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Missing required library


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Project 'ProjectName' is missing required library: 'C:\Windows\System32\unresolved dependency - net.minecraftforge forge 1.15.2-31.1.0_mapped_snapshot_20190719-1.14.3'

I can't do anything.
I encounter this error over and over again, and it won't disappear.

I do exactly what every tutorial tells me to do, and I find this error.

Forge 1.15.2-31.1.0 is installed on my launcher and already ran some times.

JRE and JDK 1.8.0_251 are both installed on my computer.

I reconfigured the system variables.
Now I don't know what else could I have done wrong.

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8 minutes ago, UnderWaves said:

I can't do anything.

You need to be more specific please.

Are you making a new mod? Updating an old one? Trying to run mods?

What is causing this error? As soon as you turn on your computer? When you open the minecraft launcher?

You also say "reconfigured the system variables", but you don't say why, or which ones.

Also, I would advise using a newer forge, 31.1.0 is not the recommended build anymore.

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I'm just trying to create a new mod.
When I launch Eclipse, everything opens normally, I can editcode and all, but I can't build anything because there is that error in the "Errors" tab.
I reconfigured the PATH and JAVA_HOME variables because all the tutorials tell me to do this.

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I would begin again using the recommended MDK, a lot has been done since the version you have.

How exactly are you setting up your workspace?


Tutorials out there can be rough, there are a LOT of them made by people that don't REALLY know what they are doing.

McJty has good ones: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=YouTube-1.14


And hopefully you know Java (or are fluent in a similar language), because if you don't, you are going to have a Bad Time trying to mod.

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I'm doing it the way forge.readthedocs.io tells me: I extract the MDK archive, I use the gradlew commands, then I import the project in Eclipse.

Also I tried to use 32.2.0 but I had the exact same error.

I know a few things in C#, and I don't know a lot of things in Java but I have some basics. But I have access to MCreator which also contains a code editor

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19 minutes ago, UnderWaves said:

I'm doing it the way forge.readthedocs.io

I hope you mean mcforge.readthedocs.io

19 minutes ago, UnderWaves said:

I use the gradlew commands

Which ones? You should be able to import the build.gradle into eclipse as a gradle project without running any commands, and then execute gradle tasks from within eclipse

19 minutes ago, UnderWaves said:

then I import the project in Eclipse

How? As a gradle project? As an existing project?


I'm just trying to get all the details, because I'm thinking that this is probably due to an incorrectly setup workspace.

Edited by Ugdhar
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1. yup that's what I mean

2. gradlew Eclipse and gradlew genEclipseRuns

3. as an existing Gradle project


PS: nevermind, problem solved. I tweaked a few things, downloaded 32.2.0 and I discovered that I actually forgot to use runClient. Everything works perfectly, sorry for making you waste your time

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5 minutes ago, UnderWaves said:

PS: nevermind, problem solved. I tweaked a few things, downloaded 32.2.0 and I discovered that I actually forgot to use runClient. Everything works perfectly, sorry for making you waste your time

Hey no worries, glad I got you thinking about it and you figured it out!

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