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[1.15.2] How to properly force load/unload chunks across dimensions?


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For every loaded chunk in the Overworld, I want to load the chunk which corresponds with it in my dimension (same x and z). I currently have:

public static void chunkLoad(final ChunkEvent.Load event) {
	if (event.getWorld() != null) if (!event.getWorld().isRemote()) {
		ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) event.getWorld();
		if (world.dimension.getType() == DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients) {
			// Force Loads Corresponding Chunks in the Overworld
			DBMChunkManager.getLoadedChunks(world).forEach((a, b) -> world.getServer().getWorld(DimensionType.OVERWORLD).forceChunk(b.getPosition().x, b.getPosition().z, true));
		} else if (world.dimension.getType() == DimensionType.OVERWORLD && DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients != null) {
			// Force Loads Corresponding Chunks in the Realm of the Ancients
			DBMChunkManager.getLoadedChunks(world).forEach((a, b) -> world.getServer().getWorld(DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients).forceChunk(b.getPosition().x, b.getPosition().z, true));
public static void chunkUnload(final ChunkEvent.Unload event) {
	if (event.getWorld() != null) if (!event.getWorld().isRemote()) {
		ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) event.getWorld();
		if (world.dimension.getType() == DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients) {
			// Force Unloads Corresponding Chunks in the Overworld
			world.getServer().getWorld(DimensionType.OVERWORLD).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, false);
		} else if (world.dimension.getType() == DimensionType.OVERWORLD && DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients != null) {
			// Force Unloads Corresponding Chunks in the Realm of the Ancients
			world.getServer().getWorld(DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, false);

And here is the class I made to get the loaded chunks:

public class DBMChunkManager {

	private static final Field LOADED_CHUNKS_FIELD = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findField(ChunkManager.class, "immutableLoadedChunks");
	static {

	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable
	public static Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<ChunkHolder> getLoadedChunks(ServerWorld world) {
		try {
			return (Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<ChunkHolder>) LOADED_CHUNKS_FIELD.get(world.getChunkProvider().chunkManager);
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return null;


However, any time I try to create a new world, the game gets stuck at 0%.
The last console message to show up is:

[01May2020 23:18:46.645] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager/DIMS]: Registered dimension daboismod:the_realm_of_the_ancients of type daboismod:the_realm_of_the_ancients and id 3

The game doesn't crash or suspend, it just does not do anything from this point onward. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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8 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

You have a deadlock, because while a chunk is being loaded the loaded chunk map is being blocked.

How would I go about fixing the deadlock? I removed the DBMChunkManager class as I realized I didn't need it. Here is the new code:

public static void chunkLoad(final ChunkEvent.Load event) {
	if (event.getWorld() != null) if (event.getWorld().chunkExists(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z)) if (!event.getWorld().isRemote()) {
		ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) event.getWorld();
		if (world.dimension.getType() == DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients) {

			// Force Loads Corresponding Chunks in the Overworld
			world.getServer().getWorld(DimensionType.OVERWORLD).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, true);
		} else if (world.dimension.getType() == DimensionType.OVERWORLD && DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients != null) {
			// Force Loads Corresponding Chunks in the Realm of the Ancients
			world.getServer().getWorld(DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, true);
public static void chunkUnload(final ChunkEvent.Unload event) {
	if (event.getWorld() != null) if (event.getWorld().chunkExists(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z)) if (!event.getWorld().isRemote()) {
		ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) event.getWorld();
		if (world.dimension.getType() == DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients) {
			// Force Unloads Corresponding Chunks in the Overworld
			world.getServer().getWorld(DimensionType.OVERWORLD).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, false);
		} else if (world.dimension.getType() == DimensionType.OVERWORLD && DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients != null) {
			// Force Unloads Corresponding Chunks in the Realm of the Ancients
			world.getServer().getWorld(DBMDimensions.realm_of_the_ancients).forceChunk(event.getChunk().getPos().x, event.getChunk().getPos().z, false);

Still gets stuck at 0%.

Edited by kaydogz
fixed wrong thing at the bottom
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