I had something similar happen before.
what i did was before the rendering i added
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 15 * 16, 15 * 16);
in your case it will be before the "renderAll()" call.
and after the call i enable lighting again using
I'm not sure if you have to have both disable lighting and set the light map texture coords or just one of them, try it and see if it helps.
If you're using the new @Config annotation-based system, a config GUI will automatically be created for you.
If you're using the Configuration class and specifying the properties yourself, you need to create a class that implements IModGuiFactory and specify it in the guiFactory property of your @Mod annotation. In the IModGuiFactory#createConfigGui implementation, you need to create and return an instance of GuiConfig with the top-level IConfigElements.
You can see an example of the new system here.
Which version of MC are you modding for? At the very least, 1.10 and above (and probably 1.9, as well), would require you do something like this:
Block blockClicked = world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlock();
EDIT: On top of that, I would think that any method in Item that would give you the block clicked would give you the Block, or at least a BlockPos, not xyz coordinates.
World#getEntitiesWithinAABB returns a List<T>, where T is the class you pass as the first argument or any super class up to Entity. You can't cast a List<T> to T, you need to get an individual element from the list.
This is basic Java knowledge.