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Hey, I am trying to add a recipe for making copper and tin from other mods in my mod, but I can't figure out how to do it, I know how to use copper or tin from another mods to create another item, but I don't know how to do it so that I can use the OreDictionary as the out come of a recipe, this is what I have at the moment:


CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().add(new ShapedOreRecipe(mod_mCrops.mSeedsCopper, true, new Object[]{
       Character.valueOf('F'), "ingotCopper", Character.valueOf('X'), new ItemStack(mod_mCrops.MagicEssence,0,1) }));

The above works fine for using ingotCopper to make something, but It won't work if I want something to turn into the ingotCopper. Hope someone can help.


Looking at the ShapedOreRecipe - it's not possible to pass a string ID of an item group as a recipe result. IMO the usage of ore dict is to allow "similar" resources from other mods to be interchangeable with your own resources (e.g. copper ingot). But it's expected you still have registered your resource (your copper ingot) if it's an output of some recipe.


It could be done via OreDictionary.getOres("ingotCopper"), but if no mod adds a copper ingot you run into troubles.

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Ok, so if I used that and there wasn't any mod what adds ingotCopper then it will crash? Or be unstable? So the easier way if to create my own ingots of each mod I want to support and add it to the Ore Dictionary?


you could try this - ore dict gives you a list of items registered for "ingotCopper". in post load phase you can check if it returns at least one item and this item you'll use as an output for your recipes (if no item is found you just won't register recipes with that item).



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