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Adding Names with Language Registry


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This is silly, but all of the names to be used in-game aren't being registered right with Language Registry. All blocks have the same name as the last block name registered (in this case "Incinerator") and the exact same goes for items (in this case "Ash"). I first thought it was because I moved all the registering related stuff into a seperate class and that the methods are static, but when I tried registering the names in the mod initializer, I got the same issue. This is really frustrating cause it seems like I'm the only person who's having this kind of problem.


Here's my core mod class:

package mods.minetech;

import mods.minetech.block.*;
import mods.minetech.gui.GuiManager;
import mods.minetech.items.*;
import mods.minetech.util.RecipeManager;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.*;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.*;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.*;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;

@Mod(modid = "Jules_Mod773", name = "minetech", version = "1.0.0")
@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false)
public class MTCore {

public static MTCore instance;
@SidedProxy(clientSide = "mods.minetech.ClientProxy", serverSide = "mods.minetech.CommonProxy")
public static CommonProxy proxy;

/* switch if advanced tools are enabled*/
private static boolean isAdvanced = false;

//declares items
    public static final Item coke = new ItemCoke(700).setUnlocalizedName("coke").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    public static final Item copperIngot = new GenericItem(701).setUnlocalizedName("copperIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item aluminiumIngot = new GenericItem(702).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item graphiteFlakes = new GenericItem(703).setUnlocalizedName("graphiteDust").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    public static final Item steelIngot = new GenericItem(704).setUnlocalizedName("steelIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item carbonsteelIngot = new GenericItem(705).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item titaniumSponge = new GenericItem(706).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumSponge").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item titaniumIngot = new GenericItem(707).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item obsidiantitaniumIngot = new GenericItem(708).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item magnesiumDust = new GenericItem(709).setUnlocalizedName("magnesiumDust").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    public static final Item slimegel = new GenericItem(710).setUnlocalizedName("slimeGel").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    public static final Item glycerin = new GenericItem(711).setUnlocalizedName("glycerin").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    public static final Item glycerinNitro = new ItemNitroGlycerin(712).setUnlocalizedName("glycerinNitro").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item stickyTorch = new ItemStickyTorch(713).setUnlocalizedName("stickyTorchItem").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item obsidianIngot = new GenericItem(714).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianIngot").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials);
    public static final Item ash = new ItemAsh(715).setUnlocalizedName("ash").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
    //declares weapons and tools
    public static final Item swordCopper = new GenericSword(716, MTEnumToolMaterial.Copper).setUnlocalizedName("copperSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeCopper = new GenericPickaxe(717, MTEnumToolMaterial.Copper).setUnlocalizedName("copperPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeCopper = new GenericAxe(718, MTEnumToolMaterial.Copper).setUnlocalizedName("copperAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeCopper = new GenericHoe(719, MTEnumToolMaterial.Copper).setUnlocalizedName("copperHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelCopper = new GenericSpade(720, MTEnumToolMaterial.Copper).setUnlocalizedName("copperSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item swordAluminium = new GenericSword(721, MTEnumToolMaterial.Aluminium).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeAluminium = new GenericPickaxe(722, MTEnumToolMaterial.Aluminium).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeAluminium = new GenericAxe(723, MTEnumToolMaterial.Aluminium).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeAluminium = new GenericHoe(724, MTEnumToolMaterial.Aluminium).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelAluminium = new GenericSpade(725, MTEnumToolMaterial.Aluminium).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item swordSteel = new GenericSword(726, MTEnumToolMaterial.Steel).setUnlocalizedName("steelSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeSteel = new GenericPickaxe(727, MTEnumToolMaterial.Steel).setUnlocalizedName("steelPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeSteel = new GenericAxe(728, MTEnumToolMaterial.Steel).setUnlocalizedName("steelAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeSteel = new GenericHoe(729, MTEnumToolMaterial.Steel).setUnlocalizedName("steelHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelSteel = new GenericSpade(730, MTEnumToolMaterial.Steel).setUnlocalizedName("steelSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item swordCarbonSteel = new GenericSword(731, MTEnumToolMaterial.CarbonSteel).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeCarbonSteel = new GenericPickaxe(732, MTEnumToolMaterial.CarbonSteel).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeCarbonSteel = new GenericAxe(733, MTEnumToolMaterial.CarbonSteel).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeCarbonSteel = new GenericHoe(734, MTEnumToolMaterial.CarbonSteel).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelCarbonSteel = new GenericSpade(735, MTEnumToolMaterial.CarbonSteel).setUnlocalizedName("carbonSteelSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item swordTitanium = new GenericSword(736, MTEnumToolMaterial.Titanium).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeTitanium = new GenericPickaxe(737, MTEnumToolMaterial.Titanium).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeTitanium = new GenericAxe(738, MTEnumToolMaterial.Titanium).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeTitanium = new GenericHoe(739, MTEnumToolMaterial.Titanium).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelTitanium = new GenericSpade(740, MTEnumToolMaterial.Titanium).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item swordObsidianTitanium = new GenericSword(741, MTEnumToolMaterial.ObsidianTitanium).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumSword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item pickaxeObsidianTitanium = new GenericPickaxe(742, MTEnumToolMaterial.ObsidianTitanium).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumPickaxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item axeObsidianTitanium = new GenericAxe(743, MTEnumToolMaterial.ObsidianTitanium).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumAxe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item hoeObsidianTitanium = new GenericHoe(744, MTEnumToolMaterial.ObsidianTitanium).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumHoe").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    public static final Item shovelObsidianTitanium = new GenericSpade(745, MTEnumToolMaterial.ObsidianTitanium).setUnlocalizedName("obsidianTitaniumSpade").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabTools);
    //declares blocks
    public static final Block bioCarbonizerOn = new BlockBioCarbonizer(900, true).setHardness(3.5F).setLightValue(0.875F);
