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[1.16.5] help with the official mappings (new mappings)

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I know that the latest version of forge no longer uses the forge but the mojang mappings
therefore i cannot find some methods
is there a list or something similar where i can find the new name of the method
I would find the methods myself, if not most of the classes look like this:


here are some methods with their old names


does anyone know the new mapping names?
and does anyone have any idea why many classes are not readable / look strange?


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

!mcp -c moj mcpName to convert from MCP to Mojang names.

!moj -c mcp mojangName to convert from Mojang names to MCP.



5 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

and why are some classes not readable?

and do i get an answer to this question? is that on purpose or a error in my IDE

Edited by Luis_ST
29 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

I don't use Eclipse so I do not know.

okay thanks for your help
and i think it was a error in my idea,
because i re-imported my forge project and now everything works

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