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Hello, does anyone know how I can generate my block, some crystals, in caves. I have tried generating it as an ore in 1 block veins but I would like my crystals to only spawn on cave floors and not inside chunks of stone like most ores do. Sort of like how grass or flowers generates in plains biomes.

I am very clueless, any help is appreciated


Well, if you want your crystals to generate in caves, you surely don't want to replicate the ore generation behavior, since as you already experienced they will be generated also completely enclosed by stone. What you need here is to create your own Feature (look at existing vanilla features for reference) that generates your crystal blocks by checking if the position where your crystal would be placed is, first of all, an air block (and with a solid block below), then you may want to also check surrounding blocks (and probably some blocks above the crystal) and verify that their are also air blocks (or that a certain number of them must be air block, to allow crystals to generate near corners for example). This should at least ensure that your block will generate in open spaces..you can start from that and then refine your generation system as needed.

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

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