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Would Block Interaction stats be desirable  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Would Block Interaction stats be desirable

    • Yes, definitely.
    • Yes, but probably outside the scope of forge. It should be a mod.
    • No, they are unneeded. They can be added for individual blocks, just like in vanilla.

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Posted (edited)

There are currently stats for block mined, and ("custom") interaction stats for the vanilla crafting blocks.


Class net.minecraft.stats.Stats

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_BLAST_FURNACE = registerCustom("interact_with_blast_furnace", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_SMOKER = registerCustom("interact_with_smoker", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_LECTERN = registerCustom("interact_with_lectern", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_CAMPFIRE = registerCustom("interact_with_campfire", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE = registerCustom("interact_with_cartography_table", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_LOOM = registerCustom("interact_with_loom", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

public static final ResourceLocation INTERACT_WITH_STONECUTTER = registerCustom("interact_with_stonecutter", IStatFormatter.DEFAULT);

All of these are manually implemented.

Further there are item use stats, which are manually implemented for clicking on air, but in `ItemStack#onItemUse(context, callback)` (called when clicking a block with an item) the item use stats are incremented if the click is successful.


Would people be interested in having a similar system for blocks used (as in interacted with in world)? We could hook into `PlayerInteractionManager#func_219441_a` (the same method `ForgeHooks::onRightClickBlock` is called from) to determine whether stats should be added.


The reason why I was looking for something like this is because I was looking to see how easy it would be to determine how many times a player has harvested crops, but I know that right clicking crops to harvest them is quite popular, which presumably doesn't actually add the block mined stat. Also, just basing off block mined would be inaccurate, as it would count non-fully grown blocks. I could always go down the events route, but ideally I would like to be able to retroactively use the stat (i.e. before the mod was installed).

Edited by Alpvax

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