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I'm new to the forum and I program with forge since few days..

And I've a problem with a TileEntity which contains 2 fields (track & radius) who are edited by a server command.

if I verify from the (server)command class, the fields are successfully modified, but when I execute a method in my TileEntity, the fields are empty again ! I'm not English so I hope I've correctly explained my problem. With the code it's easier to understand :

CommandSetting (the class which manage the command)


TriggerTileEntity (the tileentity class)


Triggerblock (the blockContainer Class)



So when I call CommandSetting and then call the updateEntity method from the TileEntity, it fail because track and radius are empty...

What's wrong ? the mod is supposed to be universal, so if I made mistakes with the sides, please tell me about that too. I've not posted the mod main class but the command, the block and the TileEntity are in the game so there is no problem in this class.

Thanks for you time and your help ! :)


Your problem, I think, is that the server side has different info to the client side.

Update entity is a method called by the client and server on each game tick, you don't want to be using this to update the fields within your tile entity as it will slow down the system (your passing lots of info every tick, which is never good).

There are the following methods you can put into your tile entity, which will get called by the server every time you call "world.markBlockForUpdate(x,y,z);" and will send a packet from the server tile entity to the equivalent client tile entity. (also better as you don't need packet handling).


just put this in your tile entity.

public void onDataPacket(INetworkManager net, Packet132TileEntityData pkt)
	NBTTagCompound tag = pkt.customParam1;

public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
	NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
	return new Packet132TileEntityData(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 0, tag);


(NOTE, you need to put these into your tile entity, by default they are empty)


again just to clarify, this will read the info about the server tile entity then send the info the the client tile entity. Again I'll clarify, to use this set the info on the tile using your command, make sure that this is happening on the server side (world.isRemote = false), then call world.markBlockForUpdate(x,y,z) and that will handle the info


thanks for the reply.

The tileEntity must search for nearby players very often and send them a packet so i must keep the updateEntity method. am i wrong ?

To use the methods : the server command class edit the tileEntity Fields and then do world.markBlockForUpdate(x,y,z);  to apply change on client side ? it's like these method work ?

i haven't the code at the moment, but when i go home and have my computer(i write with my android phone actually) i will try but you can tell me if i'm wrong before i do it. ^^


I think most of your code should be fine, I'm just thinking something like this in your command code

    public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] par2ArrayOfStr)
    	if (par2ArrayOfStr.length >= 2)
    		int blockHitX = 0;
        int blockHitY = 0;
        int blockHitZ = 0;
        int blockHitSide = 0;
    		if((Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F) != null)){
    	        blockHitX = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockX;
    	        blockHitY = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockY;
    	        blockHitZ = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockZ;
    	        blockHitSide = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).sideHit;
            TriggerTileEntity test2 =  (TriggerTileEntity) Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.getBlockTileEntity(blockHitX, blockHitY, blockHitZ);
            test2.track = par2ArrayOfStr[0];
            test2.radius = Integer.parseInt(par2ArrayOfStr[1]);
            par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer("Sucess !" + test2.radius + "|" + test2.track);

    		Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.markBlockForUpdate(blockHitX, blockHitY, blockHitZ); //ADD THIS LINE TO YOUR CODE, REMEMBER TO ADD THE DATA PACKET STUFF TO THE TILE

    		catch(Exception e)
    			par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer("A Problem occured !");


that was what I was thinking.  but it still doesn't work. same problem (just in case I moved the updateEntity method to another which is called when the player hit the block, it's just for testing and to prevent passing lots of info every tick)

The tileEntity is here, in the block(because I have no error so the command can reached the tileEntity) but the fields are still empty...  It's really annoying because all of the mod work fine except this  :-\  .


also I think this :

      int blockHitX = 0;
        int blockHitY = 0;
        int blockHitZ = 0;
        int blockHitSide = 0;
    		if((Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F) != null)){
    	        blockHitX = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockX;
    	        blockHitY = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockY;
    	        blockHitZ = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).blockZ;
    	        blockHitSide = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity.rayTrace(200, 1.0F).sideHit;

work for the moment because I test in singleplayer, but when I will put the mod on the server, it will not work ?



If there is an easier way to do what my mod should do, feel free to tell me I'm ready to change all the code if it's really usefull.

My TileEntity is a block which send a specific packet to all player nearby himself , the radius and the packed data are configurable with one command(or a GUI but it's more difficult, i prefer a command that need to look at the block).


I know how to do this with a gui, kinda the only thing which is working in my mod at the moment :D





Proximity detector, emits redstone when entitys are nearby




radial field, repels/attracts nearby entitys




the important part in the gui is the action performed method, this sends the information about the button pressed to the server (via a packet), which then updates the client via world.markBlockForUpdate in the packetHandler


If you don't understand something just say


i wasn't thinking you will give your code, but a huge thanks !

I love your blocks, i will modify the proximity detector to  remplace my old Triggerblock..

But can i keep the twoblock you have already coded ? i just want to have them on my server. and of course i will give you credit on the server website.

And actually I'm trying to add a textfield to the GUI.

You said "kinda the only thing which is working in my mod at the moment ", you mean the tileentity don't work(not emit redstone signal) and don't search for nearby entities ? if you want in my mod it's the only thing which worked, so i can send you my code which do that. ;D


i wasn't thinking you will give your code, but a huge thanks !

I love your blocks, i will modify the proximity detector to  remplace my old Triggerblock..

But can i keep the twoblock you have already coded ? i just want to have them on my server. and of course i will give you credit on the server website.

And actually I'm trying to add a textfield to the GUI.

You said "kinda the only thing which is working in my mod at the moment ", you mean the tileentity don't work(not emit redstone signal) and don't search for nearby entities ? if you want in my mod it's the only thing which worked, so i can send you my code which do that. ;D


haha, no. The proximity detector and such all work fine. The things that aren't working are still WIP and i'm making good progress with (multiblock structure, node based network system with over complicated gui and mechanics)


Feel free ti use any of my stuff, There is a link to my mod download below and I leave all my source code open to the public on github as I prefer things to be open source as it benefits the community better. I was having trouble getting my mod to work on a server, but it could be my friend not installing it properly to the server so let me know if you get it working (He was getting a null pointer every time he tried to get a block from creative)


Thanks you very much for your help ! it work.

now I've an awesome GUI, by the way now i know how to do GUI(with textbox !), and block which can receive and send redstone signal.  Your mod work wonderfully in multiplayer, I've tried. You just have a string formatting error in the radial field emitter, i fixed that but you know how to fix it ! (line 226 in TileEntityRadialField.java).


Thanks you very much for your help ! it work.

now I've an awesome GUI, by the way now i know how to do GUI(with textbox !), and block which can receive and send redstone signal.  Your mod work wonderfully in multiplayer, I've tried.

Glad you got all that working and that I could help


You just have a string formatting error in the radial field emitter, i fixed that but you know how to fix it ! (line 226 in TileEntityRadialField.java).


I'm not quite sure what the issue you're mentioning is, That has never given me a problem, and is just there to round the number to the nearest tenth. If you could clarify that would be really useful.

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