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1.5.2 mismatched id between world and game


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Launcher : Magic Launcher

Mods: Forge, Little Blocks - Slim Void Lib


I play only Single Player.

Still yesterday i used version 1.4.7 and all was fin. Today i updated to Version 1.5.2 with alle lates Versions for the mods. If I start a New Wolrd all things work. But if i load a save game from 1.4.7 : Forge mod Loader mismatched id between world and game. It starts with id 1 and go up.... 




I have no idea to do.


If any information not correct, i will try to answer it.


Thanks for help.

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Does it give you the option to continue loading the world with mismatched ids? If so, copy your world somewhere else, creating a backup, and then start up Minecraft and load the world and see what happens. If all of your things disappear/turn into sand, or if it crashes or nothing at all loads, come back here and let us know. I doubt I can actually help any problems, but more info is always a good thing.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles

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Thats inda the reason it is warning you about mismapped ids.

Having mismapped ids could cause issues exactly what you're refering to.

Not really anything we can do about it. Either make sure you have updated your mods properly and made sure the ids mapped properly.

Or just go with it.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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  • 1 month later...

Having spent the last 8 hour debugging this, and finding nothing useful on the interweb... I am posting the solution on each thread that I looked at with no answer...


Some mods overwrite the vanilla minecraft blockids.    Those mods do this when you start your client, even before you connect to the server.  The server then checks your IDs, and sees you have a conflict, but its with a mod that the server does not have.


The Normal blockid conflict message comes up when the server and the client both have the same mod or same mods and there is more than one mod trying to use a blockid, or the mods on the client are configured to use a different set of blockids than the server. 


In this case, though, your client has a mod that the server does not have -- and this mod has overwritten a vanilla minecraft blockid.  So the error is saying that your client is disagreing with the server about a vanilla minecraft blockid that has been overwritten by a client mod the server does not have.


The solution is to remove that 'extra' mod from your client.  Coping over the server configs will not help you, because the mod is not on the server -- the servers config files do not apply to the mod that is causing the error.

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