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Hi, I have 2 questions:

1. How do i get a gui screen to update instantly? My screens only update when I open/close them, or change the size of the Minecraft window. My in game gui updates instantly, which is what I want my screens to do aswell.

2. I have buttons on this gui that I want to, when hovered over, to display a string/tooltip. There is an ITooltip parameter in the constructor of the Button class, but I'm not sure what to put in there if I just want to display a string. How would I do that?



Define "update". And show code.

The screen has 3 buttons, all with a "style id", which, when pressed, sends a packet to set an "active attack style", which is decided by the style id of the button pressed. The buttons are all grey, except for the button with the active style id, which is supposed to turn red, and also make the previously active button grey.

The button colours do update, but only if i close/reopen the screen. I would like it to be able to update the colours while the screen is still open.

Screen class

package lk1905.gielinorcraft.client.gui.screen;

import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack;

import lk1905.gielinorcraft.Gielinorcraft;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.api.combat.AttackStyles;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.api.skill.ISkills;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.AttackStyleCapability;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.IAttackStyle;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.skill.SkillCapability;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.client.gui.widget.AttackStyleButton;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent;

public class AttackStyleScreen extends Screen{

	private Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
	private final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Gielinorcraft.MODID, "textures/gui/combat.png");
	private AttackStyleButton[] styleButton;
	private String[] styleName;
	private PlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
	private ISkills skillCap = player.getCapability(SkillCapability.SKILL_CAP).orElse(null);
	private IAttackStyle styleCap = player.getCapability(AttackStyleCapability.STYLE_CAP).orElse(null);
	private final int xSize = 134;
	private final int ySize = 163;
	private int guiLeft;
	private int guiTop;
	public AttackStyleScreen() {
		super(new StringTextComponent("Combat styles"));
		styleButton = new AttackStyleButton[6];
		styleName = new String[6];

	public boolean isPauseScreen() {
		return false;
	public void init() {
		guiLeft = (width - xSize) / 2;
		guiTop = (height - ySize) / 2;
		for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
			if(styleCap.getAttackStyle(i) == AttackStyles.EMPTY) {
				styleButton[i] = null;
				styleName[i] = null;
			}else {
				styleButton[0] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) - 57, height / 2 - 45, 0);
				styleButton[1] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) + 1, height / 2 - 45, 1);
				styleButton[2] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) - 57, height / 2 - 18, 2);
				styleButton[3] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) + 1, height / 2 - 18, 3);
				styleButton[4] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) - 57, height / 2 + 9, 4);
				styleButton[5] = new AttackStyleButton((width / 2) + 1, height / 2 + 9, 5);
				styleName[i] = styleCap.getStyleName(i);
			if(styleButton[i] != null) {
	public void render(final MatrixStack stack, final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final float partialTicks) {
		super.render(stack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
		stack.scale(1F, 1F, 1F);
		this.blit(stack, guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
		drawCenteredString(stack, font, "Combat level: " + skillCap.getCombatLevel(), width / 2, (height / 2) - 70, 111111);

		for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
			if(styleButton[i] != null) {
				styleButton[i].renderButton(stack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
				if(styleButton[i].isHovered()) {
					this.renderTooltip(stack, new StringTextComponent(styleCap.getStyleDescription(i)), mouseX, mouseY);
			if(styleName[i] != null) {
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[0], width / 2 - 30, height / 2 - 40, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[1], width / 2 + 29, height / 2 - 40, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[2], width / 2 - 30, height / 2 - 13, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[3], width / 2 + 29, height / 2 - 13, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[4], width / 2 - 30, height / 2 + 14, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));
				drawCenteredString(stack, font, styleName[5], width / 2 + 29, height / 2 + 14, Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16));


Button class

package lk1905.gielinorcraft.client.gui.widget;

import lk1905.gielinorcraft.Gielinorcraft;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.AttackStyleCapability;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.IAttackStyle;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.network.AttackStyleClientPacket;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.network.PacketHandler;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.button.ImageButton;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;

public class AttackStyleButton extends ImageButton{
	private static PlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
	private static IAttackStyle styleCap = player.getCapability(AttackStyleCapability.STYLE_CAP).orElse(null);
	private static int yTex = 0;
	public AttackStyleButton(int xIn, int yIn, int widthIn, int heightIn, int xTexStartIn, int yTexStartIn,
			int yDiffTextIn, ResourceLocation resourceLocationIn, IPressable onPressIn) {
		super(xIn, yIn, widthIn, heightIn, xTexStartIn, yTexStartIn, yDiffTextIn, resourceLocationIn, onPressIn);

	public AttackStyleButton(int xIn, int yIn, int styleId) {
		this(xIn, yIn, 56, 20, 137, yTex, 0 , new ResourceLocation(Gielinorcraft.MODID, "textures/gui/combat.png"), (button) -> {
			PacketHandler.sendToServer(new AttackStyleClientPacket(styleId));
		if(styleCap.getActiveStyleId() == styleId) {
			yTex = 23;
		}else {
			yTex = 0;

