyCode == ClientProxy.keyBindings[0].getKeyCode())
      GuiListInventory.GuiListInventoryEntry entry = this.inventoryList.getStackUnderMouse(this.mouseX, this.mouseY);
      MinecraftServer server = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance();

      if (server != null)
         World world = server.getEntityWorld();

         if (entry != null && !world.isRemote)
            int stackIndex = entry.getInventoryIndex();

            ItemStack droppedStack = new ItemStack(entry.getStack().getItem(), 1);

            EntityItem entityItem = new EntityItem(this.player.getEntityWorld(), this.player.posX + 0.5, this.player.posY + 0.5, this.player.posZ + 0.5, droppedStack);



            this.player.inventory.decrStackSize(stackIndex, 1);


As you can see, i'm retriveing the server instance, and then i'm getting the overworld from the server, but it still seems to be spawning the EntityItem on the client side, since i can't pick the items up once they've been dropped.


I can't figure out why it's not working, so any help would be usefull

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