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[1.5.1] Having Problems With Custom Armor


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Basically, I want to create custom armor. I'm having problems with getting the textures to appear. I've tried several different solutions but I seem to lack the basic knowledge.


I need to see a working 1.5 "public String getArmorTextureFile(ItemStack itemstack)" method. That is for the in-game armor right? Not the Icon?


Also, I need to see a working method that loads the icons.


I also need to know where the textures for the armor and the icon need to go. I do have a custom directory for all my textures.


1.5 has messed up all tutorials(1.4.7), and I have resorted to here for help.


Thanks for Any Replies!!  ;D


PS: I don't want to post any code because I don't believe it is necessary. I will post code if required.

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I'm working on an armor myself,  and I sort've have an irrelevant question :P how did you set the custom Crafting Material?  the default is null, and so I keep getting null pointer exceptions, but I don't know where to change this =D


This is my getArmorTextureFile:

public String getArmorTextureFile(ItemStack par1){
	if(par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyHelmet.itemID||par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyChestplate.itemID||par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyBoots.itemID){
		return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_1.png";
	if(par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyLegs.itemID){
		return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_2.png";
	return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_2.png";


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I'm working on an armor myself,  and I sort've have an irrelevant question :P how did you set the custom Crafting Material?  the default is null, and so I keep getting null pointer exceptions, but I don't know where to change this =D


This is my getArmorTextureFile:

public String getArmorTextureFile(ItemStack par1){
	if(par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyHelmet.itemID||par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyChestplate.itemID||par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyBoots.itemID){
		return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_1.png";
	if(par1.itemID == mod_MoreStuff.RubyLegs.itemID){
		return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_2.png";
	return "/mods/Water World/textures/armor/ruby_2.png";



Excuse my noob-ness but what crafting material are you referring to? I can't send you code because I'm at school but I can answer answer from memory if possible. By the way, I solved my problem in this question Monday.

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Well, there is a line in EnumArmorMaterial that says public int customCraftingMaterial = null, and above it is a comment saying added by forge.  but i found out thats not the problem, the damage reduce amount

this.damageReduceAmount = par2EnumArmorMaterial.getDamageReductionAmount(par4);

in ItemArmor is throwing a null for some reason.  When you get home, could you post your armor code?

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I've done custom armor too, it could be a little messy, but it works and i haven't any problem with it


ENUM in main

public static final EnumArmorMaterial ARMORA=EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("ARMORA", 200, new int[]{2, 3, 2, 2}, 15);


the item init

armorHelmet = new Armor(armorHelmetID, ARMORA, 2, 0).setUnlocalizedName("armorHelmet");


and part of the Armor class

int armtype;

public Armor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4) {

	super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial,par3,par4);

public void updateIcons(IconRegister iconRegister)
	switch (armtype){
	case 0:
        iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("myModName:armorHelmet");
	case 1:
		iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("myModName:armorPlate");
	case 2:
		iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("myModName:armorLegs");
	case 3:
		iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("myModName:armorBoots");

The par4 is the armortype (used in updateIcons in my case), the int armtype is just a helper.

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