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I have been working on updating my mod dev space to 1.16.4. I have at least gotten it to where there are not any errors, but I can't even test if things still work, as the gradle is throwing the error attached below when I try to build it. I think I may have entered something wrong with the mappings, but I'm not sure what. I can't really attach my entire github project as it still has the 1.15.2 version on it, and I don't want to merge until I have got a working replacement. However, I can provide specific files if you need them. I have gone ahead and attached the build file for the gradle for reference and a --stacktrace for the error as well. Let me know if I need to provide anything else.


Thanks in advance!





By full path I assume you mean the package path. The full path is :




There is also an .enums on the same level as the .ringsOfInfinity, but it hasn't caused any issues in the past. One thing I did not think of last night (I was rather tired when I made the post) is I can just make a new branch for the 1.16.4 port, so I have also included that, along with the 1.15.2 branch.


1.15.2 Branch: https://github.com/skiprocks999/Rings-of-Infinity/tree/Rings-Of-Infinity/RingsOfInfinity


1.16.4 Branch: https://github.com/skiprocks999/Rings-of-Infinity/tree/Rings-Of-Infinity-1.16.4/RingsOfInfinity


Let me know if I need to include anything else!

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