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I am working in the latest MDK. Minecraft 1.21.4, Forge 54.1.0. I am trying to create a mixin. The implementation doesn't matter. Assume it is doing nothing more than logging to the console: @Mixin(LevelRenderer.class) public abstract class LevelRendererMixin { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger("LevelRendererMixin"); @Inject(method = "renderLevel", at = @At("TAIL")) private void onRenderLevel( com.mojang.blaze3d.resource.GraphicsResourceAllocator allocator, net.minecraft.client.DeltaTracker deltaTracker, boolean someFlag, Camera camera, GameRenderer gameRenderer, Matrix4f matrix1, Matrix4f matrix2, CallbackInfo ci ) { Assuming my whole implementation is just to write something to console, it works perfectly fine in when I debug (runClient) in IntelliJ. Whenever the Minecraft `renderLevel` runs every frame, my logging is overlaid at "TAIL". Yes, this spams the sht out of the console. But when I `build` and use the jar as a mod, it does not. The mixin annotation processor shows to be loading, and my other parts of my mod work, but the nothing gets logged by my mixin. I am apparently generating a proper `refmap` and it's in the jar root. Other files are also in the jar appropriately, including mods.toml. And all the naming and reference paths are correct. I had to add this to my build.gradle to get my refmap into the jar ([name] obviously replaced): tasks.register("copyRefmap", Copy) { dependsOn tasks.named("compileJava") from("${project.buildDir}/tmp/compileJava") { include "mixins.[name].refmap.json" } into("${project.buildDir}/resources/main") } tasks.named("processResources", ProcessResources).configure { dependsOn(tasks.named("copyRefmap")) } tasks.named("jar", Jar).configure { // Include the generated refmap from build/resources/main into the jar. from("${project.buildDir}/resources/main") { include "mixins.[name].refmap.json" } } Just for fun, here is my refmap in case something looks wrong to anybody: { "mappings": { "com/[name]/mixin/LevelRendererMixin": { "renderLevel": "Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/LevelRenderer;m_109599_(Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/resource/GraphicsResourceAllocator;Lnet/minecraft/client/DeltaTracker;ZLnet/minecraft/client/Camera;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V" } }, "data": { "searge": { "com/[name]/mixin/LevelRendererMixin": { "renderLevel": "Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/LevelRenderer;m_109599_(Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/resource/GraphicsResourceAllocator;Lnet/minecraft/client/DeltaTracker;ZLnet/minecraft/client/Camera;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V" } } } } TLDR; My mixin works in dev, but not when built and run in an official Forge/Minecraft environment. Like it's not overlaying/replacing the minecraft function.
Thank you, Ugdhar. But that only confirms the problem. Both in the github and in my IDE, if I search for objects extended from net.minecraftforge.client.event, it isn't there. Though the javadocs (at least at nekoyue) say it should be. Maybe since it definitely isn't there, is there some other way anybody knows to highlight some blocks (without mixins and drawing artificial faces on the camera).
But I don't have Create installed.
Please read the FAQ for how to properly post logs. Also, this is a fabric log, not a forge log, you would probably get better results posting where fabric support is given.
By IDKJustAGuy · Posted
Thank you, TileEntity. For anyone who happens to see this and has a similar issue, however unlikely that is, the issue is Aether II. Apparently it relies on Phosphor, even though it's not supported.
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