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[1.15.2] Render TERs from RenderWorldLastEvent


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As a sort of follow up to a past topic, I am working on a render class for mobile "sub-worlds" that is initially called from a RenderWorldLastEvent and involves rendering many blocks in the world. Because some blocks use a tile entity render instead of a normal block model, my next step is to be able to render tile entities in the world. However, the code I currently have is not able to render tile entities at all. I suspect it has something to do with the render type buffer I am trying to use.


Here are the RenderWorldLastEvent and render classes:


public class ClientEvents
	public static void renderWorldLastEvent(RenderWorldLastEvent event)
		if(event.getPhase() != EventPriority.NORMAL)
		// Render all sub worlds.
		SubWorldClientHandler client = SubWorldClientHandler.getInstance();
		for(Entry<DimensionType, RenderSubWorld> entry : client.getRenderers().entrySet())
			entry.getValue().render(event.getMatrixStack(), entry.getKey(), event.getPartialTicks());

public class RenderSubWorld
	private Minecraft minecraft;
	private SubWorldBlockRenderer blockRenderer;
	private SubWorldData data;
	private HashMap<RenderType, ArrayList<BlockRenderData>> blockRenderMap = Maps.newHashMap();

	public RenderSubWorld()
		minecraft = Minecraft.getInstance();
		blockRenderer = new SubWorldBlockRenderer(minecraft.getBlockColors());
		data = new SubWorldData();
		for(RenderType renderType : RenderType.getBlockRenderTypes())
			blockRenderMap.put(renderType, new ArrayList<>());
	public void setData(SubWorldData dataIn)
		data = dataIn;

	public boolean checkEnclosed(World world, BlockPos pos)
		if(world.getBlockState(pos.north()).isSolidSide(world, pos.north(), Direction.SOUTH) && world.getBlockState(pos.east()).isSolidSide(world, pos.east(), Direction.WEST) && world.getBlockState(pos.south()).isSolidSide(world, pos.south(), Direction.NORTH) && world.getBlockState(pos.west()).isSolidSide(world, pos.west(), Direction.EAST) && world.getBlockState(pos.up()).isSolidSide(world, pos.up(), Direction.DOWN) && world.getBlockState(pos.down()).isSolidSide(world, pos.down(), Direction.UP))
			return true;
			return false;

	public void updateBlockPos(BlockRendererDispatcher blockRendererDispatcher, World world, BlockPos pos)
		BlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos);

		if(checkEnclosed(world, pos))

		for(RenderType renderType : RenderType.getBlockRenderTypes())
			if(!RenderTypeLookup.canRenderInLayer(blockState, renderType))
				for(BlockRenderData blockRenderData : blockRenderMap.get(renderType))
					int index = blockRenderMap.get(renderType).indexOf(blockRenderData);

					if(blockRenderData.getBlockPos() == pos)


			blockRenderMap.get(renderType).add(new BlockRenderData(blockRendererDispatcher, world, pos));

	public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, DimensionType dimension, float partialTicks)
		MinecraftServer server = minecraft.getIntegratedServer();
		World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(server, dimension, false, false);

		// Get the projected view coordinates.
		Vec3d projectedView = minecraft.gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo().getProjectedView();


		matrixStack.translate(-projectedView.x + data.centerX + data.translationX, -projectedView.y + data.centerY + data.translationY, -projectedView.z + data.centerZ + data.translationZ);	
		matrixStack.rotate(new Quaternion((float) data.rotationX, (float) data.rotationY, (float) data.rotationZ, false));
		matrixStack.scale((float) data.scale, (float) data.scale, (float) data.scale);	
		matrixStack.translate(-data.centerX, -data.centerY, -data.centerZ);

		Impl renderTypeBuffer = IRenderTypeBuffer.getImpl(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer());

		int i = OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY;

