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Please help


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It tells you what's wrong in mostly plain english if you look at where the error starts:


[23Mar2020 12:57:46.640] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [com.ki11erwolf.resynth.config.ConfigFile/]: Loading config file: config/resynth/modded-plants.toml [23Mar2020 12:57:46.641] [modloading-worker-0/FATAL] [com.ki11erwolf.resynth.config.ConfigFile/]: Config load failure com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.io.ParsingException: Not enough data available

There's a problem with your resynth modded-plants.toml config file, based on that. Either try removing the mod, or finding out what's wrong with the config file (would likely require contacting the mod author, unless you get lucky and someone else knows that mods config). This is likely the case of the subsequent errors, although if not that mod might just not work right.

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