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This was posted originally due to my own portal door issue. I was unable to open the portal with my custom fire block.


Where info on how to fix is:


I originally helped him, and told him how to fix the constant teleport issue, and in return he was able to help me with my portal door not opening.

If I helped, please click the 'Thank you'!







Well, You created Your own fire class, which is not a bad idea, but You also have to create Your custom portal class.


In the new PortalBlock, override


method, to send Entity into Your dimension (If You have any trouble with it, check code of Vanilla portal blocks (Ender or Nether)).


Then in Your fireBlock, in onblockPlaced method, if obsidian criteria is met (check neighboring block ids, it doesn't need to be obsidian in fact), place a few PortalBlocks in desired shape.


I'm not sure, if it's the best and cleanest solution, but I think this should do the trick. Just be careful with custom portal block, as from what I remember, they tend to disappear if they're not supported by obsidian blocks, You may need to trim it a little.

  On 4/28/2013 at 8:45 PM, Senitiel said:

Well, You created Your own fire class, which is not a bad idea, but You also have to create Your custom portal class.


In the new PortalBlock, override


method, to send Entity into Your dimension (If You have any trouble with it, check code of Vanilla portal blocks (Ender or Nether)).


Then in Your fireBlock, in onblockPlaced method, if obsidian criteria is met (check neighboring block ids, it doesn't need to be obsidian in fact), place a few PortalBlocks in desired shape.


I'm not sure, if it's the best and cleanest solution, but I think this should do the trick. Just be careful with custom portal block, as from what I remember, they tend to disappear if they're not supported by obsidian blocks, You may need to trim it a little.


I did make my own custom portal block. I made my custom every thing pretty much. My portal works, and creates it correctly on the other end. It also, when you teleport back, creates another perfect portal. Though it doesn't want to create the portal when the player trys to do it with the custom ignitor. (The ignitor simply places the custom fire, nothing with the portal creation.)

If I helped, please click the 'Thank you'!







In Your BlockTestPortal create a method


    public boolean tryToCreatePortal(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
        byte b0 = 0;
        byte b1 = 0;

        if (par1World.getBlockId(par2 - 1, par3, par4) == Block.obsidian.blockID || par1World.getBlockId(par2 + 1, par3, par4) == Block.obsidian.blockID)
            b0 = 1;

        if (par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4 - 1) == Block.obsidian.blockID || par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4 + 1) == Block.obsidian.blockID)
            b1 = 1;

        if (b0 == b1)
            return false;
            if (par1World.getBlockId(par2 - b0, par3, par4 - b1) == 0)
                par2 -= b0;
                par4 -= b1;

            int l;
            int i1;

            for (l = -1; l <= 2; ++l)
                for (i1 = -1; i1 <= 3; ++i1)
                    boolean flag = l == -1 || l == 2 || i1 == -1 || i1 == 3;

                    if (l != -1 && l != 2 || i1 != -1 && i1 != 3)
                        int j1 = par1World.getBlockId(par2 + b0 * l, par3 + i1, par4 + b1 * l);

                        if (flag)
                            if (j1 != Block.obsidian.blockID)
                                return false;
                        else if (j1 != 0 && j1 != GaaraMod.blockIgnitor.blockID)
                            return false;

            for (l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < 3; ++i1)
                    par1World.setBlock(par2 + b0 * l, par3 + i1, par4 + b1 * l, GaaraMod.testPortal.blockID, 0, 2);

            return true;

Then, in IgnitorBlock, in onBlockAdded, change the first if to include Your portalBlock


   public void onBlockAdded(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
      if (par1World.provider.dimensionId > 0 || par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3 - 1, par4) != Block.obsidian.blockID || ![b]GaaraMod.testPortal[/b].tryToCreatePortal(par1World, par2, par3, par4))

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