    public static final Block bioCarbonizerOff = new BlockBioCarbonizer(901, false).setHardness(3.5F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block bauxiteOre = new BlockBauxite(902).setUnlocalizedName("aluminiumOre").setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep);//aluminium ore
    public static final Block copperOre = new BlockCopper(903).setUnlocalizedName("copperOre").setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep);
    public static final Block titaniumOre = new BlockTitaniumOre(904, 6).setUnlocalizedName("titaniumOre").setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep);
    public static final Block dolomite = new BlockDolomite(905, 3).setUnlocalizedName("magnesiumOre").setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep);//magnesium ore
    public static final Block magnesiumBrick = new BlockMagnesiumBrick(906).setUnlocalizedName("magnesiumBrick").setHardness(0.3F).setResistance(10F).setLightValue(1.0F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block magnesiumBlock = new BlockMagnesium(907).setUnlocalizedName("magnesiumBlock").setHardness(0.1F).setStepSound(Block.soundClothFootstep).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block lumpgraphite = new BlockLumpGraphite(908).setUnlocalizedName("graphiteOre").setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep);//graphite ore
    public static final Block blastOn = new BlockBlast(909, true).setHardness(3.5F);
    public static final Block blastOff = new BlockBlast(910, false).setHardness(3.5F).setLightValue(0.875F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block incineratorOn = new BlockIncinerator(911, true).setHardness(3.5F).setLightValue(0.875F);
    public static final Block incineratorOff = new BlockIncinerator(912, false).setHardness(3.5F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block miningTnt = new BlockMiningTNT(913).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations);
    public static final Block stickyglowBlock = new BlockStickyTorch(914).setUnlocalizedName("stickyTorch").setLightValue(1.0F);
    public static final Block uraninite = new BlockUraniumOre(915).setUnlocalizedName("uraniumOre").setHardness(0.3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setLightValue(0.875F);
    public static final Block redGlass = new BlockStainedGlass(916).setUnlocalizedName("glassRed").setHardness(0.3F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setStepSound(Block.soundGlassFootstep);
    public static final Block blueGlass = new BlockStainedGlass(917).setUnlocalizedName("glassBlue").setHardness(0.3F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setStepSound(Block.soundGlassFootstep);
    public static final Block yellowGlass = new BlockStainedGlass(918).setUnlocalizedName("glassYellow").setHardness(0.3F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setStepSound(Block.soundGlassFootstep);
    public static final Block greenGlass = new BlockStainedGlass(919).setUnlocalizedName("glassGreen").setHardness(0.3F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setStepSound(Block.soundGlassFootstep);
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
    	/* checks for MTCoreAdvanced */
    		Class a = Class.forName("minetech.common.MTCoreAdvanced");
    		isAdvanced = false;
    		System.out.println("MineTech Core: Advanced Core found !");
    	catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    	      System.out.println("MineTech Core: Advanced Core not detected, reason: " + e);
    public void loadMod(FMLInitializationEvent initEvent){
	NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(instance, new GuiManager());
	GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new MTWorldGenerator());
    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
            // Stub Method
    /** Returns true if advanced is enabled */
    public static boolean isAdvanced(){
    	return isAdvanced;
    public void loadNames(){
    	LanguageRegistry.addName(redGlass, "Red Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(blueGlass, "Blue Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(greenGlass, "Green Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(yellowGlass, "Yellow Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(coke, "Coke");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(bioCarbonizerOff, "Bio Carbonizer");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(blastOff, "Blast");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(bauxiteOre, "Bauxite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(copperOre, "Porphyry Copper");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(aluminiumIngot, "Aluminum Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(copperIngot, "Copper Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(graphiteFlakes, "Graphite Flakes");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(lumpgraphite, "Lump Graphite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(titaniumOre, "Titanium Ore");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(dolomite, "Dolomite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(magnesiumBrick, "Magnesium Brick");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(titaniumIngot, "Titanium Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(titaniumSponge, "Titanium Sponge");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(magnesiumDust, "Magnesium Dust");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(magnesiumBlock, "Magnesium Block");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(steelIngot, "Steel Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(carbonsteelIngot, "Carbon-Steel Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(obsidiantitaniumIngot, "Obsidian-Titanium Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordCopper, "Copper Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeCopper, "Copper Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeCopper, "Copper Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeCopper, "Copper Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelCopper, "Copper Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordAluminium, "Aluminium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeAluminium, "Aluminium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeAluminium, "Aluminium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeAluminium, "Aluminium How");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelAluminium, "Aluminium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordTitanium, "Titanium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeTitanium, "Titanium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeTitanium, "Titanium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeTitanium, "Titanium Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelTitanium, "Ttitanium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordSteel,"Steel Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeSteel, "Steel Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeSteel, "Steel Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeSteel, "Steel Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelSteel, "Steel Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(swordObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(pickaxeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(axeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(hoeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(shovelObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(slimegel, "Slime Gel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(glycerin, "Glycerin");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(stickyTorch, "Sticky Torch");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(uraninite, "Uranitite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(obsidianIngot, "Obsidian Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(glycerinNitro, "Nitro-Glycerin");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(stickyglowBlock, "Sticky Torch Block");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(ash, "Ash");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(miningTnt, "Mining TNT");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(incineratorOff, "Incinerator");


