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[1.15.2] Display text in the upper right


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(Please forgive me for using a translator. :D

I wanted to show strings on the display and created a project in 1.15.2.
I ported from the code that worked in 1.8.9, but apparently it doesn't work in 1.15.2.
In the code of 1.8.9
I used Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow() from RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre.
Since there was the same method in 1.15.2, I wrote it as it is, but it seems that it does not work.

I also tried, but it didn't work. I also tried RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post and so on.

Can anyone please teach me how to display the character string in the upper left corner of the screen?


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public void onRender(final RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event)
    if (event.getType() != RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.ALL/*HEALTH*/)
public void draw()
    if (nowWanted == 0)
    IngameGui gui = Minecraft.getInstance().ingameGUI;
    int maxWidth = Minecraft.getInstance().getMainWindow().getWidth();
    int maxHeight = Minecraft.getInstance().getMainWindow().getHeight();
    int width = Regions.getStringWidth(StringUtils.repeat(/*'\u2606'*/"a", 5));
    String nowS= StringUtils.repeat(/*'\u2605'*/"a", 5);
    String maxS= StringUtils.repeat(/*'\u2606'*/"b", 5);
    String cS= nowS+ maxS;
    Matcher matcher = new Pattern("[\\s]{1,5}").matcher(cS);
    AtomicInteger ip = new AtomicInteger();
    FontRenderer fr = Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer;
    while (matcher.find())
        //drawText(matcher.group(), 2, 2);
        gui.drawCenteredString(fr, "Test123", 20, 20, 0xffFFFFFF);
        ip.set(ip.get() + 11);



public static final int FULL_COLOR = Regions.colorFromRGB(255, 255, 255, 255)
public static int colorFromRGB(Number red, Number green, Number blue, Number alpha)
    return red.intValue() << 16 | green.intValue() << 8 | blue.intValue() | alpha.intValue() << 24;
public static void drawText(String s, int w, int h)
    FontRenderer fr = Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer;
    fr.drawStringWithShadow(s, (float) w, (float) h, FULL_COLOR);}




Edited by Peyang
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Originally it was created to connect Bukkit and Forge with a Plugin Message. nowWanted is a dedicated plug-in "https://github.com/TeamKun/GTAWantedDisplayTestPlugin" Changed from "/ wanted <max> <now>".

The server is Bukkit Server, not Forge Server.

Also, nowWanted if passed safely and I was able to get standard output.

I look forward to working with you.

Also, this mod does not need to send packets, it intercepts packets from the server.

I pushed the code for this log.

public void draw()

    if (nowWanted == 0)
    System.out.println("nowWanted: " + nowWanted);


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This is a mod that reproduces the GTA Wanted Star.
1. Build a PaperMC 1.15.2 server.
2. Copy https://github.com/TeamKun/GTAWantedDisplayTestPlugin/releases to plugins and do /reload or /restart.
3. Build https://github.com/TeamKun/GTA5WantedDisplayMod and enter the Bukkit server.
4. From the player, run /wanted <maxWanted> <nowWanted>.
Note: maxWanted is the maximum number of stars and nowWanted is the number of stars to change

Five stars will wrap to the next line.

Test case:

Input /wanted 10 4
Expected output: 


Input /wanted 5 3
Expected output: 


Input /wanted 20 13
Expected output:


I look forward to working with you.
Thank you

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