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Okay, so i got this solar panel and cable tileentities rendering as TileEntitySpecialRender and well as that works all fine in actual world it doesn't work that fine in the inventory, it's just a blank spot where the item's supposed to be! :o


Main file: https://github.com/vpklotar/Industrial-Line/blob/master/src/se/vpklotar/il/Il.java

SolarPanelSpeicalRender: https://github.com/vpklotar/Industrial-Line/blob/master/src/se/vpklotar/il/power/SolarPanelSpeiclaRender.java

SolarPanel (block): https://github.com/vpklotar/Industrial-Line/blob/master/src/se/vpklotar/il/power/SolarPanelSpeiclaRender.java


What... are you doing... with a cow...?


lmao  after your post i had to check for it in the code, and yup, there's something going on here with cows and solar energy.


I apologize for posting without bringing any knowledge on how to address this issue to the table... ObsequiousNewt's reaction was too intriguing not to take a peek.  Ah, man, that's funny.


Ok, first off, you'll want an item renderer class, which should look like this:


package package.package;


public class Item[YOURBLOCK]Renderer implements IItemRenderer {

private [MODEL VAR] [MODEL];

public Item[YOUR BLOCK]Renderer() {

[MODEL VAR] = new [MODEL]();

public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type) {

return true;

public boolean shouldUseRenderHelper(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, ItemRendererHelper helper) {

return true;

public void renderItem(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, Object... data) {
TileEntityRenderer.instance.renderTileEntityAt(new TileEntity[YOUR TILE ENTITY](), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0F);



and then  register your item renderer in your Proxy like this:


MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer([bLOCK ID], new Item[YOUR BLOCK]Renderer());


I had the same problem with my items.

I solved it by setting up a switch statement in either the shouldUseRenderHelper() or the handleRenderType() method  (go for the shouldUseRenderHelper one, I can't quite remember) and having it return false in the case INVENTORY.

EDIT: whoops that only works for items implementing  IItemRenderer , sorry...

And no my name is not inspired by DBZ ^^

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