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Went through all the steps to make forge server hosted from my computer. I was able to successfully launch the server, but after joining the server I noticed not all my mods were working. Most notably it didn't generate a world with biomes o' plenty when I made sure to set the biomes o' plenty default world setting in the configs to true. Also gravestone mod won't give me gravestones. I made sure to update my java and everything and yes, I made sure to create the server using the forge .jar file. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


First of all, which I assume you know, is that the computer must always be on from which the server is being hosted. Secondly what kind of computer is this? If it has a GUI (like windows or mac and some distributions of linux/ubuntu/debian) it will make things much easier for changing things to the correct setting. Third, I would like to know what the desired outcome is, and what mods you have installed, forge version, debug.log, ETC, the basics.


For Biomes O' Plenty, you have to make sure that the world type is set to a Biomes O' Plenty world type. So you'll have to reset your world.


And finally, I assume you know that most mods MUST be on both the client and server for it to function properly. So for example, if you want lucky blocks, that must be in the server mods folder, AND in your .minecraft mod folder.


For me to fully finish helping you I need the rest of the information that I stated above.




15 hours ago, foonicular said:

First of all, which I assume you know, is that the computer must always be on from which the server is being hosted. Secondly what kind of computer is this? If it has a GUI (like windows or mac and some distributions of linux/ubuntu/debian) it will make things much easier for changing things to the correct setting. Third, I would like to know what the desired outcome is, and what mods you have installed, forge version, debug.log, ETC, the basics.


For Biomes O' Plenty, you have to make sure that the world type is set to a Biomes O' Plenty world type. So you'll have to reset your world.


And finally, I assume you know that most mods MUST be on both the client and server for it to function properly. So for example, if you want lucky blocks, that must be in the server mods folder, AND in your .minecraft mod folder.


For me to fully finish helping you I need the rest of the information that I stated above.





Here is the debug. The modlist is at the bottom. I am aware that I used an exported forge modpack file as mod. Idk why I thought that would work. I'm still having trouble figuring out this process though. Basically what I want is simply to have my server world loaded with a biomes o' plenty world seed and to be capable of harboring mod items and entities. 

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