I also have another problem which I forgot to mention in the OP, but it actually sets the colour of the next button to red, instead of the button it is supposed to (e.g if button with id 0 is the active id, then button with id 1 is the one thats coloured red, not button 0).



Look at what vanilla does. Basically you need to give it an implementation of ITooltip which Minecraft will then call to render the tooltip.

Yea, I ended up mostly succeeding at doing this(is in above code in screen class). Although the problem is that only the last button's tooltip gets rendered. 


I ended up finding a solution elsewhere for my buttons to display the updated texture on the correct button:

package lk1905.gielinorcraft.client.gui.widget;

import lk1905.gielinorcraft.Gielinorcraft;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.AttackStyleCapability;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.capability.attackstyle.IAttackStyle;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.network.PacketHandler;
import lk1905.gielinorcraft.network.attackstyle.AttackStyleClientPacket;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.button.ImageButton;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;

public class AttackStyleButton extends ImageButton{
	private static int yTex(int slotId) {	
		Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
		PlayerEntity player =  mc.player;
		IAttackStyle styleCap = player.getCapability(AttackStyleCapability.STYLE_CAP).orElse(null);
		if(styleCap.getActiveStyleId() == slotId) {
			return 23;
		}else {
			return 0;

	public AttackStyleButton(int xIn, int yIn, int slotId) {	
		super(xIn, yIn, 56, 20, 137, yTex(slotId), 0 , new ResourceLocation(Gielinorcraft.MODID, "textures/gui/combat.png"), (button) -> {
			PacketHandler.sendToServer(new AttackStyleClientPacket(slotId));

And yes, the yTex(int slotId) method is static. It doesn't work if not static, and unless you give a specific reason why it shouldn't be static, and a solution that does the above but with a non-static method, its staying static.


You need to update the buttons when the capability changes.

How do I update the buttons? Is there a method I need to run in the onPress? Or a way to detect a button being pressed in my Screen that can re-render the buttons?

Also, my tooltip method still only displays the tooltip for the last button and not any of the previous ones:

if(styleButton[i].isHovered()) {
					this.renderTooltip(stack, new StringTextComponent(styleCap.getStyleDescription(i)), mouseX, mouseY);

I could just hardcode it like this for every button, but I was hoping just the above statement would be able to do it.

Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, LK1905 said:


private static int yTex(int slotId) {	
		Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
		PlayerEntity player =  mc.player;
		IAttackStyle styleCap = player.getCapability(AttackStyleCapability.STYLE_CAP).orElse(null);
		if(styleCap.getActiveStyleId() == slotId) {
			return 23;
		}else {
			return 0;


The yTex is calculated upon the creation of the button, and then it will always be the same afterwards.

So you will need to listen to the change, and then replace that button (you can store the instance in a field, remove it from Screen.buttons, and update the field with a new created button). 

Edited by poopoodice

For the "listen to the change" part, there's a mouseClicked method in the Widget class (which the Button class extends from) that I think would do the job, but I'm not sure what the int button parameter does, do you know?

Posted (edited)

It should represent which button is clicked, left/middle/ or right.


Just guessing, you can add some print lines to check.

Edited by poopoodice
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry for the late response, but I found how to make the buttons update. All I had to do was to clear existing buttons and re-run the init, whenever the buttons are hovered over, like this:

if(styleButton[i].isHovered()) {
	this.renderTooltip(stack, new StringTextComponent(styleCap.getStyleDescription(i)), mouseX, mouseY);

However I still have a problem with that statement, in that it still only works on the last non-null button, and not on any of the previous buttons. Anyone know why the statement would do so?

Full class here.

Edited by LK1905

If I don't have that there, the buttons don't update.


Besides, thats not the issue I was asking, the issue is that only the last button hovered over does whats in that statement.


What exactly do I put in the Button.ITooltip parameter? How do I "give it an Implementation"? I can't find any examples of it actually being used, neither in Vanilla or in other mods.

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