And here's my registry class:

package mods.minetech;

import mods.minetech.entities.EntityNitroGlycerin;
import mods.minetech.entities.EntityStickyTorch;
import mods.minetech.tileentities.TileEntityBioCarbonizer;
import mods.minetech.tileentities.TileEntityBlast;
import mods.minetech.tileentities.TileEntityIncinerator;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;

public class MTRegistry{

//Registers names for all blocks, items, entities
	public static void registerNames(MTCore mod){

        /*LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.redGlass, "Red Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.blueGlass, "Blue Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.greenGlass, "Green Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.yellowGlass, "Yellow Glass");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.coke, "Coke");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.bioCarbonizerOff, "Bio Carbonizer");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.blastOff, "Blast");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.bauxiteOre, "Bauxite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.copperOre, "Porphyry Copper");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.aluminiumIngot, "Aluminum Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.copperIngot, "Copper Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.graphiteFlakes, "Graphite Flakes");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.lumpgraphite, "Lump Graphite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.titaniumOre, "Titanium Ore");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.dolomite, "Dolomite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.magnesiumBrick, "Magnesium Brick");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.titaniumIngot, "Titanium Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.titaniumSponge, "Titanium Sponge");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.magnesiumDust, "Magnesium Dust");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.magnesiumBlock, "Magnesium Block");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.steelIngot, "Steel Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.carbonsteelIngot, "Carbon-Steel Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.obsidiantitaniumIngot, "Obsidian-Titanium Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordCopper, "Copper Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeCopper, "Copper Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeCopper, "Copper Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeCopper, "Copper Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelCopper, "Copper Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordAluminium, "Aluminium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeAluminium, "Aluminium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeAluminium, "Aluminium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeAluminium, "Aluminium How");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelAluminium, "Aluminium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordTitanium, "Titanium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeTitanium, "Titanium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeTitanium, "Titanium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeTitanium, "Titanium Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelTitanium, "Ttitanium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordSteel,"Steel Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeSteel, "Steel Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeSteel, "Steel Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeSteel, "Steel Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelSteel, "Steel Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelCarbonSteel, "Carbon-Steel Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.swordObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Sword");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.pickaxeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Pickaxe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.axeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Axe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.hoeObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Hoe");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.shovelObsidianTitanium, "Obsidian-Titanium Shovel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.slimegel, "Slime Gel");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.glycerin, "Glycerin");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.stickyTorch, "Sticky Torch");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.uraninite, "Uranitite");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.obsidianIngot, "Obsidian Ingot");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.glycerinNitro, "Nitro-Glycerin");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.stickyglowBlock, "Sticky Torch Block");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.ash, "Ash");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.miningTnt, "Mining TNT");
        LanguageRegistry.addName(mod.incineratorOff, "Incinerator");*/
        /* adds Advanced Machines if enabled */
        	//LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.transformer, "Transformer");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.inductionFurnaceOff, "Induction Furnace");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.geoGenOff, "Thermal Generator");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.combGenOff, "Combustion Generator");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.copperWire, "Copper Wire");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.aluminiumWireItem, "Aluminium Wire");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.copperWireItem, "Copper Wire");
	        //LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.aluminiumWire, "Aluminium Wire");
        	LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.twostrokeEngine, "2-Stroke Engine");
	        LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.alternator, "Alternator");
	        LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.electricMotor, "Electric Motor");
	        LanguageRegistry.addName(MTCoreAdvanced.aluminiumCasing, "Aluminium Casing");

	//Registers all blocks
	public static void registerBlocks(MTCore mod){
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.miningTnt, "miningTNT");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.bauxiteOre, "aluminiumOre");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.bioCarbonizerOff, "bioCarbonizer");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.copperOre, "copperOre");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.lumpgraphite, "graphiteOre");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.dolomite, "magnesiumOre");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.titaniumOre, "titaniumOre");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.magnesiumBrick, "magnesiumBrick");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.magnesiumBlock, "magnesiumBlock");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.blastOff, "blast");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.uraninite, "uraninite");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.stickyglowBlock, "stickyglowBlock");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.redGlass, "glassRed");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.blueGlass, "glassBlue");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.greenGlass, "glassGreen");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.yellowGlass, "glassYellow");
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(mod.incineratorOff, "incinerator");
        /* adds Advanced Machines if enabled */

	/** registers all entities and tile entities*/
	public static void registerAllEntities(MTCore mod){
		//EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityNitroGlycerin.class, "nitroGlycerin", 1, MTCore.instance, 80, 3, false);
		//EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityStickyTorch.class, "stickyTorch", 2, MTCore.instance, 80, 3, false);
		ModLoader.registerEntityID(EntityNitroGlycerin.class, "nitroGlycerin", 300);
		ModLoader.registerEntityID(EntityStickyTorch.class, "stickyTorch", 301);

		GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBioCarbonizer.class, "bioCarbonizer");
		GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBlast.class, "blast");
		GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityIncinerator.class, "incinerator");

	public static void OreRegistry(MTCore mod){
		OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotCopper", new ItemStack(mod.copperIngot));
		OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotAluminium", new ItemStack(mod.aluminiumIngot));
		OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotSteel", new ItemStack(mod.steelIngot));
		OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotCarbonSteel", new ItemStack(mod.carbonsteelIngot));
		OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotTitanium", new ItemStack(mod.titaniumIngot));
		OreDictionary.registerOre("oreCopper", mod.copperOre);
		OreDictionary.registerOre("oreAluminium", mod.bauxiteOre);
		OreDictionary.registerOre("oreMagnesium", mod.dolomite);
		OreDictionary.registerOre("oreTitanium", mod.titaniumOre);
		OreDictionary.registerOre("oreUranium", mod.uraninite);

	public static void addSmeltingRecipes(MTCore mod){
		GameRegistry.addSmelting(mod.copperOre.blockID, new ItemStack(mod.copperIngot, 1), 1.0F);
		GameRegistry.addSmelting(mod.bauxiteOre.blockID, new ItemStack(mod.aluminiumIngot, 1), 1.0F);
		GameRegistry.addSmelting(mod.titaniumOre.blockID, new ItemStack(mod.titaniumSponge, 1), 2.0F);
		GameRegistry.addSmelting(mod.titaniumSponge.itemID, new ItemStack(mod.titaniumIngot, 1), 2F);

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Instead of using the separate class for registering your names, just do it in your main class in the @Init method.  This piece of code is what is giving you errors:




When it calls this it calls all of your mod blocks and names them all every name in the order they are in the class file, meaning that all of your blocks end up being named "Incinerator." Same goes for items.

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Unrelated, but worth pointing out:


 public static final Block greenGlass = new BlockStainedGlass(919).setUnlocalizedName("glassGreen").setHardness(0.3F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabDecorations).setStepSound(Block.soundGlassFootstep);


Ew.  You're not using a config file for your block and item IDs!

Also, all those function calls to set names, hardness, and so on, I'd put those inside the class file, except where needed to override (eg. all your stained glass has the same hardness, so put that IN the class BlockStainedGlass, but they have different names, so keep that outside).

