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well im doing something again after long time

i see a post asking for examples of nbt for 1.15 and do in a test_item  


                CompoundTag nbtTagCompound = itemStack.getTag();

               if (nbtTagCompound == null) {
                   nbtTagCompound = new CompoundTag();

               if (nbtTagCompound != null ) {
                    if( !world.isClient ) {   
                    nbtTagCompound.putInt("x", nbtTagCompound.getInt("x") + 1 );
               System.out.println( "nbtTag x =" + world.isClient + " => " + nbtTagCompound.getInt("x")  );


the nbt is working and the data writed in the server side is being pased to client side 


are NBT reimplemented can i use them to control animations to items and do complicated stuf ?

what happen to the capabilities system ¿ was discarted 



54 minutes ago, perromercenary00 said:


this is not how you post code in the forums (or at least not anymote? perharps it once was, I wouldn't know since I'm  quite new here)

55 minutes ago, perromercenary00 said:

are NBT reimplemented can i use them to control animations to items and do complicated stuf ?

were NBT ever removed? I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use them

56 minutes ago, perromercenary00 said:

what happen to the capabilities system ¿ was discarted

the capibility system is still there, check the documentation for it: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/

Posted (edited)

there was a time when the nbt system was broken  and the nbt data in the server side was sinced no more to client side, they inplement a capabilities system and whith them you have to implement a package system to custome send only the data nesesary to the client side 
that was too shitty and too complicated 

soo make some animation on a item wass ridicolus i do this but end diching out minecraft modding as hobby https://studio.youtube.com/video/A_Hj05Yr2xs/edit
if clasic nbttags are back doing something like this is cheape easy 

relatibely easy


Edited by perromercenary00

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