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I usually cap my fps at 60 and it should be working fine but now I am getting 0-20 fps all of a sudden with occasional spikes (0 fps) every time I load chunks (did not happen before), this didn't happen until like 2 days ago, keep in mind I did change some registry settings in systemprofile but I have now set them to default








JVM Arguments

Old -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx8G -Xms8G -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

(fps seemed fine when I used this before so I thought removing it would help)


New : -Xmx6G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

(still the same 0-20 fps)


-This only happens with forge/modded mc

-Fine in vanilla/optifine

-These are the same mods and forge I have been using for the past week without any issues



Posted (edited)

tried downgrading forge to 2833 (cause its the lowest required for the mods i used) still the same low fps problem, vanilla still works great


tried running without mods, high fps but the same stuttering 


updated java to 231, sort of worked, but still not what i usually get, flatworlds perform better than default but vanilla still has the better frames and as i said even without mods it still has stuttery frames


seems to only happen with mods but i dont understand what couldve gone wrong because they worked fine a couple days ago

Edited by jamesrei
Posted (edited)

Modded Minecraft has suddenly been running slow ☹️ , its good on a flat world but stutters and spikes a lot in default worlds 


I have fixed a problem sort of like this 2 times and to fix it ive :

-Removed a cave mod

-Reinstalled Minecraft


- I don't know what other mod could be causing this since the mods I used are what I have been using for the past few weeks without much trouble

- Reinstalled about 2-3 times today, no avail

- Reinstalled all the mods cause I though they were corrupted but still no improvement


F3 screenshot(s) on a modded world




F3 screen on multiplayer ( Hypixel )



F3 screen on vanilla/optifine default world



Task Manager


( when I start task manager javaw.exe CPU is around %2-20 and it goes higher but not above %60 when its opened)


-whats in my mods folder



When starting a world it looks like this (flat)



Forge Version

1.12.2 -


JVM Arguments

Current -Xmx8G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

Old : -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx8G -Xms8G -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M


What I have tried

-Downgrading Forge

-Downgrading Optifine

-Updated Drivers

-Downgraded to stable drivers


-Uninstalling and Reinstalling Minecraft 

-Updated Java

-Played mc windowed (even smaller resolution than what i usually played with stable fps)

-Set force threaded chunk rendering to true

-Set force threaded chunk rendering to false


Things to keep in mind

- I did change some registry settings but I have since reset them to default I believe 

(im only skeptical about systemresponsiveness since it is currently set to 14)

- Happens with and without shaders

- Flat Worlds run far better

- Didnt happen a week ago

- A lot of my settings are on low

- I am using the same mods that I have used in the past without error even less mods actually


On multiplayer servers, while I am getting higher frames and stability, I do get server lag which also didn't happen, people are stuttery and when I click on things theres about a second or two delay


Tell me if I have missed information

any help is appreciated to get my minecraft back to normal ☺️


edit ; log for the modded screenshots 











Edited by jamesrei

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I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now so help would be much appreciated.  The tutorial I was following.  My code -  public class ModBiomeModifiers { public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_GAZITE_ORE = registerKey("add_gazite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> TRANSCENDINE_GAZITE_ORE = registerKey("add_transcendine_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<BiomeModifier> context) { var placedFeature = context.lookup(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE); var biomes = context.lookup(Registries.BIOME); context.register(ADD_GAZITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(TRANSCENDINE_GAZITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); } private static ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(ForgeRegistries.Keys.BIOME_MODIFIERS, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } } The tutorial's code -  public class ModBiomeModifiers { public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_nether_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_end_alexandrite_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<BiomeModifier> context) { var placedFeature = context.lookup(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE); var biomes = context.lookup(Registries.BIOME); context.register(ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_OVERWORLD), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); // Individual Biomes // context.register(ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( // HolderSet.direct(biomes.getOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), biomes.getOrThrow(Biomes.BAMBOO_JUNGLE)), // HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), // GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(ADD_NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_NETHER), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(ADD_END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); } private static ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(ForgeRegistries.Keys.BIOME_MODIFIERS, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } }   ModConfiguredFeatures:   My code -  public class ModConfiguredFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> GAZITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("gazite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> TRANSCENDINE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("transcendine_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context) { RuleTest endReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.END_STONE); register(context, GAZITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.GAZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 4)); register(context, TRANSCENDINE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.TRANSCENDINE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 8)); List<OreConfiguration.TargetBlockState> EndOres = List.of( OreConfiguration.target(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.GAZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState()), OreConfiguration.target(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.TRANSCENDINE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState())); } public static ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } private static <FC extends FeatureConfiguration, F extends Feature<FC>> void register(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context, ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> key, F feature, FC configuration) { context.register(key, new ConfiguredFeature<>(feature, configuration)); } }   The tutorial's code - public class ModConfiguredFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("nether_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("end_alexandrite_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context) { RuleTest stoneReplaceables = new TagMatchTest(BlockTags.STONE_ORE_REPLACEABLES); RuleTest deepslateReplaceables = new TagMatchTest(BlockTags.DEEPSLATE_ORE_REPLACEABLES); RuleTest netherrackReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.NETHERRACK); RuleTest endReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.END_STONE); List<OreConfiguration.TargetBlockState> overworldAlexandriteOres = List.of( OreConfiguration.target(stoneReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState()), OreConfiguration.target(deepslateReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_DEEPSLATE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState())); register(context, OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(overworldAlexandriteOres, 9)); register(context, NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(netherrackReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_NETHER_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 9)); register(context, END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_END_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 9)); } public static ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } private static <FC extends FeatureConfiguration, F extends Feature<FC>> void register(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context, ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> key, F feature, FC configuration) { context.register(key, new ConfiguredFeature<>(feature, configuration)); } }   ModPlacedFeatures:   My code - public class ModPlacedFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("gazite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("transcendine_ore_placed"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context) { var configuredFeatures = context.lookup(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE); register(context, GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(9, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(71)))); register(context, TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.rareOrePlacement(6, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-32), VerticalAnchor.absolute(71)))); } private static ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } private static void register(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context, ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> key, Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> configuration, List<PlacementModifier> modifiers) { context.register(key, new PlacedFeature(configuration, List.copyOf(modifiers))); } }   the tutorial's code -  public class ModPlacedFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("nether_alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("end_alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context) { var configuredFeatures = context.lookup(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE); register(context, ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); register(context, NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); register(context, END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); } private static ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } private static void register(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context, ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> key, Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> configuration, List<PlacementModifier> modifiers) { context.register(key, new PlacedFeature(configuration, List.copyOf(modifiers))); } }   ModOrePlacement:   My code -  public class ModOrePlacement { public static List<PlacementModifier> orePlacement(PlacementModifier pCountPlacement, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return List.of(pCountPlacement, InSquarePlacement.spread(), pHeightRange, BiomeFilter.biome()); } public static List<PlacementModifier> commonOrePlacement(int pCount, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(CountPlacement.of(pCount), pHeightRange); } public static List<PlacementModifier> rareOrePlacement(int pChance, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(RarityFilter.onAverageOnceEvery(pChance), pHeightRange); } }   The tutorial's code -  public class ModOrePlacement { public static List<PlacementModifier> orePlacement(PlacementModifier pCountPlacement, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return List.of(pCountPlacement, InSquarePlacement.spread(), pHeightRange, BiomeFilter.biome()); } public static List<PlacementModifier> commonOrePlacement(int pCount, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(CountPlacement.of(pCount), pHeightRange); } public static List<PlacementModifier> rareOrePlacement(int pChance, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(RarityFilter.onAverageOnceEvery(pChance), pHeightRange); } }  
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