		// Render all normal block models.
		for(RenderType renderType : RenderType.getBlockRenderTypes())
			for(BlockRenderData blockRenderData : blockRenderMap.get(renderType))
				BlockPos pos = blockRenderData.getBlockPos();
				BlockState blockState = blockRenderData.getBlockState();

				matrixStack.translate(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
				blockRenderer.renderModel(world, blockRenderData, matrixStack, renderTypeBuffer.getBuffer(renderType), new Random(), blockState.getPositionRandom(pos), i);
		TileEntityRendererDispatcher dispatcher = TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance;
		// Render all TERs. The focus of this forum topic.
		for(TileEntity tileEntity : world.loadedTileEntityList)
			//System.out.println("-----> " + tileEntity);
			BlockPos pos = tileEntity.getPos();
			//System.out.println("-----> " + pos);
			matrixStack.translate(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
			dispatcher.renderTileEntity(tileEntity, partialTicks, matrixStack, renderTypeBuffer);





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1 hour ago, nanorover59 said:

MinecraftServer server = minecraft.getIntegratedServer();

World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(server, dimension, false, false);

I'm pretty sure that this is causing the issue. You are rendering everything on the server, not the client.

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1 hour ago, kaydogz said:

I'm pretty sure that this is causing the issue. You are rendering everything on the server, not the client.

I needed to be able to get an individual dimension's world instance from the client and that (quite surprisingly looking back now) worked. Although it may not work if the player is on a dedicated server, so I should look for a replacement later. (Edit: A quick search has lead me to the conclusion that I have made a huge mistake by referencing the world this way, and might have even caused the code I posted to not be taken seriously. Finding a replacement is now a high priority.)

From what I have tested, the render code can render normal blocks and also detect tile entities in sub-worlds. The issue is actually rendering the tile entities.

Edited by nanorover59
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What you're trying to do is quite difficult.  Are your TileEntities actually in a world at all?  Blocks (or rather blockstates) can be rendered  independently of a World if you're careful but a TileEntityRenderer nearly always needs to speak to its corresponding TileEntity for specific information.


You could simulate this by creating your own world (perhaps in another dimension that the player can never visit) that you then use for rendering in this world.  You may even be able to use the vanilla rendering code to render a tiny version of it to a dynamic texture, which you then draw into this world.  It will probably be messy to get it right but it should work.


You'll probably need to spend a fair bit of time understanding the vanilla rendering code.  It's not difficult but there are lots of details to understand and the chunk render caching can be quite difficult to follow / troubleshoot.





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10 hours ago, TheGreyGhost said:

You could simulate this by creating your own world (perhaps in another dimension that the player can never visit) that you then use for rendering in this world.  You may even be able to use the vanilla rendering code to render a tiny version of it to a dynamic texture, which you then draw into this world.

The sub-worlds already work by storing their contents in dimensions that are inaccessible to players. I did some research on how to use vanilla chunk renders to draw all of the blocks in those dimensions in the main world, but concluded it would be less work to create a new (non-chunk dependent) system for rendering the blocks.

Although I could still try using vanilla style chunk rendering in the future, it shouldn't be necessary because for my purposes the sub-worlds are highly unlikely to contain anything that occupies more than several chunks.


After recent testing I found that my render code posted yesterday can in fact render tile entities, but only on a super flat world of the void preset. This likely rules out a render buffer issue.




Edited by nanorover59
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So which world do you pass to the TileEntity?  The current world, or the inaccessible dimension?


Perhaps your rendering is fine but the world offset is wrong, i.e. you think you're drawing at (say) [10, 135, 100] but it's actually rendering at [0,0,0] so you can't see it.  You can test that by rendering very large quads or by moving to near [0,0,0] and trying modest offsets for your sub-world rendering, to see if you can spot where it's actually rendering.



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It's been a while, but I am posting to say that tile entity rendering works fine now!

It was was an issue with the vanilla TileEntityRendererDispatcher checking the distance between a tile entity's block position (in a sub-world) and the location of the player (in the main world).

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