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I recently started to use deferred registries instead of the old way of registering stuff such as items and blocks. And i've gotten all other stuff i've tried to work splendidly, all but entities. It just gives me error messages for every single solution I try; and it's driving me nuts. Help please. 


What is it that's so wrong with this code? 

	public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITIES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, Reference.MODID);
	public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<ChupnutEntity>> CHUPNUT = ENTITIES.register("chupnut", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(ChupnutEntity::new, EntityClassification.CREATURE)
			.size(0.8f, 0.6f)

Also, this error doesn't pop up if i change the entity class to any of the vanilla ones, and so this leads me to believe that there is something that is supposed to go into the entity class that i'm not aware of.

And so, this is my entity class:

public class ChupnutEntity extends CreatureEntity
	protected ChupnutEntity(EntityType<? extends CreatureEntity> type, World worldIn) 
		super(type, worldIn);
		this.experienceValue = 5;
	protected void registerGoals() 
		this.goalSelector.addGoal(0, new SwimGoal(this));
		this.goalSelector.addGoal(3, new MeleeAttackGoal(this, 1.0D, true));
		this.goalSelector.addGoal(5, new WaterAvoidingRandomWalkingGoal(this, 1.0D));
		this.goalSelector.addGoal(7, new LookAtGoal(this, LivingEntity.class, 16.0f));
		this.targetSelector.addGoal(0, new HurtByTargetGoal(this, new Class[0]));
		this.targetSelector.addGoal(1, new NearestAttackableTargetGoal<>(this, PlayerEntity.class, true));
		this.targetSelector.addGoal(2, new NearestAttackableTargetGoal<>(this, ChickenEntity.class, true));
	protected void registerAttributes() 
	protected void updateAITasks() 
    public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity entityIn)
        boolean flag = entityIn.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), (float)((int)this.getAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE).getBaseValue()));

        if (flag)
            this.applyEnchantments(this, entityIn);

        return flag;
	protected SoundEvent getAmbientSound() 
		return super.getAmbientSound();
	protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn) 
		return super.getHurtSound(damageSourceIn);
	protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() 
		return super.getDeathSound();
	protected float getStandingEyeHeight(Pose poseIn, EntitySize sizeIn) 
		return 0.4f;

Oh, and these errors are the ones that keep popping up:


The method register(String, Supplier<? extends I>) in the type DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> is not applicable for the arguments (String, () -> {})


The method create(EntityType.IFactory<T>, EntityClassification) in the type EntityType.Builder is not applicable for the arguments (ChupnutEntity::new, EntityClassification)


The type ChupnutEntity does not define ChupnutEntity(EntityType<T>, World) that is applicable here

These also don't disappear even if I were to extend another vanilla class. 

Edited by Triphion
37 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

So... what's the error?


50 minutes ago, Triphion said:

The method register(String, Supplier<? extends I>) in the type DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> is not applicable for the arguments (String, () -> {})


The method create(EntityType.IFactory<T>, EntityClassification) in the type EntityType.Builder is not applicable for the arguments (ChupnutEntity::new, EntityClassification)


The type ChupnutEntity does not define ChupnutEntity(EntityType<T>, World) that is applicable here

These also don't disappear even if I were to extend another vanilla class. 


21 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Your code compiles fine for me.

So... what is the problem then? My IDE needs upgrading or my version of the mod needs to be upgraded to a newer 1.15.2? 

1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Okay. You can try changing your constructor to use EntityType<YOurEntityClass> directly.

Eclipse has its own compiler, which sometimes has bugs.

I just fixed it. For some reason my entity constructor had "protected" instead of "public"...

Thanks for the pointers! :D

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