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Hi again all :)


So I have created some mods for myself to learn modding minecraft as well as to force myself to get more into Java. (Since I'm more familiar with C# I'd prefer to stick to it unless I force myself to do otherwise^^ )

I want to learn more advance things but when I think of it I'm not really sure what I should focus on learning, because there are so many interesting topics to learn about and even so there are not that many resources besides the source code itself for learning it.


So I'm just wondering what the readers of this forum believes to be the most advance things to aim at learning?

I realize this will be different from person to person based on their experience and other factors, but it will be interesting to see what people suggest and why.

I'm hoping that some of the answers could give me ideas of topics I haven't thought off or something else which would inspire me(and possibly others) to learn the topic :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Hi again all :)


So I have created some mods for myself to learn modding minecraft as well as to force myself to get more into Java. (Since I'm more familiar with C# I'd prefer to stick to it unless I force myself to do otherwise^^ )

I want to learn more advance things but when I think of it I'm not really sure what I should focus on learning, because there are so many interesting topics to learn about and even so there are not that many resources besides the source code itself for learning it.


So I'm just wondering what the readers of this forum believes to be the most advance things to aim at learning?

I realize this will be different from person to person based on their experience and other factors, but it will be interesting to see what people suggest and why.

I'm hoping that some of the answers could give me ideas of topics I haven't thought off or something else which would inspire me(and possibly others) to learn the topic :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


whats ASM?


Also i reckon creating a custom renderer without techne as notch did it would be pretty solid as it is very long confusing and impossible to tell if it has been done correctly until you test it ingame. however this is just like making a chocoalte cake after your friend just bought you one in a box.

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.


whats ASM?


Also i reckon creating a custom renderer without techne as notch did it would be pretty solid as it is very long confusing and impossible to tell if it has been done correctly until you test it ingame. however this is just like making a chocoalte cake after your friend just bought you one in a box.

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.


whats ASM?


Also i reckon creating a custom renderer without techne as notch did it would be pretty solid as it is very long confusing and impossible to tell if it has been done correctly until you test it ingame. however this is just like making a chocoalte cake after your friend just bought you one in a box.


Techne does not create a custom renderer, it only creates the model. Which for simple models is not a problem to create on your own although getting the visual aid from techne is quite nice :)  But yeah creating some kind of new rendering system would be interesting.


As for what ASM is, check out this page:




If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


whats ASM?


Also i reckon creating a custom renderer without techne as notch did it would be pretty solid as it is very long confusing and impossible to tell if it has been done correctly until you test it ingame. however this is just like making a chocoalte cake after your friend just bought you one in a box.


Techne does not create a custom renderer, it only creates the model. Which for simple models is not a problem to create on your own although getting the visual aid from techne is quite nice :)  But yeah creating some kind of new rendering system would be interesting.


As for what ASM is, check out this page:




If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


That's only a small piece of what you can do with it (and you could do it without ASM by just using reflection).

With ASM you can modify the bytecode of any class that gets loaded which allows you to do basically anything (e.g.: implement your own events) that requires base edits, without doing base edits.


While I have you here, when you change something with ASM or using reflection do you change it permanently so that all mods loaded after yours will have to work with whatever you did, or is it something you change temporary?

ASM is for sure one of the fields I will have on my list of things to study :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


That's only a small piece of what you can do with it (and you could do it without ASM by just using reflection).

With ASM you can modify the bytecode of any class that gets loaded which allows you to do basically anything (e.g.: implement your own events) that requires base edits, without doing base edits.


While I have you here, when you change something with ASM or using reflection do you change it permanently so that all mods loaded after yours will have to work with whatever you did, or is it something you change temporary?

ASM is for sure one of the fields I will have on my list of things to study :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


As far as forge modding goes, im here to apply the basics of my java understanding to use.

Minecraft is a big game and I'm trying to learn the aspects of it, as far as ticks, rendering, ETC.

so, the most advanced thing im going to try to do with forge is forbidden in minecraft.

im going to make a.....


Also, I should have you know that you are reading my signature.


As far as forge modding goes, im here to apply the basics of my java understanding to use.

Minecraft is a big game and I'm trying to learn the aspects of it, as far as ticks, rendering, ETC.

so, the most advanced thing im going to try to do with forge is forbidden in minecraft.

im going to make a.....


Also, I should have you know that you are reading my signature.


so, the most advanced thing im going to try to do with forge is forbidden in minecraft.

im going to make a.....


a drawn circle =

static Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
/**because processing speed > ram*/
static double factor = Math.PI/2;
/**the non math- mindeds' dragon*/
public static void circle(double radius){
//100 is example, the bigger the factor, the rounder the sides, this will draw regular polygons too(hexagon, octagon, etc), when you figure out how to use it 
for(int j = 0; j <= 100; j++)
	tess.addVertex(radius*MathHelper.cos(j*factor), radius*MathHelper.sin(j*factor),0);

or you could use parametrics for a traced circle

double posX,posY;
public void traceCircle(int time){
posX = Math.cos(time/180);
posY = Math.sin(time/180);

which is a simplified version of what i used back in the pikmin mod for way points and whistling


what you should try to draw is a teapot :)

I think its my java of the variables.


so, the most advanced thing im going to try to do with forge is forbidden in minecraft.

im going to make a.....


a drawn circle =

static Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
/**because processing speed > ram*/
static double factor = Math.PI/2;
/**the non math- mindeds' dragon*/
public static void circle(double radius){
//100 is example, the bigger the factor, the rounder the sides, this will draw regular polygons too(hexagon, octagon, etc), when you figure out how to use it 
for(int j = 0; j <= 100; j++)
	tess.addVertex(radius*MathHelper.cos(j*factor), radius*MathHelper.sin(j*factor),0);

or you could use parametrics for a traced circle

double posX,posY;
public void traceCircle(int time){
posX = Math.cos(time/180);
posY = Math.sin(time/180);

which is a simplified version of what i used back in the pikmin mod for way points and whistling


what you should try to draw is a teapot :)

I think its my java of the variables.

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