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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    • Make a test with deleting the config of tempad-forge (config folder) If there is no change, remove this mod
    • There is an invalid entry in your level.dat   Create a copy of this world and open it in singleplayer - if this works, upload this world to the server If not, add the latest.log from the singleplayer test
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    • If you're looking to save big on your next Temu purchase, you're in luck! The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers an incredible $100 off and free shipping for both new and existing users. Temu, known for its wide range of products at competitive prices, is making shopping even more affordable with this amazing discount. In this article, we'll dive into the details of how you can use this Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) to maximize your savings, explore other discount opportunities, and answer some frequently asked questions about Temu discount codes. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a loyal customer, these insights will help you make the most of your Temu shopping experience. What is the Temu $100 Discount Code? The Temu $100 discount code is a special promotional offer that provides a significant price reduction on your purchase. By using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), shoppers can enjoy a flat $100 off their order, making it an excellent opportunity to save on a variety of products. This discount code is valid for both new and existing users, ensuring that everyone can benefit from this fantastic deal. How to Get Discounts on Temu Getting discounts on Temu is straightforward and easy. Here are some steps to ensure you make the most of the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769): Visit the Temu Website: Start by browsing the Temu website to find the products you want to purchase. Add Items to Your Cart: Select your desired items and add them to your shopping cart. Apply the Coupon Code: During checkout, enter the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) in the designated promo code box. Enjoy Your Savings: Once the code is applied, you will see the $100 discount reflected in your total. Complete your purchase and enjoy your savings. Temu Promo Codes for Existing Customers Temu values its loyal customers and offers various promo codes, including the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), which existing users can use. This ensures that repeat shoppers can also benefit from significant discounts on their purchases. Keep an eye out for special promotions and offers that are periodically available to enhance your shopping experience. Discount Code for Temu Discount codes for Temu are a great way to save money on your orders. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is one of the best options available, offering a substantial $100 off and free shipping. Always check the Temu website or subscribe to their newsletter to stay updated on the latest discount codes and promotions. Temu New User Discount Code For new users, Temu provides exclusive discount codes to make their first shopping experience more enjoyable. By using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), new customers can take advantage of a flat $100 discount and free shipping on their first order. This generous offer makes it easier for new shoppers to explore Temu's diverse product range without breaking the bank. Free Temu Discount Codes Temu frequently offers free discount codes to help customers save on their purchases. These codes can be found on the Temu website, social media pages, or through promotional emails. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is one such code that offers substantial savings and free shipping, making it a valuable find for any shopper. Temu Discount Code $100 Off The Temu discount code for $100 off is a remarkable offer that significantly reduces the cost of your purchase. By entering the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) at checkout, you can instantly save $100 on your order. This code is perfect for those looking to buy higher-priced items or make bulk purchases, providing substantial savings. Best Temu Discount Codes When it comes to finding the best Temu discount codes, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) stands out due to its high value and ease of use. It offers a flat $100 discount along with free shipping, making it one of the top choices for savvy shoppers. Always look for verified and legitimate codes to ensure you get the best deals. Temu Discount Bundle Code Temu also offers discount bundle codes that provide savings on multiple items purchased together. These codes are perfect for shoppers looking to buy several products at once. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) can be used in conjunction with other promotions, ensuring you get the maximum discount on your bundled purchases. Temu $100 Discount Bundle Reddit Reddit is a great resource for finding discount codes and deals shared by other users. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) often appears in threads discussing Temu discounts, allowing users to benefit from verified and legitimate offers. Reddit communities can be a valuable source of information and help you find the best deals available. Temu 100 Discount Reddit Users on Reddit frequently share their experiences and discount codes for Temu. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is a popular topic, with many users confirming its validity and the substantial savings it offers. Join Reddit discussions to stay updated on the latest Temu discount codes and promotional offers. Temu Discount $100 Off Reddit Reddit is a platform where users can find and share Temu discount codes, including the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). This code provides a significant $100 off, making it a hot topic among Reddit shoppers. Engage with the community to discover more discount opportunities and tips for saving on Temu. Here's the updated version of the article with the required code changes: Temu Discount Code for Existing Customers Existing customers can continue to save on their purchases with the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). This code is not just for new users but also rewards loyal customers with a flat $100 discount and free shipping. It's a great way to keep enjoying Temu's offers with a Temu Discount $100 Off for Existing Customers. Temu Discount Code $100 Off The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is an excellent offer for existing customers, providing a $100 discount on their orders. This code helps long-term users save on their purchases, making it easier to continue shopping at Temu without worrying about high costs. Temu Discount Code First Order For first-time shoppers, using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) on their first order is a smart move. This code provides a flat $100 off and free shipping, making the initial shopping experience both enjoyable and affordable. Take advantage of this offer to explore Temu's wide range of products. Temu 90% Off Code First Order While the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers a substantial $100 off, Temu also provides other discount codes, such as 90% off for first orders. These codes ensure that new customers can start their shopping journey with significant savings. Always check for the latest offers to get the best deal. Temu 90% Off Code for Existing Users Existing users can also benefit from significant discounts, such as 90% off codes, in addition to the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). Temu frequently updates its promotional offers, ensuring that loyal customers can continue to enjoy great savings on their purchases. Is Temu $100 Percent Off Legit? Many shoppers wonder if the $100 discount on Temu is legitimate. Rest assured, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is a verified and authentic offer, providing a flat $100 off and free shipping. Always use trusted sources to find valid discount codes to ensure a safe and rewarding shopping experience. Where Can I Get a Temu Discount Code $100 Off? You can find the Temu discount code for $100 off on the Temu website, through promotional emails, or on forums like Reddit. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is widely shared and verified, making it easy to access and use for significant savings. Is the Temu $100 Discount Legit? Yes, the Temu $100 discount is legitimate. