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  3. Just for testing - is a pre-configured modpack with more mods working? Try ATM9 (419 mods): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 or Prominence II (370 mods): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prominence-2-classic
  4. Sorry, just seeing this now. The compiled jar was working just fine prior to me adding the custom portal, but here is the link to the entire project at the time the portal was in there: https://github.com/warrentode/TurtleBlockAcademy/tree/1.0.1 Direct link to the build.gradle: https://github.com/warrentode/TurtleBlockAcademy/blob/1.0.1/build.gradle Direct link to the access transformer file: https://github.com/warrentode/TurtleBlockAcademy/blob/1.0.1/src/main/resources/META-INF/accessTransformer.cfg And if you need to take a look at the teleporter class: https://github.com/warrentode/TurtleBlockAcademy/blob/1.0.1/src/main/java/com/github/warrentode/turtleblockacademy/world/dimension/portal/TBAMiningTeleporter.java The portal block: https://github.com/warrentode/TurtleBlockAcademy/blob/1.0.1/src/main/java/com/github/warrentode/turtleblockacademy/blocks/TBAMiningPortalBlock.java Currently, I've removed the portal block until I can figure this out and we just access the dimension via a clickable sign in the homeschooling LAN server we have here at home, but I'd really like to be able to solve and fix the problem.
  5. I doubt texture atlasing is the problem which causes the serializer to throw errors if I'm being frank. Though I am in agreement that it seems like Forge, in modern versions, poorly handles tons of mods.
  6. Add crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ and paste the link to it here Delete the carryon-server.toml file from your config folder
  7. <script src="https://paste.ee/e/qgZSn/0"></script>
  8. It is mentioned in the last lines of the log: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null at com.teamabnormals.blueprint.client.renderer.texture.atlas.BlueprintPalettedPermutations.loadPaletteEntryFromImage(BlueprintPalettedPermutations.java:140) ~[blueprint-1.20.1-7.1.0.jar%23541!/:7.1.0] Some kind of rendering issue or an issue with the texture atlas Some other mods are mentioned - maybe these are conflicting: elytratrims immersive_weathering Or referring to the texture atlas - maybe there are too many mods adding new stuff
  9. What makes you say that in particular? I ask because I'm gonna look into submitting a bug report but I think they'll want the specific parts of the log that are pointing to blueprint being the issue
  10. Yesterday
  11. For people coming across this issue: I solved it for my Modpack by disabling the Holiday hats feature in the config file of "Thermal Series". Apparently it is incompatible with some mods like "Creeper Overhaul"
  12. Nevermind, updated the forge port of origins and that worked
  13. Hey, I'm trying to run minecraft on a dedicated server with mods, but it can't start the world. Does anybody have a solution? Log: https://mclo.gs/fysk3AV
  14. Thank you so much. Your fix worked and I was able to keep bygonenether by changing versions too.
  15. Hello there! I'm here today to invite you to join us in an experiance like no other. We play on a server that aims to simulate civilization in minecraft and we invite you to join us. Become part of an expansive nation, grow your power and influence or perhaps simply assist your countrymen in their own endeavors. With enough effort here you can do anything you can imagine. Lead an army into battle, rule over bustling towns, create a company and become rich, or perhaps retire to a simple life of farming with a small group of freinds and simply enjoy the days as they come. We also host events regularly so I promise it won't get boring for a while. If your even slightly interested I highly recommend you join the discord! We can answer any questions you have there. Thank you for your time and interest and I hope to see you soon! https://discord.com/invite/VGxhdF2V56
  16. i am a skyblock player with average mods, however when i open my game, none of the mods show, it is just the forge mod loader. I have like 6 mods but they just don't show in the mod menue of the game, everything else runs fine. in using version 1.20.2 of forge and most of my mods are up to date. This issue didnt happen with oklder versions of forge. yes, everything is in my mod folder, any help is appreciated
  17. i am doing a mod pack and i am testing it and it crashes when i try to load up the game after the launcher. i am testing my modpack locally the crash reports are here --> https://pastebin.com/GibQExv0
  18. Hi all, Is anyone else facing problems when compiling and running your 1.8.9 Forge mods with the mcmod.info file practically being invisible? I did a clean install to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong, and sure enough, when nothing is edited and everything is left untouched... No mod information found Ask your mod author to provide a mod mcmod.info file I'm at a loss here - please help me out! Thank you, /S
  19. Check for your java 17 installation and set the path in the script Replace the word "java" with the path to the javaw.exe Put the path into quotation marks
  20. I dont beleeve the bat file is broken, it alwas worked untill now... but here: https://ibb.co/P5JZ64J
  21. I test with other forge version and this work
  22. Also add the latest.log (logs-folder) with sites like https://paste.ee/ and paste the link to it here
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