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Texture problem [1.12.2]


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15 minutes ago, superminerJG said:

//What I do: I call the interface Modelable instead of IHasModel.

This doesn't matter. IHasModel is STILL IHasModel regardless of what you call it. You are usingIHasModel still.


15 minutes ago, superminerJG said:

//What he's suggesting (because all items have registerItemRenderer)

Nope, I am suggesting this instead:

        ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValuesCollection().stream().filter(i -> i.getRegistryName().getResourceDomain().equals(VSBRegistryNames.MODID)).forEach(i -> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(i, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(i.getRegistryName(), "inventory")));

No proxy, no for loop, just an elegant one-line solution. If you need custom case models then an interface is acceptable and the code is modified slightly to something like that

i -> i instanceof ISpecialModel ? ((ISpecialModel)i).registerModel() : ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...)


20 minutes ago, superminerJG said:

//Making an item in ModItems

No, dont ever do that. Don't ever use static initializers for registry entries. All registry entries must be instantinated in the appropriate registry event, otherwise your mod WILL break.

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9 hours ago, superminerJG said:

//what forge lets you do: look at how long that is... public static final Item SECOND_ITEM = new Item().setUnlocalizedName("second_item").setRegistryName("second_item").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.MATERIALS);

“Forge” doesn’t make you do that, you’re making yourself do that. That is the most basic way to do stuff. There are other ways like doing it in the constructor (don’t do this) or making a helper method.


See these 2 gists

IHasModel replacement (automated model registration): https://gist.github.com/Cadiboo/3f5cdb785affc069af2fa5fdf2d70358

Correct object registration & instantiation: https://gist.github.com/Cadiboo/b825d62fb46538e7b7b262c5612d62aa

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