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) has been confirmed by many users to provide a real $100 off and free shipping. Ensure you use the correct and verified code to enjoy these benefits. How Can I Redeem the Temu $100 Discount? Redeeming the Temu $100 discount is simple: Shop on the Temu Website: Add your desired items to the shopping cart. Enter the Coupon Code: During checkout, enter the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) in the promo code box. Apply the Discount: The $100 discount and free shipping will be applied to your order. Complete Your Purchase: Finish the checkout process and enjoy your savings. How to Use a $100 Dollar Discount on Temu Using a $100 discount on Temu is straightforward. By applying the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) at checkout, the discount will be automatically applied to your total. This allows you to save significantly on a wide range of products available on the Temu website. Temu Discount $50 Off In addition to the $100 off code, Temu also offers $50 off discounts. These codes can be found on the Temu website or through promotional emails. Using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) ensures you get the best available discount. Temu Discount $30 Off Temu provides various discount options, including $30 off codes. While the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers a more substantial $100 discount, always check for additional offers to maximize your savings. Temu Discount Code $200 Off For larger purchases, Temu occasionally offers $200 off discount codes. While these are less common, they provide significant savings for bulk orders. Keep an eye out for such promotions in addition to using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). Temu Discount Code $300 Off High-value discount codes, such as $300 off, are occasionally available for large orders. These codes can be combined with the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) for even greater savings. Always check the latest promotions to find the best deals. Temu Discount Code $500 Off For substantial purchases, Temu sometimes offers $500 off discount codes. These high-value codes are perfect for large orders and can be used alongside the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) to maximize your savings. 30% Off Temu Coupons, Promo Codes + 25% Cash Back (acq783769]) Redeem Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST ORDER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF NEW USER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS 2024 (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST ORDER FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING USA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF HOW DOES IT WORK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS CANADA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF 2024 (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR NEW CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CANADA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FIRST ORDER (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF COUPON BUNDLE (acq783769]) 100 COUPON CODES (acq783769]) 1 BUCKS TO PHP (acq783769]) IS THERE A COUPON IN THE PHILIPPINES (acq783769]) 100 BUCKS TO PHP (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF COUPON (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF CODE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 VALUE COUPON BUNDLE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE FOR EXISTING USERS (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE UK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE $100 OFF FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODES 100 PERCENT OFF (acq783769]) WHAT IS A HIGH COUPON RATE (acq783769]) HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON RATE WITHOUT COUPON PAYMENT (acq783769]) WHAT IS THE COUPON RATE (acq783769]) HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON VALUE (acq783769]) USING COUPONS AND REBATES TO LOWER THE PRICE OF AN ITEM IS AN EXAMPLE OF (acq783769]) TEMU 100 DOLLAR OFF COUPON (acq783769]) DOMINOS COUPON CODE 100 OFF (acq783769]) DOMINO'S 100 RS OFF COUPON CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF EXISTING CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) WHAT IS 10 OFF 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) 100 OFF PROMO CODE (acq783769]) 1 CASHBACK ON 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) IS TEMU 100 OFF COUPON LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF LEGIT (acq783769]) WHAT IS A GOOD COUPON RATE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 VALUE COUPON (acq783769]) 100 DOLLAR OFF SHEIN CODE (acq783769]) WHAT IS A ZERO COUPON NOTE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 PERCENT OFF COUPON REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON REAL (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF SOUTH AFRICA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST TIME USER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE $100 OFF FIRST TIME USER (acq783769]) IS THE TEMU 100 OFF COUPON LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF UK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE 100 OFF UK (acq783769]) HOW MUCH IS 20 OF 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE 100 OFF (acq783769]) Conclusion In conclusion, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) is an excellent opportunity to save $100 on your next Temu purchase, with the added benefit of free shipping. Whether you're a new user or a loyal customer, this code ensures you get the best deal possible. Always stay updated on the latest discount codes and promotions to make the most of your Temu shopping experience. Happy shopping. All About the Latest Temu Promotions, Coupon Codes, and How to Get a $100 Coupon Bundle What is the $100 Temu Coupon? The $100 Temu coupon is promoted as a major discount available on the Temu website or app. It promises shoppers substantial savings, but there are key details you should know. Is the Temu $100 Coupon Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) The legitimacy of the $100 Temu coupon largely depends on where it comes from and the conditions attached. Here’s what to consider: Source of the Coupon: If the coupon originates from Temu's official website, app, or verified social media accounts, it is likely to be real. However, coupons from third-party sites might not be trustworthy. Terms and Conditions: A legitimate coupon will always have clear terms, including spending requirements, applicable products, and expiry dates. If any of these are unclear, the coupon might not be valid. Too Good to Be True? A $100 discount sounds amazing, but if the offer seems too generous, it may not be legitimate. Scammers often use big discounts to lure customers. What Should You Do? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) If you come across a Temu $100 coupon, follow these steps to ensure it's valid: Verify the Source: Check that the coupon is from an official Temu source. Read the Details: Look over the coupon's terms and conditions carefully. Be Cautious: Avoid using coupons from unfamiliar or suspicious sources to protect yourself from scams. The Legitimacy of the Temu $100 Coupon (acq783769]) or (acq783769) The Temu $100 coupon is, indeed, legitimate when offered by Temu through official promotions. Temu provides these coupons to attract new shoppers and reward loyal customers. However, they are often part of a welcome package or require participation in certain promotions. Always read the fine print to understand the terms. Is the Temu $300 Coupon Code Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) A $300 Temu coupon code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) may be legitimate if it is promoted directly by Temu. Be sure to verify its authenticity through official channels before using it. Is the Temu $750 Coupon Code Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) A $750 Temu coupon code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is highly unlikely to be legitimate. Always be cautious of such large discounts and verify them before using. Conclusion In conclusion, the $100 Temu coupon can be legitimate if it meets the right conditions, such as coming from a trusted source and having clear terms. Always stay cautious, and happy shopping—but remember to shop smart! FAQs On Temu $100 Coupon (acq783769]) or (acq783769) What is the $100 coupon bundle on Temu? The $100 coupon bundle on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) includes multiple discounts that could save you up to $100 on your purchases. Is a $15,000 coupon on Temu legit? A $15,000 coupon on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is extremely unlikely to be legitimate and should be treated with caution. How does Temu’s 100% rebate work? Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) sometimes offers promotions with 100% rebates on specific purchases. These offers typically have conditions such as minimum purchase amounts. Does Temu really give you $200? While Temu may offer generous discounts, it’s rare for them to simply give $200 without terms attached. Always verify the offer. Is a 100% discount truly free? Yes, a 100% discount on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) means the product is free, but check the terms to avoid any hidden costs
