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[1.14.2] Step height change not removed when removing armor piece

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Hi All,


I'm having some trouble with an armor class.   When the player remove the boots, the change in step height does not go away.   Is there a different way I should be implementing this or am I missing something important?


Any guidance would help.


Thank you.


package com.kwpugh.gobber2.items.armor;

import com.kwpugh.gobber2.lists.ItemList;
import com.kwpugh.gobber2.util.SpecialAbilities;

import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.inventory.EquipmentSlotType;
import net.minecraft.item.ArmorItem;
import net.minecraft.item.IArmorMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.potion.Effect;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class ItemCustomArmor extends ArmorItem
	public ItemCustomArmor(IArmorMaterial materialIn, EquipmentSlotType slots, Properties builder)
		super(materialIn, slots, builder);
	public void onArmorTick(final ItemStack stack, final World world, final PlayerEntity player)
		if(player instanceof PlayerEntity)
			ItemStack head = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.HEAD);
			ItemStack chest = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.CHEST);
			ItemStack legs = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.LEGS);
		    ItemStack feet = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.FEET);	
		    //Full Set

	    	if(head != null && head.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_helmet && 
	    			chest != null && chest.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_chestplate && 
	    			legs != null && legs.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_leggings && 
	    			feet != null && feet.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_boots)
	    		((LivingEntity) player).removePotionEffect(Effect.get(19)); //Poison
		    if(head.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_helmet)
				int newfoodlevel = 1;
				float newsatlevel = 0.0F;
				SpecialAbilities.giveRegenffect(world, player, stack, newfoodlevel, newsatlevel);			
		    if(chest.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_chestplate)
		 			SpecialAbilities.giveBreathing(world, player, chest);
		    if(legs.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_leggings)
				player.fallDistance = 0.0F;
				player.fallDistance = 1.0F;
		    if(feet.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_boots)
				player.stepHeight = 2.1F;
					//player.jumpMovementFactor += 0.09F;
				player.stepHeight = 0.0F;
	public boolean isBookEnchantable(ItemStack stack, ItemStack book)
		return true;

	public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack toRepair, ItemStack repair)
		return repair.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_armor_repair;



ok, I should use inventroyTick to remove?


From an educational perspective, why do potion effects stop when the armor piece is removed, but no step height?



30 minutes ago, kwpugh said:

if(head != null ...

ItemStacks can't be null.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


So, this seems to work.   Is this a proper way to do it?


package com.kwpugh.gobber2.items.armor;

import com.kwpugh.gobber2.lists.ItemList;
import com.kwpugh.gobber2.util.SpecialAbilities;

import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.inventory.EquipmentSlotType;
import net.minecraft.item.ArmorItem;
import net.minecraft.item.IArmorMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.potion.Effects;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries;

public class ItemCustomArmor extends ArmorItem
	public ItemCustomArmor(IArmorMaterial materialIn, EquipmentSlotType slots, Properties builder)
		super(materialIn, slots, builder);
	public void onArmorTick(final ItemStack stack, final World world, final PlayerEntity player)
		if(player instanceof PlayerEntity)
			ItemStack head = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.HEAD);
			ItemStack chest = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.CHEST);
			ItemStack legs = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.LEGS);
		    ItemStack feet = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.FEET);
		    //Full Set
	    	if(head.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_helmet && 
	    			chest.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_chestplate && 
	    			legs.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_leggings && 
	    			feet.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_boots)
	    		((LivingEntity) ForgeRegistries.POTIONS).removePotionEffect(Effects.POISON);
		    if(head.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_helmet)
				int newfoodlevel = 1;
				float newsatlevel = 0.0F;
				SpecialAbilities.giveRegenffect(world, player, stack, newfoodlevel, newsatlevel);			
		    if(chest.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_chestplate)
		 			SpecialAbilities.giveBreathing(world, player, chest);
		    if(legs.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_leggings)
				player.fallDistance = 0.0F;
		    if(feet.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_boots)
				player.stepHeight = 2.1F;
					//player.jumpMovementFactor += 0.09F;
	public void inventoryTick(ItemStack stack, World world, PlayerEntity player, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected)
		ItemStack head = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.HEAD);
		ItemStack chest = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.CHEST);
		ItemStack legs = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.LEGS);
	    ItemStack feet = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EquipmentSlotType.FEET);
		if(!(legs.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_leggings))
			player.fallDistance = 1.0F;
		if(!(feet.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_boots))
			player.stepHeight = 0.0F;
	public boolean isBookEnchantable(ItemStack stack, ItemStack book)
		return true;

	public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack toRepair, ItemStack repair)
		return repair.getItem() == ItemList.gobber2_armor_repair;


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