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Posted (edited)

I'm a little lost to be honest, my code isn't throwing any errors and after doing some debugging in console the values of all variables seem fine, yet I end up with no lines in my world space whatsoever.

I know that the actual rendering part of my code (should) work (because I used it in a hacked client before I wanted to recreate it as a forge mod), so I assume that I did something wrong when registering the listener or subscribing to the proper event.


Here is the code for registering the listener in my Main:

public static void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EntityListener());

And here is the corresponding section in EntityListener

public void renderWorld(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {

Lastly here is the onWorldRender function in EntityTracker (I know this is a conflicting classname, didn't bother changing it yet as it shouldn't cause any issues (?), not like I plan to ever publish this anyway)

public static void onWorldRender() {	
	if(tracingHistory != null && tracingHistory.size() > 0) {
		if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().player == null) {
		Vec3d player_pos = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getPositionVector();
		GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
		GlStateManager.translate(-player_pos.x, -player_pos.y, -player_pos.z);
		final Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
		final BufferBuilder bufferBuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
		bufferBuilder.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);

		TracingData trace_data;
		TrackingData track_data;
		for(Iterator<TracingData> it=tracingHistory.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			trace_data = it.next();
			trace_data.setupDrawingBuffer(bufferBuilder, track_data);
			if(System.currentTimeMillis() - trace_data.timeOfCreation >= (track_data.getTime()*1000) && ModuleManager.mode == 0) {
				//rendered time >= max time


I should probably show what TracingData::setupDrawingBuffer does aswell

public void setupDrawingBuffer(BufferBuilder bufferBuilder ,TrackingData td) {
	//y1->y2 | x1->x2 | z1->z2
	bufferBuilder.pos(x1, y1, z1).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x1, y2, z1).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x2, y2, z1).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x2, y2, z2).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();


Sooo... any ideas? Would really appreciate help here.

Edited by BlazingTwist
Added version information in the title

Okay... NOW I am confused...

I changed a few things, I'm registering the listener in my client proxy now

public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy{
	EntityTracker entityTracker;

	public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
		entityTracker = new EntityTracker(this);

And I changed my onWorldRender function to not be static (as that messed with my eventlistener before, so I though 1+1=2, and it probably is, I just suck at math and got 3 instead)

I also minimized the use of GL11 and accessed GlStateManager instead.

public class EntityTracker {
	ClientProxy proxy;
	public static HashMap<String, TrackingData> observedEntityID = new HashMap<String, TrackingData>();
	public static ArrayList<TracingData> tracingHistory = new ArrayList<TracingData>();

	public EntityTracker(ClientProxy proxy){
		this.proxy = proxy;

	public void onWorldRender(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
		if(tracingHistory == null || tracingHistory.size() <= 0) {
		if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().player == null) {
		Vec3d player_pos = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getPositionVector();
		GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
		GlStateManager.translate(-player_pos.x, -player_pos.y, -player_pos.z);
		final Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
		final BufferBuilder bufferBuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
		bufferBuilder.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);

		TracingData trace_data;
		TrackingData track_data;
		for(Iterator<TracingData> it=tracingHistory.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			trace_data = it.next();
			trace_data.setupDrawingBuffer(bufferBuilder, track_data);
			if(System.currentTimeMillis()-trace_data.timeOfCreation>=(track_data.getTime()*1000) && ModuleManager.mode==0) {
				//rendered time >= max time


Also TracingData::setupDrawingBuffer() is doing a little bit more stuff now:

public void setupDrawingBuffer(BufferBuilder bufferBuilder ,TrackingData td) {
	//y1->y2 | x1->x2 | z1->z2
	bufferBuilder.pos(x1, y1, z1).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x1, y2, z1).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x2, y2, z1).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos(x2, y2, z2).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();

	//render bounding box lines
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	//fill missing 3 lines
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2-0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2-0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2-0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(0,0,0,0).endVertex();
	bufferBuilder.pos((x2+0.49), (y2+0.49), (z2+0.49)).color(td.getRed(), td.getGreen(), td.getBlue(), td.getAlpha()).endVertex();


So, what's the problem now, you ask?

For some reason it DOES render the complete lower half of TracingData::setupDrawingBuffer, I get a flawless boundingbox, but it does NOT render the first 3 lines (y1->y2 | x1->x2 | z1->z2)

Posted (edited)

Case closed, I'm an idiot!

I just took a real close look at the debug and it turns out

x1=-981.5 | x2=-981.5 | y1=4.70253470330818 | y2=4.70253470330818 | z1=279.5 | z2=279.5

ALL variables are the same! I just missed it the first time I checked because the numbers were flying past so quickly.

It seems that Entity::posY and Entity::lastTickPosY are the same value.


Fixed by using Entity::prevPosY instead.

Edited by BlazingTwist

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