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Need help with modifying some vanilla rendering [1.16.4]

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Posted (edited)


I'm modifying the damage calculation by subscribing to LivingHurtEvent and scaling the damage value. This works fine, but now I also want to change the rendering a bit. My current LivingHurtEvent looks like this (I removed some unnecessary stuff)

	public static void elementifyLivingHurtEvent(LivingHurtEvent event)
		// compute new damage value  

		// heals the target, if damage is lower than 0. This can happen with my modification
		if(damageAmount <= 0)
			event.setCanceled(true); //does this even do something?
			damageAmount = 0;


1. I want to change the red texture (an OverlayTexture?) to a green one, if the targets is healed. But I don't really know, where I should start with this task. I couldn't even find the code, that applies the red texture. So which Event do I need to hook in, so I can change this texture? Is it RenderLivingEvent? I also would like to read the vanilla code. I'm assuming, that the red overlayTexture is applied as long as hurttime>0, and that I might need to work around this with capabilities.

2. I also would like to reduce the screen shake (or at least disable it, when no damage has been dealt). Here I got the same question as 1. As you can see, I'm not really experienced with all the render stuff. It's my first time working with it.


3. Not really a question about rendering, but I didn't want to create a new thread for a single problem. I would also like to prevent the hurt-sound from firing, if no damage has been dealt and instead play another sound. Again I have no idea, where I would have to start looking in the vanilla code or which event I should use.


So yeah, I'm quite clueless and I hope you can help me out. Here is my repository, if you need more informations: https://github.com/Tavi007/ElementalCombat

Edited by Tavi007


Can someone at least help me find the method, that applies the red overlay texture to a livingEntity in the minecraft code?

Or the method, that makes the screen shake on hit?

Thank you in advance :)

Posted (edited)

Thank you poopoodice for leading me in the right direction. I could figure out quite a bit by myself and I'm going to explain what I did, so you guys can tell me, if it is a good solution or not. Generally both the screen shake and the red overlay texture are bound to the hurttime of the entity. I would have loved to change the hurttime directly, but the used forge event hook (LivingHurtEvent) happens before the hurttime gets its value. So i needed work around this problem.


Problem 1: disabling the red flash.
My solution was to temporarly set the hurttime of the entity to zero using RenderLivingEvent.Pre and Post. I added a capability for livingEntities, that holds a copy of the hurt time and a flag, that is set to true, when I want to disable the overlay texture. I also needed to send a message, because the server side event decides, when the entity (on the client side) should be rendered differently.
With this capability in place I could do the following events:


	public static void onRenderLivingEventPre(RenderLivingEvent.Pre<LivingEntity, EntityModel<LivingEntity>> event) {
		LivingEntity entityIn = event.getEntity();
		HurtRenderData data = (HurtRenderData) entityIn.getCapability(HurtRenderDataCapability.HURT_RENDER_CAPABILITY, null).orElse(new HurtRenderData());
		if(entityIn.hurtTime > 0) {
			if (data.disableFlag) {
				entityIn.hurtTime = 0; //desync client and server hurtTime. Is this a problem?

				//to do: add green overlay texture
		else {
			data.disableFlag = false;


	public static void onRenderLivingEventPost(RenderLivingEvent.Post<LivingEntity, EntityModel<LivingEntity>> event) {
		LivingEntity entityIn = event.getEntity();
		HurtRenderData data = (HurtRenderData) entityIn.getCapability(HurtRenderDataCapability.HURT_RENDER_CAPABILITY, null).orElse(new HurtRenderData());
		if (data.disableFlag && data.getHurtTime() > 0) {
			entityIn.hurtTime = data.getHurtTime();

I desyncronize the hurttime on client and server on purpose for a short amount of time, so that when the game renders the entity, with a hurttime of 0. To minimize the time, that client and server are desyncronized I reset the hurttime in the post event. It might be sufficient to set the hurttime to zero once and be done with it. However I do not know, if this can cause problems.

Problem 2: disabling the screenshake
Since there isn't a pre and post event for the EntityViewRenderEvent, I needed to trick the game differently. I had 2 options: Either remove the right matrix from the matrixstack or roll the camera back into the normal position. I assume, that removing the right matrixstack is the efficient solution, but I didn't know how I could do it. Instead I went with rolling the camera back into position.

	public static void onEntityViewRenderEvent(CameraSetup event) {
		Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
		if(mc.player != null) {
			if (mc.player.hurtTime > 0) {
				HurtRenderData data = (HurtRenderData) mc.player.getCapability(HurtRenderDataCapability.HURT_RENDER_CAPABILITY, null).orElse(new HurtRenderData());
				if(data.disableFlag) {
					// Use the same calculation as in GameRenderer#hurtCameraEffect.
					float f = (float) (mc.player.hurtTime - event.getRenderPartialTicks());
					f = f / (float) mc.player.maxHurtTime;
					f = MathHelper.sin(f * f * f * f * (float)Math.PI);
					event.setRoll(f * 14.0F); // counter acts the screen shake. Only the hand is moving now.

Again I use the flag from the capability to check, if I even want the roll back. Now I only need to do the same calculation as in GameRenderer#hurtCameraEffect, but instead of rolling to the left (hurtCameraEffect uses -f * 14.0F to roll the camera) I roll to the right. The result is a canceled animation (Tho the arm still twitches, because that is a different render. But I'm okay with this).

I still have some question left:

-How can I add a green overlay texture? I could add a LayerRender, which is just a slightly transparent green color, but I do not understand how I can do this.
-As for disabling the hurt sound, I probably just need the right sound event. I haven't started to look into this yet, but If someone has an idea, which event could be the right one, plesae tell me. The help is appreciated.

Edited by Tavi007

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