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[1.15] Synchronize a float between the server and client.


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I have a tileentity that stores a temperature value as a float. I need the temperature to get sent to the container so that it can update the GUI on the client.

I know I need to use a custom packet in order to send the value over to the client, but I don't exactly know where I should recieve the packet.


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How do you store the float ? You absolutety need to use a custom packet ?

In fact, without further details I would say maybe use the dataManager for client-side synchronization and override the writeAdditional and readAdditional methods to make your data persistent.

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My mistake, I didn't properly read your post (it's late here!).

So yes, you have to use the packets with capabilities. This time, if I correctly read your post you don't know where you should recieve the packet. 

I've never really done what you want to do, but I have some basics.


You need to follow this in the documation. The principle is to create a class that gathers everything you need for the network

A fast example :

public class Packet
    private float temperature;
    public Packet(int temperature_)
        this.temperature = temperature_;

	// "responsible for encoding the message"
	public static void encode(Packet packet, PacketBuffer buffer)
	// "responsible for decoding the message"
	public static Packet decode(PacketBuffer buffer)
        int temperature = buffer.readInt();
        Packet instance = new Packet(temperature);
        return instance;

	// What's INSTANCE ? Check Getting Started in the doc 
    public static void registerMessage()
        INSTANCE.messageBuilder(Packet.class, 0)
                .add(); // "Registering Packets" section

	// "responsible for handling the message"
    public static void handle(Packet msg, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx) {
      ctx.get().enqueueWork(() -> {
          // Work that needs to be threadsafe (most work)
          EntityPlayerMP sender = ctx.get().getSender(); // the client that sent this packet
          // do stuff

There's probably some things missing, but this should help.


EDIT : Oh, I forgot! You need to call registerMessage() in the setup function of your mod.


Edited by Yohann
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