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How do i make my own variant of the brewing stand?


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I noticed, that a brewing-stand fit´s perfectly onto a square-shaped block, if it had four plates for bottles.

I can create souch a block-model and it´s bottle-parts, based on the vanilla-brewing-stand and i can draw it´s inventory-window with four little squares, where the normal one has three.

But how do i tell the game to place item-slots in theese new positions?

And how do i make it use normal brewing recipes and have four bottles of potion as output instead of three?.


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13 minutes ago, Drachenbauer said:

But how do i tell the game to place item-slots in theese new positions?

Inside your container. Containers control what slots are where and handle syncing everything.

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That would depend on how recipes are already implemented. I would start off by finding out how normal brewing stands make 3

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  • 1 month later...

In the BrewingStandBloch i find "BlockStateProperties.HAS_BOTTLE_0" and the same with 1 and 2.

It seems like BlockStateProperties is a vanilla-class

How do i add one more for the fourth bottle?


And for the TileEntity:

I extend LockableTileEntity, because if i extend BrewingStandTileEntity, i cannot pass my TileEntityType to the constructor.

So i copied the whoole code of BrewingStandTileEntity into my one.

But i´m not sure, where i have to do some changes to add one more inventory-slot



I had to change the position of the bubbles and the arrow on the brewingstand-window a bit to fit four slots.

Wich values on my screen-class (copy of the brewingstand´s screen-class) must i change to change the positions for the white overlays?

Edited by Drachenbauer
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If you look at the class, you can tell that blit draws the binded texture to the screen. It would make sense that the first blit renders the entire screen since it is the gui and background layer to be rendered. This would mean that all other blits are used the render the overlays (arrow, bubbles, blaze input). Deconstructing that further, the integer l seems to clamp down a value divided by 20 between 0 and 18. It also has a integer of k which, if you search what it equals to, is the fuel or blaze input. This means that the blit that is handled by integer l is the blaze input. This means that the last two blits handles either the arrow or the bubbles. Since the second blit of the last two clearly handles the bubbles (it says bubblelengths), then the first blit of the last two must handle the arrow overlay.

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I mean, i don´t know, wich numbers instde theese blits are the position for displaying the graphics.

Is the blaze input the little horizontal bar below the bubbles?

If yes, i moved it together with the bubbles.


And i wonder, why there is a longer spiral-wire at the right side of the graphic, where the overlays are?

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How do i register the container with DeferredRegister?


I have this in my main-calss constructor:



and this in my container-register-class:

public static final DeferredRegister<ContainerType<?>> CONTAINER_TYPES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.CONTAINERS, Reference.MOD_ID);


But i cannot find a way to create the RegistryObject without any red errors in the code...


In the vanilla ContainerType-class i found this:

public static final ContainerType<BrewingStandContainer> BREWING_STAND = register("brewing_stand", BrewingStandContainer::new);


at other stuff (blocks, items, entities,...), i was able to put the part behind the registryname into the RegistryObject behind the id-name.

But here it is "BrewingStandContainer::new" and it does not work...



public static final RegistryObject<ContainerType<FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer>> FOUR_BOTTLES_BREWING_STAND = CONTAINER_TYPES.register("four_bottles_brewing_stand", () -> FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer::new);


gives two errors:


The target type of this expression must be a functional interface

Type mismatch: cannot convert from RegistryObject<ContainerType<?>> to RegistryObject<ContainerType<FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer>>


What else must i place behind the arrow-operator in that line to register a container?

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I still don´t know, how to register an inventory-container with DeferredRegister.


If i try to use IForgeContainerType like this:

public static final RegistryObject<ContainerType<FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer>> FOUR_BOTTLES_BREWING_STAND = CONTAINER_TYPES.register("four_bottles_brewing_stand", () -> IForgeContainerType.create(FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer::new));


i get theese three errors:


The method create(IContainerFactory<T>) in the type IForgeContainerType is not applicable for the arguments (FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer::new)

The method register(String, Supplier<? extends I>) in the type DeferredRegister<ContainerType<?>> is not applicable for the arguments (String, () -> {})

The type FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer does not define FourBottlesBrewingStandContainer(int, PlayerInventory, PacketBuffer) that is applicable here


How do i add a PacketBuffer to the constructor of my container?



Now i added "PacketBuffer buffer" to the constructor input.

The errors disappeared, but no window opens, if i click on my brewingstand and an error appears in the console:


[m[33m[15:32:57] [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/ScreenManager]: Failed to create screen for menu type: fourbottlesbrewingstandmod:four_bottles_brewing_stand


Now i placed this in my client-setup:

ScreenManager.registerFactory(FourBottlesBrewingStandContainers.FOUR_BOTTLES_BREWING_STAND.get(), FourBottlesBrewingStandScreen::new);

And it works.

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Now my brewing screen appears and i can place matching items into all the slots.

And the model also shows bottles on the matching positions (view from south matches perfect with the slots on the brewing-window).


But as i tested a brewing process, the fourth bottle disappeared at the finish.



i had to increase some InventorySlot values in the TileEntity and the Container by 1.

Now everything works fine.


Edit again:

As i used it in the actual game, i noticed, that at placing it, for a short moment a bottle appears on one of the filling arms.

Seams like a boolean for one of them is true for a short moment after placing.


Edit fixed:

The constructor of the Block has aline, that sets the states for the filling arms in the model to false at first.

It included only three of theese parts.

So i added

with(HAS_BOTTLE[3], Boolean.valueOf(false))

as the fourth part into that line.

I´m sure, that no more bottle will appear at placing the brewing stand now.

Edited by Drachenbauer
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