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Problems with reobfuscation


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At first I want to say that I'm not really sure if this is a Problem with Forge or MCP. Anyway, I hope I can find someone to help me :)


When I try to recompile my Mod with the recompile.bat I get this output:


== MCP 7.26 (data: 7.26, client: 1.4.7, server: 1.4.
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, p
== Recompiling client ==
> Cleaning bin
> Recompiling
- Done in 8.83 seconds
!! Can not find server sources, try decompiling !!


If I try to start the Game afterwards with the startclient.bat it works perfectly. But if I try to reobfuscate with the reobfuscate.bat I get this Error:

== MCP 7.26 (data: 7.26, client: 1.4.7, server: 1.4.7) ==
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config
> Creating Retroguard config files
== Reobfuscating client ==
> Cleaning reobf
> Generating md5s
> Packing jar
> Reobfuscating jar
> Extracting modified classes
> New class found      : <Mod>/<File1>
> New class found      : <Mod>/<File2>
> New class found      : <Mod>/<File3>
> New class found      : <Mod>/<File4>
> New class found      : <Mod>/<File5>
* File <Mod>/<File1>.class failed extracting for <Mod>/<File1>
* File <Mod>/<File2>.class failed extracting for <Mod>/<File2>
* File <Mod>/<File3>.class failed extracting for <Mod>/<File3>
* File <Mod>/<File4>.class failed extracting for <Mod>/<File4>
* File <Mod>/<File5>.class failed extracting for <Mod>/<File5>
- Done in 6.09 seconds
!! Can not find server md5s !!


What I've tried so far:

- Google for the Problem

- run recompile.bat (I guess this corrupts my Forge installation)

- Reinstall MCP/Forge

- Update JDK

- Running recompile.bat/reobfuscate.bat on a diffrent Computer/OS

- Clip out my modded Files, run updatemd5.bat, put my Files back in


Nothing worked. Does anybody know the Problem and can help me?


Sorry for my bad English  :-[ I hope it's understandable

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