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what is a renderer? i am just curios because whenever i talk about creating  custom throw able entity and i get a white box instead people tell me i need a renderer. now i assume the game already has them as i has entities and i was also wondering if it was possible to use an existing renderer with a custom entity?

i could not find this information anywhere so i am asking you people :)

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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Here is some information on rendering, the job which a renderer is doing.


Yes the game has some different renderers, but for your object you would probably be better off writing your own since it will probably need to be rendered somewhat differently than the stuff which is already inn the game.

If you have looked for information about renderers without result, I would like to know how you searched since [lmgtfy=minecraft modding custom renderer]this gave several results.[/lmgtfy] :)



If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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