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Descending into the deepest pit of insanity because of Minecraft server issues.


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Hi, I don't post on anything, ever, but this is the first time I've accepted defeat. As you can see from the title, I'm loosing my mind over a server and I need some help figuring out how to fix it.

Just to avoid future questions, I am running 'Java 8 Update 201 (64-bit)', my server's Forge version is 'forge-1.10.2-' (as is my minecraft launcher/client), my server is a local server (made for only my siblings and me - no ports except the one running through my PC unit), no duplicate mods, all mods (on my personal minecraft and my server) are the exact same, singleplayer runs fine (its just my server that insists on kicking me repeatedly in the behind), and if there is another file(s) I need to attach to here in order for you guys to help me, please provide instructions or a link to instructions on how to do so. Please and thank you. Here is the crash report my server keeps giving me:




Here is a list of mods I am using, just in case the crash report wasn't too terribly clear:


mods in use.txt


I'm sure there are other threads of how to solve this somewhere else, however, I am not a programmer (cannot change program inside the mods or minecraft itself), and of all the internet posts I've seen, none have provided a valid solution to whatever issue my server is having with the mods.


Ultimately, this server is just supposed to be a fun, modded, place for my siblings and me to go to have fun and blow off some steam. Any help is much appreciated and I would shake your hands personally if someone is able to help solve my problem. Thank you!

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19 hours ago, LexManos said:

1) Update to a modern MC if you want support

2) Read your crash it tells you what mod is crashing, you should ask them not us.

Ok, thank you for responding. Just to make sure I didn't read it incorrectly, it's Llibrary that's causing this crash, right? I'm sorry I sound kinda dumb, but I'm fairly new at doing this. Thanks again :)

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