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[1.15.2] Nerf/Change vanilla ore Generation


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I want to change the vanilla ore generation.

For example I want to make Iron ore more rare (generates lower, in smaller veins and less veins)

I have absolutly no idea where to start. Do I have to somehow remove the vanilla generation and add my own

or can I just change it somewhere?!


I use 1.15.2 but i want to update in the future.


Thanks in advance!


Edited by jmb19905
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Yes, you need to remove the feature that generates the iron ore from every biome in the game. This is because every biome register its own set of features, and all of the biomes have the basic ore generation feature registered. So after removing ore generation from every biome you need to loop through them again and add the ore feature with your custom generation parameters. I suggest you to look into some vanilla biome classes to get an idea how features are added. Also in the DefaultBiomeFeatures class you can find many informations, such as the parameters used by vanilla for ore generation (vein sizes, max and min height etc...), and you can also see how to create features.

Edited by Beethoven92

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

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You have to loop through every biome and remove the feature that is responsible for ore generation. As i said, take a look at the classes i suggested and also take a look at this post, which exactly matches your problem:


Edited by Beethoven92
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Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

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