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Hey I'm new to the forums!


I don't exactly HAVE that much experience with java(Never coded a java program), but I can still add stuff into minecraft pretty easy(right now I'm doing simple blocks, but I'm going to be quickly going ahead, because, this stuff don't seem very hard)


It seems quite easy for a few of the simple stuff. I got big plans for a mod, but there is one problem. I want to INCLUDE the whole mod in the package like other mods do.


This normally would be just doing like I've done by simply adding new stuff, but I'm also wanting to modify default things....


This might include textures,blocks, and items.


IF I simply knew how I might could make such changes by modification and still yet include these changes in a forge mod package I would be happy! If there is no way, I know what I will have to do in the long run, but I'm sure there is probably a way to simply JUST modify the existing default minecraft files(textures/gold pickaxes is good examples of what I want to modify,but using forge). 


Sorry if I'm not really expert on java or modding, but I know I can do this. Anything that could help would be appreciated.


P.S. No need to send me a link of setting up or anything. Already got that covered!  ;D


It depends what you want to modify. Blocks and items can be changed quite easily by manipulating Block.blocksList[] and Item.itemsList[] respectively. Textures are even easier. You don't even have to change the MC source.


Other things... I can't quite say. Entities, I think, are more difficult, but can be done. TE's should be easy. Particles... there you might have to modify base classes. Modification of actual rendering algorithms = definitely.


So... yes and no.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

Modification of actual rendering algorithms = definitely.


Doable: yes

"Easy" without base class editing: yes

Simple: hell no.  At least, not for your first mod.

(I still fuck up simple block rendering now and then)

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Eherm.... So how might I do this?I appreciate a reply, but telling me how hard it might be isn't exactly,um what I hoped for?So it is possible to edit existing,but include it with a forge mod right? Really...How might I do this?Examples?


I would start by reading tutorials (lots of them) and try out different things explained there.


That's why some marvellous guys (and girls ... I just started wondering out of idle curiosity, are there any girls active in the minecraft modding scene? or is it completely in male hands?) have produced some great Tutorials which will explain all your questions... If you try to ignore them by asking for a beginners tutorial here, you're very near of deliberately insulting these good people having put up time, effort and resources for your sake ;) <- wink for the insulting, not the tutorial producers, they are great, even helped me a lot and I have about 25 years of coding in my past ...


So what you have to do for a mod that is not just adding blocks with fancy skins to minecraft is (in this sequence!!!)


1) understand coding/software principles

2) understand Java

3) understand minecraft class architecture (ok, here I'm lost every now and then too :D)

4) understand forge class architecture


if you do it the other way round and hope you'll pick up coding principles and Java knowledge by dabbling about trying to create some fancy stuff in a minecraft mod, you'll bound to get hurt, frustrated and finally probably think software development sucks ...


Probably you're still not convinced and think that's all a lot of crap and you'll pick it up on the go. But let me us an analogy. If you're old enough you probably can drive a car, if not, you probably know in theory how to drive a car anyway. Now, would you try to enter the Baja500 or an WRC event and imagine to get to the finish line? Probably not, you would have to invest a hell lot of training first... Same here, tho the training might be a bit more easy to acquire than for mastering a rally car :D

running minecraft on Mac OS X - Sierra --- creating code since 1986 ... --- मेरा दिल भारतवासी है!

width=289 height=100http://www.arno-saxena.de/pictures/chococraft/banner_signature.png[/img]


Modification of actual rendering algorithms = definitely.


Doable: yes

"Easy" without base class editing: yes

Simple: hell no.  At least, not for your first mod.

(I still fuck up simple block rendering now and then)

Not talking about TESRs or custom block renderers; those are easy. I was thinking... well, never mind, I don't see why he would want to do something like that anyway.

Eherm.... So how might I do this?I appreciate a reply, but telling me how hard it might be isn't exactly,um what I hoped for?So it is possible to edit existing,but include it with a forge mod right? Really...How might I do this?Examples?

Like I said, tell us what you want to modify. I'm not going to give you the methods for modifying everything. Do you want to change a block? An item? An entity? Or what?



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


Modification of actual rendering algorithms = definitely.


Doable: yes

"Easy" without base class editing: yes

Simple: hell no.  At least, not for your first mod.

(I still fuck up simple block rendering now and then)

Not talking about TESRs or custom block renderers; those are easy. I was thinking... well, never mind, I don't see why he would want to do something like that anyway.

Eherm.... So how might I do this?I appreciate a reply, but telling me how hard it might be isn't exactly,um what I hoped for?So it is possible to edit existing,but include it with a forge mod right? Really...How might I do this?Examples?

Like I said, tell us what you want to modify. I'm not going to give you the methods for modifying everything. Do you want to change a block? An item? An entity? Or what?


Probably EXISTING blocks/items and textures to those. I really wanna change durability to EXISTING tools as well.


Modifying tool usage values might be tricky (without base class editing).  I'm not familiar with how it would be done, but essentially you'd have to overwrite EnumToolMaterial which has a private constructor.


(Amusingly, it also uses "Emerald" for diamond tools.  Hehe.)

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Modifying tool usage values might be tricky (without base class editing).  I'm not familiar with how it would be done, but essentially you'd have to overwrite EnumToolMaterial which has a private constructor.


(Amusingly, it also uses "Emerald" for diamond tools.  Hehe.)

Admittedly, that did confuse me before I remembered that "emerald" was the old name for "diamond".

Modification of actual rendering algorithms = definitely.


Doable: yes

"Easy" without base class editing: yes

Simple: hell no.  At least, not for your first mod.

(I still fuck up simple block rendering now and then)

Not talking about TESRs or custom block renderers; those are easy. I was thinking... well, never mind, I don't see why he would want to do something like that anyway.

Eherm.... So how might I do this?I appreciate a reply, but telling me how hard it might be isn't exactly,um what I hoped for?So it is possible to edit existing,but include it with a forge mod right? Really...How might I do this?Examples?

Like I said, tell us what you want to modify. I'm not going to give you the methods for modifying everything. Do you want to change a block? An item? An entity? Or what?


Probably EXISTING blocks/items and textures to those. I really wanna change durability to EXISTING tools as well.

It'll take a bit of work, but should be simple enough. What you will have to do is copy and modify ItemTool, changing the line


to something else. You'll need to do the same to ItemSword and ItemHoe. Then you'll need to copy and modify the ItemPickaxe, ItemAxe, and ItemShovel classes to inherit from your ItemTool instead of Minecraft's. Then it's a simple matter of changing the element Item.itemsList[] for each of those items to be an instance of your item instead.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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