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Hey guys,


So, I'm getting the hang of modelling now and I've got a few models in my mod. Each has it's own ID.


However, for an idea I had, I need quite a lot of models. I don't want to take up loads of IDs, so how can I put them all on the same ID? I need rotation on them, and I want each block to be available in creative and craftable (but only one for each, not the other 3 rotated states)


I know it must be possible, Redpower does it with the Microblocks - So can anyone push me in the right direction?

width=463 height=200


My mods (Links coming soon)

Cities | Roads | Remula | SilvaniaMod | MoreStats


To do this, override the following function in your block class:


public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world, int meta)


This should return an TileEntity based on the block metadata.


I don't suppose you know how Redpower does it?


Your method is just standard metadata (only up to 15) but Redpower has thousands... On the wiki it also says something like "If you want more than 16, use a tile entity"- which is essentially what I'm trying to do?

RP is sneaky. It uses item metadata (which goes up to 32768) and... somehow... transfers that to TE NBT data. Um... it looks like you override onItemUse(), set the block, then set the TE data for that block (casting to your TE first of course.)



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


I don't suppose you know how Redpower does it?


Your method is just standard metadata (only up to 15) but Redpower has thousands... On the wiki it also says something like "If you want more than 16, use a tile entity"- which is essentially what I'm trying to do?

RP is sneaky. It uses item metadata (which goes up to 32768) and... somehow... transfers that to TE NBT data. Um... it looks like you override onItemUse(), set the block, then set the TE data for that block (casting to your TE first of course.)


Ah ok, I have no idea how NBT works. Even with rotation I doubt I'd have more than 64 things so I guess just normal meta would be enough really, I wont overcomplicate things for the sake of 3 IDs :P

width=463 height=200


My mods (Links coming soon)

Cities | Roads | Remula | SilvaniaMod | MoreStats


I don't suppose you know how Redpower does it?


Your method is just standard metadata (only up to 15) but Redpower has thousands... On the wiki it also says something like "If you want more than 16, use a tile entity"- which is essentially what I'm trying to do?

RP is sneaky. It uses item metadata (which goes up to 32768) and... somehow... transfers that to TE NBT data. Um... it looks like you override onItemUse(), set the block, then set the TE data for that block (casting to your TE first of course.)


Ah ok, I have no idea how NBT works. Even with rotation I doubt I'd have more than 64 things so I guess just normal meta would be enough really, I wont overcomplicate things for the sake of 3 IDs :P

No, no, it's easy.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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