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  1. Past hour
  2. I tried to get the player list, but in game servers like Hypixel, it is unrealistic to get the players of the entire server, so I want to make a module to get the player list in the Tab (players in a lobby) Is this possible? Thanks.
  3. Today
  4. yes it works without psi and I've already redone a modpack with an earlier version which works well.
  5. OptiFine HD U I2 requires Forge 43.2.14 to work Also, you can't use Rubidium and Optifine at the same time To replace Optifine, use Rubidium + Oculus or Embeddium + Oculus
  6. Add the crash-report or latest.log (logs-folder) with sites like https://paste.ee/ and paste the link to it here
  7. Hi, I'm running 1.20.1 Forge with two mods one of which is Ballistix and the other is electrodynamics when I tried to open it on my Mac, I got error 225 my macs drive is partitioned with Windows so I opened it on Windows. I tried to open Forge and got error -1 after another try I got it to open but everything is just a 0. I can open Forge without the mods Can anything be done?
  8. I have no idea - maybe switch to another modpack
  9. yes but in aternos there is no minecraft earth files to delete
  10. The issue still refers to minecraft_earth_mod Without this mod and a new world, there should be another error
  11. Maybe use a pre-configured modpack as working base Most of these already have a server pack
  12. yes i have no idea what to delete to make the server work
  13. Does it work without Psi? If yes, try other 1.19.4 builds of this mod
  14. Start with this one - I do not know any other ones
  15. Here it is https://mclo.gs/Gp1115P
  16. Hello everyone, I recently created a modpack but my game can't even load. As soon as I launch minecraft I get an error message saying that Psi can't load. I share the log and crash report. As I don't know anything about modpack creation, maybe the solution is quite simple but I haven't found anything on the internet that could solve my problem. Thank you for your patience and help. Crash report: https://mclo.gs/pd7dS2C Logs: https://mclo.gs/B8oR1bG
  17. Thanks so much, do you have any launcher suggestions or is Prism Launcher the go to launcher?
  18. Some kind of issue/conflict with Create - try older Create builds or remove it
  19. Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies: Mod ID: 'ftblibrary', Requested by: 'ftbquests', Expected range: '[2001.2.1,)', Actual version: '2001.2.0' Mod ID: 'ftblibrary', Requested by: 'ftbchunks', Expected range: '[2001.1.3,2001.2.0)', Actual version: '2001.2.0' Try different builds of FTBLibrary, FTBQuests and FTBChunks until you find a working combination
  20. This applies to all mods requiring a microphone: https://modrepo.de/minecraft/voicechat/wiki/macos So just use another Launcher with the ability to ask for microphone permissions
  21. I still cannot get this one to work for anything, cant find what to put in my accesstransformer to make it visible.
  22. I also tried pointing a regular block to the texture supposed to be used on the block state and it rendered. So the texture and the model json are valid and the issue is specific for the block entity.
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