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[SOLVED][1.16.x] RenderGameOverlayEvent - Missing vanilla texture coordinates

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Posted (edited)

Hello everybody,


i need your help. I render a custom screen in Minecraft with the RenderGameOverlayEvent, but the Armor Bar and Food Bar lose their texture coordinates.

Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong?



public class GuiEvents
    public static void renderGUI(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event)
        new PlayerDataScreen(Minecraft.getInstance(), event.getMatrixStack());



public class PlayerDataScreen extends IngameGui
    public PlayerDataScreen(Minecraft mcIn, MatrixStack matrixStack)
        StringTextComponent textComponent = new StringTextComponent("");
        textComponent.func_230529_a_(new StringTextComponent(",").func_240699_a_(TextFormatting.WHITE));
        textComponent.func_230529_a_(new StringTextComponent("").func_240699_a_(TextFormatting.DARK_GRAY));
        textComponent.func_230529_a_(new StringTextComponent(",").func_240699_a_(TextFormatting.WHITE));
        textComponent.func_230529_a_(new StringTextComponent("").func_240699_a_(TextFormatting.DARK_RED));

        this.getFontRenderer().func_243246_a(matrixStack, textComponent, 15,15, 16);





Edited by DestroyedAdventure
17 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You must check the element type when subscribing to RenderGameOverlayEvent (RenderGameOverlayEvent#getType), otherwise your code will run many times every frame - for every part of the HUD that is being drawn. For simply adding to the HUD, use ElementType.ALL.


Why on earth are you extending IngameGui? This makes no sense.

I changed this in the Event-Handler and the PlayerDataScreen extending now from the AbstractGui Class (Is this the right class? Or should I choose the ForgeIngame class?). But it works perfectly :)


49 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Why are you drawing stuff inside a constructor? This makes no sense.

I cant find any methode to override for drawing content :/ Im stupid :D and it's really hard with obfuscated names :/


21 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

The last two points I think I have seen before. Are you following a tutorial?

Nope, i'm studying alone :D 

i have a question @diesieben07, can you speak german?^^

1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Make your own? Please learn basic Java.



War der Meinung, dass es in einer älteren Version von Forge/Minecraft eine Methode zum rendern von Elementen gab, die überschrieben wurde. Hätte ja sein können, dass es die noch gibt oder ich verwechsle da was🤔. Das letzte mal habe ich mich mit Minecraft Forge Modding 2013 beschäftigt :D . Hab jetzt eine eigene Methode geschrieben, die aufgerufen wird. Danke für die Hilfe! Funktioniert! :) 

3 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Please keep this forum in English.

Sorry, but my text is irrelevant to others.


It contains neither solutions or problems and was addressed to you. I thought it wouldn't be a problem if it was written in German.


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