    • If you're looking to save big on your next Temu purchase, you're in luck! The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers an incredible $100 off and free shipping for both new and existing users. Temu, known for its wide range of products at competitive prices, is making shopping even more affordable with this amazing discount. In this article, we'll dive into the details of how you can use this Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) to maximize your savings, explore other discount opportunities, and answer some frequently asked questions about Temu discount codes. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a loyal customer, these insights will help you make the most of your Temu shopping experience. What is the Temu $100 Discount Code? The Temu $100 discount code is a special promotional offer that provides a significant price reduction on your purchase. By using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), shoppers can enjoy a flat $100 off their order, making it an excellent opportunity to save on a variety of products. This discount code is valid for both new and existing users, ensuring that everyone can benefit from this fantastic deal. How to Get Discounts on Temu Getting discounts on Temu is straightforward and easy. Here are some steps to ensure you make the most of the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769): Visit the Temu Website: Start by browsing the Temu website to find the products you want to purchase. Add Items to Your Cart: Select your desired items and add them to your shopping cart. Apply the Coupon Code: During checkout, enter the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) in the designated promo code box. Enjoy Your Savings: Once the code is applied, you will see the $100 discount reflected in your total. Complete your purchase and enjoy your savings. Temu Promo Codes for Existing Customers Temu values its loyal customers and offers various promo codes, including the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), which existing users can use. This ensures that repeat shoppers can also benefit from significant discounts on their purchases. Keep an eye out for special promotions and offers that are periodically available to enhance your shopping experience. Discount Code for Temu Discount codes for Temu are a great way to save money on your orders. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is one of the best options available, offering a substantial $100 off and free shipping. Always check the Temu website or subscribe to their newsletter to stay updated on the latest discount codes and promotions. Temu New User Discount Code For new users, Temu provides exclusive discount codes to make their first shopping experience more enjoyable. By using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769), new customers can take advantage of a flat $100 discount and free shipping on their first order. This generous offer makes it easier for new shoppers to explore Temu's diverse product range without breaking the bank. Free Temu Discount Codes Temu frequently offers free discount codes to help customers save on their purchases. These codes can be found on the Temu website, social media pages, or through promotional emails. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is one such code that offers substantial savings and free shipping, making it a valuable find for any shopper. Temu Discount Code $100 Off The Temu discount code for $100 off is a remarkable offer that significantly reduces the cost of your purchase. By entering the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) at checkout, you can instantly save $100 on your order. This code is perfect for those looking to buy higher-priced items or make bulk purchases, providing substantial savings. Best Temu Discount Codes When it comes to finding the best Temu discount codes, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) stands out due to its high value and ease of use. It offers a flat $100 discount along with free shipping, making it one of the top choices for savvy shoppers. Always look for verified and legitimate codes to ensure you get the best deals. Temu Discount Bundle Code Temu also offers discount bundle codes that provide savings on multiple items purchased together. These codes are perfect for shoppers looking to buy several products at once. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) can be used in conjunction with other promotions, ensuring you get the maximum discount on your bundled purchases. Temu $100 Discount Bundle Reddit Reddit is a great resource for finding discount codes and deals shared by other users. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) often appears in threads discussing Temu discounts, allowing users to benefit from verified and legitimate offers. Reddit communities can be a valuable source of information and help you find the best deals available. Temu 100 Discount Reddit Users on Reddit frequently share their experiences and discount codes for Temu. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is a popular topic, with many users confirming its validity and the substantial savings it offers. Join Reddit discussions to stay updated on the latest Temu discount codes and promotional offers. Temu Discount $100 Off Reddit Reddit is a platform where users can find and share Temu discount codes, including the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). This code provides a significant $100 off, making it a hot topic among Reddit shoppers. Engage with the community to discover more discount opportunities and tips for saving on Temu. Here's the updated version of the article with the required code changes: Temu Discount Code for Existing Customers Existing customers can continue to save on their purchases with the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). This code is not just for new users but also rewards loyal customers with a flat $100 discount and free shipping. It's a great way to keep enjoying Temu's offers with a Temu Discount $100 Off for Existing Customers. Temu Discount Code $100 Off The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is an excellent offer for existing customers, providing a $100 discount on their orders. This code helps long-term users save on their purchases, making it easier to continue shopping at Temu without worrying about high costs. Temu Discount Code First Order For first-time shoppers, using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) on their first order is a smart move. This code provides a flat $100 off and free shipping, making the initial shopping experience both enjoyable and affordable. Take advantage of this offer to explore Temu's wide range of products. Temu 90% Off Code First Order While the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers a substantial $100 off, Temu also provides other discount codes, such as 90% off for first orders. These codes ensure that new customers can start their shopping journey with significant savings. Always check for the latest offers to get the best deal. Temu 90% Off Code for Existing Users Existing users can also benefit from significant discounts, such as 90% off codes, in addition to the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). Temu frequently updates its promotional offers, ensuring that loyal customers can continue to enjoy great savings on their purchases. Is Temu $100 Percent Off Legit? Many shoppers wonder if the $100 discount on Temu is legitimate. Rest assured, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is a verified and authentic offer, providing a flat $100 off and free shipping. Always use trusted sources to find valid discount codes to ensure a safe and rewarding shopping experience. Where Can I Get a Temu Discount Code $100 Off? You can find the Temu discount code for $100 off on the Temu website, through promotional emails, or on forums like Reddit. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is widely shared and verified, making it easy to access and use for significant savings. Is the Temu $100 Discount Legit? Yes, the Temu $100 discount is legitimate. The Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) has been confirmed by many users to provide a real $100 off and free shipping. Ensure you use the correct and verified code to enjoy these benefits. How Can I Redeem the Temu $100 Discount? Redeeming the Temu $100 discount is simple: Shop on the Temu Website: Add your desired items to the shopping cart. Enter the Coupon Code: During checkout, enter the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) in the promo code box. Apply the Discount: The $100 discount and free shipping will be applied to your order. Complete Your Purchase: Finish the checkout process and enjoy your savings. How to Use a $100 Dollar Discount on Temu Using a $100 discount on Temu is straightforward. By applying the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) at checkout, the discount will be automatically applied to your total. This allows you to save significantly on a wide range of products available on the Temu website. Temu Discount $50 Off In addition to the $100 off code, Temu also offers $50 off discounts. These codes can be found on the Temu website or through promotional emails. Using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) ensures you get the best available discount. Temu Discount $30 Off Temu provides various discount options, including $30 off codes. While the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) offers a more substantial $100 discount, always check for additional offers to maximize your savings. Temu Discount Code $200 Off For larger purchases, Temu occasionally offers $200 off discount codes. While these are less common, they provide significant savings for bulk orders. Keep an eye out for such promotions in addition to using the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769). Temu Discount Code $300 Off High-value discount codes, such as $300 off, are occasionally available for large orders. These codes can be combined with the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) for even greater savings. Always check the latest promotions to find the best deals. Temu Discount Code $500 Off For substantial purchases, Temu sometimes offers $500 off discount codes. These high-value codes are perfect for large orders and can be used alongside the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) to maximize your savings. 30% Off Temu Coupons, Promo Codes + 25% Cash Back (acq783769]) Redeem Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST ORDER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF NEW USER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS 2024 (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST ORDER FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING USA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF HOW DOES IT WORK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS CANADA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF 2024 (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR NEW CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CANADA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FIRST ORDER (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF COUPON BUNDLE (acq783769]) 100 COUPON CODES (acq783769]) 1 BUCKS TO PHP (acq783769]) IS THERE A COUPON IN THE PHILIPPINES (acq783769]) 100 BUCKS TO PHP (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF COUPON (acq783769]) TEMU $100 OFF CODE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 VALUE COUPON BUNDLE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE FOR EXISTING USERS (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE UK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE $100 OFF FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODES 100 PERCENT OFF (acq783769]) WHAT IS A HIGH COUPON RATE (acq783769]) HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON RATE WITHOUT COUPON PAYMENT (acq783769]) WHAT IS THE COUPON RATE (acq783769]) HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON VALUE (acq783769]) USING COUPONS AND REBATES TO LOWER THE PRICE OF AN ITEM IS AN EXAMPLE OF (acq783769]) TEMU 100 DOLLAR OFF COUPON (acq783769]) DOMINOS COUPON CODE 100 OFF (acq783769]) DOMINO'S 100 RS OFF COUPON CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF EXISTING CUSTOMERS (acq783769]) WHAT IS 10 OFF 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) 100 OFF PROMO CODE (acq783769]) 1 CASHBACK ON 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) IS TEMU 100 OFF COUPON LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF LEGIT (acq783769]) WHAT IS A GOOD COUPON RATE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 VALUE COUPON (acq783769]) 100 DOLLAR OFF SHEIN CODE (acq783769]) WHAT IS A ZERO COUPON NOTE (acq783769]) TEMU 100 PERCENT OFF COUPON REDDIT (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON REAL (acq783769]) TEMU 100 OFF COUPON CODE (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF SOUTH AFRICA (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FREE SHIPPING (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST TIME USER (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE $100 OFF FIRST TIME USER (acq783769]) IS THE TEMU 100 OFF COUPON LEGIT (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON $100 OFF UK (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE 100 OFF UK (acq783769]) HOW MUCH IS 20 OF 100 DOLLARS (acq783769]) TEMU COUPON CODE 100 OFF (acq783769]) Conclusion In conclusion, the Legit Temu Coupon Code (acq783769]) is an excellent opportunity to save $100 on your next Temu purchase, with the added benefit of free shipping. Whether you're a new user or a loyal customer, this code ensures you get the best deal possible. Always stay updated on the latest discount codes and promotions to make the most of your Temu shopping experience. Happy shopping. All About the Latest Temu Promotions, Coupon Codes, and How to Get a $100 Coupon Bundle What is the $100 Temu Coupon? The $100 Temu coupon is promoted as a major discount available on the Temu website or app. It promises shoppers substantial savings, but there are key details you should know. Is the Temu $100 Coupon Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) The legitimacy of the $100 Temu coupon largely depends on where it comes from and the conditions attached. Here’s what to consider: Source of the Coupon: If the coupon originates from Temu's official website, app, or verified social media accounts, it is likely to be real. However, coupons from third-party sites might not be trustworthy. Terms and Conditions: A legitimate coupon will always have clear terms, including spending requirements, applicable products, and expiry dates. If any of these are unclear, the coupon might not be valid. Too Good to Be True? A $100 discount sounds amazing, but if the offer seems too generous, it may not be legitimate. Scammers often use big discounts to lure customers. What Should You Do? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) If you come across a Temu $100 coupon, follow these steps to ensure it's valid: Verify the Source: Check that the coupon is from an official Temu source. Read the Details: Look over the coupon's terms and conditions carefully. Be Cautious: Avoid using coupons from unfamiliar or suspicious sources to protect yourself from scams. The Legitimacy of the Temu $100 Coupon (acq783769]) or (acq783769) The Temu $100 coupon is, indeed, legitimate when offered by Temu through official promotions. Temu provides these coupons to attract new shoppers and reward loyal customers. However, they are often part of a welcome package or require participation in certain promotions. Always read the fine print to understand the terms. Is the Temu $300 Coupon Code Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) A $300 Temu coupon code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) may be legitimate if it is promoted directly by Temu. Be sure to verify its authenticity through official channels before using it. Is the Temu $750 Coupon Code Legit? (acq783769]) or (acq783769) A $750 Temu coupon code (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is highly unlikely to be legitimate. Always be cautious of such large discounts and verify them before using. Conclusion In conclusion, the $100 Temu coupon can be legitimate if it meets the right conditions, such as coming from a trusted source and having clear terms. Always stay cautious, and happy shopping—but remember to shop smart! FAQs On Temu $100 Coupon (acq783769]) or (acq783769) What is the $100 coupon bundle on Temu? The $100 coupon bundle on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) includes multiple discounts that could save you up to $100 on your purchases. Is a $15,000 coupon on Temu legit? A $15,000 coupon on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) is extremely unlikely to be legitimate and should be treated with caution. How does Temu’s 100% rebate work? Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) sometimes offers promotions with 100% rebates on specific purchases. These offers typically have conditions such as minimum purchase amounts. Does Temu really give you $200? While Temu may offer generous discounts, it’s rare for them to simply give $200 without terms attached. Always verify the offer. Is a 100% discount truly free? Yes, a 100% discount on Temu (acq783769]) or (acq783769) means the product is free, but check the terms to avoid any hidden costs.
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